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HTM 314: Attractions and Events Management Attractions:

Definition Characteristics of Attractions Classification of Attractions Theoretical Approaches to Attraction Typology Impacts of Attractions Definition of Attractions: A power of the tourism industry; without it, there would no tourism industry Provides activities for discretionary leisure travel It has with it that which pulls the tourist to a destination All the elements of the non-home that pulls the discretionary traveller

HTM 314: Attractions and Events Management

1 A physical or cultural feature of a particular place that individual travellers or tourists perceive as capa le of meeting one or more of their specific leisure-related needs! "uch features may e am ient in nature #eg! climate, culture, vegetation or scenery$, or they may e specific to a location, such as a theatre performance, a museum or a waterfall! Robert Harris & Joy Howard (1996). % Positive or favoura le attri utes of an area for a given activity or set of activities as desired y a given customer or mar&et, including climate, scenery, activities, culture!

HTM 314: Attractions and Events Management

Characteristics of Attractions: 1! It must e endowed with authenticity, uni'ueness and difference #'uality$ %! (ost attractions are pu lic owned with few of them having private ownership )! Attractions are hierarchical in space * International; +egional; ,ocal ,evels of Attractions The concept of -rganic .unching//!! Classification of Attractions (Swarbrooke, 1995) 1! 0atural * 0ational Par&s, 0ature +eserves, 1alls, etc %! (an-made ut not for Tourism * Adomi .ridge )! (an-made Purposefully for Tourism 2! "pecial 3vents * PA0313"T, 1estival

HTM 314: Attractions and Events Management

Theoretical Approaches to Attractions (Lew, 1991) 1! Ideographic #4ni'ueness$ %! -rganisational #"cale, relationship, si5e$ )! Cognitive #"ightseeing, adventure, rela6ation$ I pacts of Attractions Discuss in Class//

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