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A&W Root Beer A-1 Steak Sauce Abbey National

That frosty mug sensation A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers Get the Abbey habit Because life's complicated enough

Access Credit Card Access takes the waiting out of wanting Makes sensible buying simple Access - Your le!ible riend "oes you does# or does you don't take Access$ Acura Adelma Mineral Waters Alba Dry Milk Alka Seltzer The True "efinition of %u!ury& Yours& resh '(uee)ed Glaciers *learly *anadian 'parkling Mineral +ater in +ild ruit la,ours 'kim milk does not come from skinny cows - can't belie,e - ate the whole thing. /lop# plop# fi))# fi))# oh what a relief it is. Try it# you'll like it Allinson's Bread Allstate nsurance Almaden Al!o Do" #ood American Airlines Bread wi' nowt taken out You're in good hands with Allstate Grapes# like children# need lo,e and affection "oesn't your dog deser,e A%/0$ 1est# keep warm and drink li(uids "oing what we do best ly the American way American Brands$ nc American Coac% &ines American '(!ress C%ar"e Card American )ome Ma"azine American &ibrary Association American *ele!%one & *ele"ra!% Amtrak Anadin Tobacco is our middle name -f man were meant to fly# God would ha,e lowered the fares "on't lea,e home without it American Home has an edifice comple! A# B# *# "# 2# &&&Your public library has arranged these in ways that make you cry# giggle# laugh# lo,e# hate# wonder# ponder and understand 1each out and touch someone

'ee America at see le,el 3othing acts faster than Anadin

Andre+s &i,er Salts Andrews for -nner *leanliness Andre( toilet tissue 'oft# strong and ,ery long A!!le Com!uters Ar!e"e -er.ume The /ower to Be Your Best Think different 3o bottles to break - 4ust hearts

/romise her anything# but gi,e her Arpege C%arles Atlas A*&* Automobile Association A,is Rental Car Babyc%am Badedas BMW B/D 0nder+ear Bank o. America Barnum & Bailey Circus Bayer As!irin Beec%am's -ills Benetton Benson & )ed"es Bic &i"%ters Bi" Ben Clocks Birds 'ye #rozen #oods Birds 'ye -eas Bisto Black /el,et W%iskey BMW Bonded *obacco Com!any Borden nc Bounty candy bar Bourn,ita Brani.. Air+ays Britis% Air+ays Britis% Army Britis% Caledonian Airline Britis% '"" Marketin" Board You Too *an 5a,e A Body %ike Mine 1each out and touch someone *ourtesy and care To our members# we're the fourth emergency ser,ice +e're number two& +e try harder -'d lo,e a Babycham Things happen after a Badedas bath The ultimate dri,ing machine 3e!t to myself# - like B6" best Think what we can do for you The Greatest 'how on 2arth Bayer works wonders +orth a guinea a bo! Beecham's pills make all the difference The 7nited *olors of Benetton /ure Gold lick your Bic 6ictory won't wait for the nation that's late *ome home to Birds 2ye *ountry 'weet as the moment when the pod went 'pop' Ahh Bisto. eel the 6el,et The ultimate dri,ing machine Making smoking 'safe' for smokers -f it's Borden's# it's got to be good Bounty - the taste of paradise 'leep sweeter# Bourn,ita +hen you',e got it# flaunt it The +orld's a,orite Airline +e'll take more care of you 8oin the professionals +e ne,er forget you ha,e a choice Go to work on an egg 5appiness is egg shaped You can rely on the lion

