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Learning and Evaluation Situation Course: History and Citizenship Education Grade Level: Cycle 2, Level 1 Social Phenomena:

First Occupants- Conception of the World and Social Organization Focus: What characterizes the conception of the world for the native groups of Quebec? How does this conception influence their social organization and way of life? What are the similarities and differences between the Algonquian and the Iroquois? What relationship developed between Europeans and Native North Americans? What economic and cultural exchanges occurred? What impact did European contact in North America have on Native groups? (lifestyle, population, area, culture) What connections can be found between the Native groups of Quebec and Canada and other indigenous groups (Haida, Aztec, Maori)? These connections can be based on lifestyle, conception of the world, interactions with Europeans.

Goals: Understand the influence that geographic location had on Native Lifestyle Obtain an understanding of Native spirituality, their conception of the world and social relationships. Immerse students into traditional Native practices, offering them a chance to appropriate the symbols and create personal connections Explore different issues and situations related to Native and European/Canadian relationships, and the impacts that they had on each other ( Early contact and trade, Residential schools) Have sufficient knowledge about the Native groups of Quebec to be able to do a research project on Native groups elsewhere and draw significant connections between class material and the information researched.

Topics Covered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Native Migration Theories and Native Groups of Quebec Geographic Locations and their Impacts on Native Way of Life and Social Organization Conception of the World Connected to Nature and Spirituality Case Study in Native Symbols: The Totem Pole Impact of Early European Contact and Economic/Cultural Exchanges Case Study: Residential Schools as an Example of Issues in Native Societies Culminating Activity: Comparing and Contrasting Native Groups and Related Issues

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