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[Lawctopus Sample CV- An informal guide]

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Vinod Mehta (Name-1 pt! font si"e#

College$ Big National Law University (BNLU), Mumbai (1% pt!#

&mail$vinod.mehta@bnlu.edu (Mention the most fre'uentl( used email! )deall( mention the college email )* is mentioned! +ou should ,e a,le to 'uic-l( re.ert when (ou are contacted# Contact Num,er$ +9 !"#"$$%%#9& +9 9' $#9$9$$

&*/CA0)1NAL 2/AL)3CA0)1N (ALL 4&A*)N5S A6& 17 81)N0S9 4)54L)540&* )N 56&+ AN* )N CA8S# C1LL&5&:SC411L
BNLU, Mumbai

2/AL)3)CA0)1N (17 81)N0S9 CA8S# C58A:8&6C&N0 A5&

(ursuing 'th year o) the B*.B.+,-LL.B (.ons.) /ourse .igher +enior +e,ondary (/lass 855)& *))iliated to /B+9 Board +enior +e,ondary (/lass 8)& *))iliated to /B+9 Board %.!-".0

+1. M*234+ .56. +/.77L, /hennai <(+, 2= (U2*M, New <elhi



A**)0)1NAL 2/AL)3)CA0)1NS AN* C1/6S&S C1/6S& )NS0)0/0)1N 0)M& 8&6)1*:86156&SS

?oundation ,ourse ,leared

/om>any +e,retary /ourse

(atents (<L@!0 ) /yber Laws /ourse

5/+5 (8opular a,,re.iations need not ,e written in full form# A5(74s Aorldwide *,ademy, 6eneva *sian +,hool o) /yber Laws

Bune @Buly %, !0 7,tober :@ November !:, !0 0

)N0&6NS4)8S Luthra and Luthra Law 1ffices9 New *elhi [April-Ma(9 7%11$ ; wee-s] (17 points#

[Lawctopus Sample CV- An informal guide]

(3ull name of the organisation is written followed ,( the name of cit(! *uration is mentioned in s'uare ,rac-ets as gi.en a,o.e# <ra)ted a >laint and a ,ease and desist noti,e against the /lientCs trademarD violators. ?ramed a legal o>inion )or a web based ,ri,Det sto,D eE,hange. <id eEtensive ,ase law and statutory resear,h on the 5ndian *rbitration and /on,iliation *,t& ,ase law resear,h on international arbitration and online mediation >ro,esses.

(<or- done during the internship is mentioned in =-; ,ullet points with precise detail! A uniform ,ullet st(le is used throughout#!

Aas the bat,h to>>er with a 6(* o) $.#-" in the %th semester. 7btained F94 grade (the highest attainable grade) in /onstitutional Law 5, (ubli, 5nternational Law.

M110 C1/60 &>8&6)&NC&

Ainner, Man)red La,hs 5nternational +>a,e Law Moot /ourt /om>etition (*sia (a,i)i, 2ound) (*>ril !0 ). (*ates9 where.er applica,le9 are mentioned in ,rac-ets#!

G.indu Law and the /onstitutionH, 5ndian Bar 2eview, Iol. 88 (!0th *>ril !0 ).

S&M)NA6S AN* 104&6 <16@S418S

(resented a (a>er titled FHuman Rights and Globalization4 at a +eminar on .uman 2ights held at (rin,eton University (Bune !0 0) ()talicise the teAt in case (ou need to highlight it! 3or eAample9 the topic of the paper is highlighted here! A.oid underlining teAt#!

104&6 ACC1M8L)S4M&N0S
+tudent 9ditor o) 5ndian Buridi,al 2eview. 2es>onsibilities in,lude sele,ting abstra,ts& ,onta,ting Jurors, lawyers and a,ademi,ians )or >eer review and >roo) reading (!009@!0 0). (0he nature of the Bo, or the accomplishment is eAplained in precise detail#!

165AN)SA0)1NAL &>8&6)&NC&

[Lawctopus Sample CV- An informal guide]

/onvenor, Moot /ourt +o,iety (!0 0@ ). 2es>onsibilities in,lude ,ondu,ting and managing logisti,s o) moot ,ourts in asso,iation with law )irms& sele,ting-training moot ,ourt teams. (8oint out things which a potential recruiter would li-e to see! 0he a,o.e9 for eAample9 shows leadership s-ills9 eAperience in e.ent management and communication s-ills#!

86&-/N)V&6S)0+ AC4)&V&M&N0S

>riKe in 7E)ord University *nnual <ebate@ 5ndia /ha>ter (!009@ 0).

41??)&S AN* )N0&6&S0S 5 am a dog lover and liDe to read u> on various breeds o) dogs. *>art )rom internshi>s, adventure s>orts and mountain ,limbing o,,u>y my time during va,ations. 5 liDe to write >oems and blog regularly )or youthu>.,om. (4o,,ies and
interests are mentioned in a write-up format and not as ,ullet points#!

5eneral )nstructions
. (lease run a s>ell ,he,D on your /I !. MaDe sure the )ormatting ()ont ,olour, bullet ty>es, alignment o) the teEt et,) is uni)orm throughout. *estheti,s are im>ortant. :. * ,onsistent )ont and )ont siKe is used throughout, eE,e>t where ,learly s>e,i)ied '. Line@s>a,ing is . %. 1he /I should not looD ,ram>ed )or s>a,e. Let it breatheL %. <ates should be ,learly mentioned, >re)erably at the end o) the bullet >oint whi,h s>eaDs o) any a,hievement. MaDe sure you )ollow a reverse ,hronologi,al order (latest things in a >arti,ular ,ategory ,ome )irst). $. 1eEt is le)t aligned or Justi)ied, whi,hever looDs better ". 1he /I should be ! >ages long (maEimum). Cut out the unnecessar( parts, Dee> only the im>ortant >arts. ?or eEam>le, i) you have attended 0 ,on)eren,es and are a>>lying )or a law )irm Job, Dee> the biggest-best :@' whi,h were on related to>i,s (,or>orate law, )or eEam>le). #. 5n ,ase you want to highlight something, >lease maDe that teEt bold or italicised. 9. 1hings liDe seE, marital status should N71 be mentioned. 0. MaDe sure that your /I looDs and reads >ro)essional.

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