Bells Scotc% W%isky Afore ye go

There is a lion on my egg +as there a lion on your egg this morning$ Britis% 1as Britis% Rail "on't you 4ust lo,e being in control$ %et the train take the strain This is the age of the train +e're getting there Britis% *elecom -ts for Yoo-hoo. -t's good to talk Make someone happy with a phone call Brit,ic Bromo-Seltzer Brooke Bond Di,idend *ea Brut A.ters%a,e Brylcreem Bud+eiser Beer Brit,ic - simply the best there is -f you keep late hours for 'ociety's sake# Bromo-'elt)er will cure that headache 'pend wisely - sa,e wisely 'plash it all o,er A little dab'll do ya +hen you say Budweiser# you',e said it all The Genuine Article The 9ing of beers +here there's life# there's Bud Buick Today the discriminating family finds it absolutely necessary to own two or more motor cars +ouldn't you really rather ha,e a Buick$ -t makes you feel like the man you are +hen better automobiles are built# Buick will build them Bulo,a Watc%es 2(ual /ay# 2(ual Time The mainspring in a Bulo,a is made to last :;< years or 1=< leather straps whiche,er comes first Bur"er 2in" 5a,e it your way +e do it your way Burger 9ing - the home of the +hopper -t takes two hands to hold a +hopper Burma S%a,e S%a,in" Cream Burma Sauce Busc% Beer Cadbury's Cocoa 'ssence Cadbury's Dairy Milk C%ocolate 'o creamy it's almost fattening The only 'sauce' - dare gi,e ather 5ead for the mountains Absolutely pure Award yourself the *"M A glass and a half in e,ery half pound Cadbury's Drinkin" 5ot chocolate# drinking chocolate - the late# late drink C%ocolate

Cadbury's Milk *ray And all because the lady lo,es Milk Tray Cadbury's #lake 'i!pence worth of 5ea,en Cadbury's #ruit and 2,eryone's a *adbury's ruit and 3ut *ase Nut Cadbury's Roses 1oses grow on you Cadbury's Smas% Cadbury's Snack Cal,in 2lein 3eans or mash get 'mash Bridge that gap with *adbury's 'nack 3othing comes between me and my *al,ins

Canada Dry *onics 2migrate to *anada "ry >for the sake of your 'cotch? and Mi(ers "rink *anada "ry Canon Camay Soa! 'ee what we mean You are in a Beauty *ontest 2,ery "ay of your %ife You'll look a little lo,elier each day# with fabulous pink *amay /erfume worth @ guineas an ounce Cam!ari Cam!bell's Condensed Sou! The first time is ne,er the best 'oup is good food M'm M'm Good Cam! Co..ee 1eady# aye# ready "rink *amp - its the best. "on't be misled... Carlin" Black &abel - bet he drinks *arling Black %abel Carlsber" Carnation Milk /robably the best lager in the +orld Milk from contented cows

Cas%mere Bou4uet 3ow they whisper to her &&& not about her Soa! Castlemaine 5555 Australians wouldn't gi,e a AAAA for anything else &a"er Castrol Motor 6il Central -ark 7oo Cerebos salt C%ester.ield Ci"arettes C%e,rolet *astrol - li(uid engineering *ome to the *entral /ark Boo *afeteria& %et the animals watch you eat for a change 'ee how it runs. Blow some my way 'ee the 7'A in a *he,rolet The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard. 2ye it - try it - buy it. C%i,as Re"al Scotc% -sn't that a lot for a bottle of 'cotch$ Yes Are your friends li,ing beyond your means$ Cinzano -f enough people would stop smoking and start drinking# we could get out of ashtrays and into ,ermouth The bright lights taste Cisco 2mpowering the -nternet Generation

Clairol )air Colourin" Club Med Resorts Coal Board

"oes she or doesn't she$ -f -',e only one life# let me li,e it as a blonde. 6acation is a world where there are no locks on the doors or the mind or the body *ome home to a real fire

Col"ate *oot%!aste -t cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth Col"ate *oot%!aste The *olgate ring of confidence Colman's Mustard *'mon *olman's# light my fire Com.ort .abric 'oftness is a thing called *omfort conditioner Commercial 0nion +e won't make a drama out of a crisis Com!a4 5as it changed your life yet$ Menthol- resh# cool# clean# *onsulate *ool# resh# *onsulate Co-o! Coura"e Beer Courier '(!ress Co+ & 1ate Milk #ood Crisco /e"etable S%ortenin" Cro.t 6ri"inal S%erry Cunard Steams%i! Com!any Cutty Sark W%isky Dacron #abric Daily Mirror You can always get it at the *o-op -t's what your right arm's for Take *ourage *ourier 2!press& Today's deli,ery problems sol,ed tomorrow Babies lo,e it *ooks who know trust *risco 0ne instincti,ely knows when something is right Getting there is half the fun "on't gi,e up the ship America li,es in "acron orward with the /eople orward with Britain Biggest daily sale on 2arth Danis% Bacon Good bacon has "anish written all o,er it De Beer "iamonds are fore,er &&& Consolidated Mines Delta Airlines Del Monte De+ar's Scotc% W%isky D)& Dial Soa! You'll lo,e the way we fly 1eady when you are The man from "el Monte says yes -t ne,er ,aries +e keep your promises Aren't you glad you use "ial$ "on't you wish everybody did$ /eople who like people like "ial Demon nternet &td The internet for a tenner a month

Dilly Beans Dockers Dr -e!!er Domestos Bleac%

-f your friendly neighborhood grocer doesn't ha,e a 4ar -knock something off a shelf on the way out 0ne leg at a time Be a /epper. Good for %ife. "omestos kills all known germs >in one hour? "omestos kills ninety-nine per cent of all known germs "omestos kills all known germs - "ead.

Double Diamond Dunlo! *yres Dure( Condoms 'astern Airlines 'lizabet% Arden

-'m only here for the beer A "ouble "iamond works wonders it "unlop and be satisfied *rowdstopper ly now& 'ho,el later +e ha,e to earn our wings e,ery day 1<C days of foggy# foggy dew can't claim all the credit for beautiful 2nglish comple!ions 2li)abeth Arden is real Dick and Jane is dead

'ncyclo!aedia Britannica 'ricsson 'sso 'sso #airy Was%in" 0! &i4uid #ederal '(!ress #inancial *imes Ne+s!a!er #irestone *yres #lorida Citrus Commission #ord

'ner"izer Batteries -t keeps going# and going# and going&&&& Make yourself heard The 2sso sign means happy motoring 5appiness is a (uick-starting car /ut a Tiger in Your Tank 3ow hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face or hands that do dishes +hen there's no tomorrow 3o &T& &&&& 3o *omment +here the rubber meets the road A day without orange 4uice is like a day without sunshine ord has a better idea Duality is 8ob 1 Twas the night before *hristmas - the children were dreaming of a ord in their future - smart# swanky and gleaming 2,erything +e "o is "ri,en By You #our Roses W%iskey America's most gifted whiskey #riends o. Animals 2!tinct is fore,er #riends o. t%e 'art% Think globally# act locally 1ate+ay 8999 You got a friend in the business

1eneral 'lectric 1illette

/rogress is our most important product +e bring good things to life The best a man can get

1illette sa.ety razor 'ha,e Yourself 1olden #lake -otato 'tarch ree As A *hip *an Be C%i!s Always Good# All +ays or Goodness 'ake# 2at Golden lake Great /air# 'ays the Bear Gobble Golden lake Golden lake&&&& +ith 'outhern ried *runch Good As Gold The Good Gets Better +ith Golden lake The a,orite *hip of The '&2&*& 0ne Taste And Your 'tuck 0n Golden lake The *rispiest *hip -n The 'outh Golden lake&&&-t's +here You ind The la,or 1oodyear *yres The best tyres in the world ha,e Goodyear written all o,er them -'m con,inced the Goodyear Grand /ri!-' is a ma4or contribution to road safety 0ut front& /ulling away& 1ordon's 1in 1ra!e-Nuts #lakes Cereal 1uinness 3o wonder the 2nglish ha,e kept cool for 1@: years -t's got to be Gordon's 1oar# Boys# 1oar# -t tastes like more# +hat a fla,or# Bippity-)ow - its grand - and 50+ - feel like a Guinness - - wish you were Guinness is Good for You My Goodness& My Guinness Guinness gi,es you strength 3ot e,erything in black and white makes sense /ure genius )ai" W%iskey )ai 2arate A.ters%a,e )ar! &a"er )ar!ic &a,atory Cleaner )arrods "on't be ,ague - ask for 5aig Be careful how you use it. 5arp puts out the fire *leans round the bend 2,erything %ondon 5arrods for e,erything 5arrods ser,es the +orld 2nter a different +orld )eineken 5eineken& 1efreshes the parts other beers cannot reach

)einz )ellman's Mayonnaise

5ein) ;C 6arieties Bring out the 5ellman's and bring out the best +ouldn't you rather be 5emeling$

)einz Baked Beans Bean) Mean) 5ein)

)ers%ey's C%ocolate There's a smile in e,ery 5ershey Bar Candybars )e+lett -ackard )ome!ride #lour )onda Ci,ic )oo,er /acuum Cleaner )yundai BM nde!endent Ne+s!a!er ntel 3a"uar 3ell-6 1elatin Dessert 2!panding /ossibilities Graded grains make finer flour Better gas mileage& A *i,ic responsibility -t beats as it sweeps as it cleans /repare to want one *omputers help people help people 'olutions for a small planet -t is& Are you$ -ntel inside "on't dream it& "ri,e it. Grace&&&& space&&& pace -t sits as lightly on a hea,y meal as it does on your conscience The 9ing and Dueen Might 2at Thereof and 3oblemen Besides -f all the world were 8ell-0# And whipped cream filled the sea# Then the only spoon from here to the moon +ould ha,e to belong to me America's most famous dessert 3ockey S%orts +hat the well-dressed man is wearing this year %ook your best while you wear our least The best seat in the house 3o%nny Walker Black W%iskey -f you want to impress someone# put him on your Black list 5onor thy self Born 1E:F - 'till going strong 2ello"" Com!any 2ello""'s Rice 2ris!ies 2ello""'s Su"ar #rosted #lakes 2entucky #ried C%icken The best to you each morning 'nap. *rackle. /op. They're G-r-reat. Buy a bucket of chicken and ha,e a barrel of fun inger-lickin' good 1eal goodness from 9entucky ried *hicken *orn and cluck for a buck

)onda Motorcycles You meet the nicest people on a 5onda

2i+i S%oe -olis% 2leene( *issues

+hen your shoes shine# so do you "on't put a cold in your pocket. - 7se 9leene! Tissues The reliable airline


2odak Cameras and America's storyteller #ilms You press the button - we do the rest -f it isn't an 2astman# it isn't a 9odak &ay's -otato C%i!s &e,i's 3eans &i.e Sa,ers Candy &i!ton *ea &isterine Mout%+as% Betcha can't eat 4ust one 5a,e you e,er had a bad time in %e,i's$ Duality ne,er goes out of style Gee# - wish - had a nickel %ipton's gets into more hot water than anything 0ften a bridesmaid - but ne,er a bride& 2,en your best friends won't tell you 5er 5oneymoon - and it should ha,e been mine. The taste you lo,e to hate >twice a day? 'tops halitosis. &ock%eed Aircra.t &ucent *ec%nolo"ies M&Ms Candy Maiden.orm Maltesers Air /ower is /eace /ower - %ockheed +e make things that make communications work The milk chocolate melts in your mouth - not in your hand - dreamed - stopped traffic in my Maidenform bra - dreamed - went shopping in my Maidenform bra *hocolates with the less fattening centres Marcus /alley At last& A pickle that bites back -ickles Marlboro Ci"arettes *ome to Marlboro *ountry *ome to where the fla,or is Mars A Mars a day helps you work# rest and play 3ow&&& There is only one Mars Mars are Mar,elous Martini Mary :uant Matc%bo( Ma( #actor Cosmetics Ma(+ell )ouse Co..ee The right one Any time# any place# any where Make-up to make lo,e in +e sell more cars than ord# *hrysler# *he,rolet# and Buick combined To bring the wol,es out - 1iding 5ood 1ed Good to the last drop Taste as good as it smells Mayta" A!!liances 0ur repairmen are the loneliest guys in town McDonald's You deser,e a break today

Two all-beef patties# special sauce# lettuce# cheese# pickles# onions on a sesame seed bun 0ne in a billion Billions and billions ser,ed Meo+ Mi( Cat .ood Tastes so good cats ask for it by name Me(ican Bre+ery Microso.t Midland Bank Miller Beer Milky Way Mo%ara Suits Morton Salt Mum Deodorant Murray Mints National Airlines National &ottery Milk Marketin" Board The beer that made Milwaukee 4ealous &&& +here do you want to go today$ *ome and talk to the listening bank Together we make a great team 3o matter what what's-his-name says# -'m the prettiest and %ite's the greatest The sweet you can eat between meals >without ruining your appetite? 0nly 1 out of :; men is color blind& The other := 4ust dress that way +hen it rains# it pours 5as your girl turned into a refrigerator$ -f her air is arctic# try &&& M7M Too-Good-To-5urry-Mints -'m Margie& ly me -t could be Y07 "rinka pinta milka day "rink more milk ull of natural goodness -s your man getting enough$ Milk's Gotta %otta Bottle +atch out there's a 5umphrey about Mr 2i!lin" Cakes N'C Nestl; Ne+ <ork State &ottery Ne+ <ork *imes N<S' Nike S%oes = &i,es Cat #ood 6ld S!ice 6mo +as%in" !o+der 6ran"e mobile !%ones 6!al #ruits 6rlon #abric 6(o -A& do" .ood Mr 9ipling does make e!ceedingly good cakes 8ust imagine 5a,e a Break& 5a,e a 9it 9at /lay it again# 'am All the news that's fit to print The world puts its stock in us -f it feels good then 4ust do it The cat who doesn't act finicky soon loses control of his owner The thrill of 1oses 'piced with e!citement 'peaking of lo,e 0mo adds brightness to whiteness The future's bright# the future's 0range 0pal ruits - made to make your mouth water "ancing pleats that won't sit out 0!o gi,es a meal man-appeal /rolongs Acti,e %ife

Muzak Cor!oration Music is art& Mu)ak is science

-almoli,e Soa! -am!ers -an-American Co..ee Bureau -an-Am World Air+ays -anasonic -earline +as%in" !o+der -ears' Soa!

9eep that schoolgirl comple!ion Gi,e your baby something you ne,er had as a baby& A drier bottom Good coffee is like friendshipG rich and warm and strong %i,e today& Tomorrow will cost more 8ust slightly ahead of our time /earline keeps white things white and bright women bright *leanliness is ne!t to Godliness Good Morning. 5a,e you used /ears' soap$ 5ow do you spell soap$ +hy /-2-A-1-'# of course /reparing to be a beautiful lady 'ince when - ha,e used no other

-aul Masson Wines +e will sell no wine before its time

-edi"ree C%um Do" Top breeders recommend it .ood -en"uin Biscuits /-/-/-/ick up a /enguin -e!sodent *oot%!aste -%illi!s -%yllosan -illsbury #oods -inkerton's Detecti,e A"ency -ontiac -ost 6..ice -ulsar Watc%es :ualcast :uaker 6ats :uaker -u..ed W%eat Cereal :+est Radio Caroline Raid You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with /epsodent 'o much more to en4oy %et's make things better 'imply years ahead /hyllosan fortifies the o,er-forties 3othin' says lo,in' like somethin' from the o,en +e ne,er sleep +e are dri,ing e!citement 'omeone# somewhere# wants a letter from you Accuracy to seconds a month -t's a lot less bo,,er than a 5o,er "oes it make sense to 4ump out of a warm bed into a cold cereal$ The cereal that's shot from guns. 1ide the light The station of the nation 1aid kills bugs dead -ick.ord's Remo,als +e carry e,erything

3o%n -layer & Sons /layer's /lease

Radio &u(embour" The station of the stars Ralston -urina -et All you add is lo,e #ood Red Cross The greatest tragedy is indifference

Rolls Royce Ro+ntree's #ruit 1ums Sa.e+ay Su!ermarkets Sara &ee #ood -roducts Sc%litz Beer Sc%+e!!es mi(er drinks

At si!ty miles an hour the loudest noise in the new 1olls-1oyce comes from the electric clock "on't forget the fruit gums# Mum

2,erything you want from a store and a little bit more 3obody doesn't like &&& 'ara %ee 'chlit) &&& the beer that made Milwaukee famous 'chhh - you know who +hat is the secret of 'chhh 'chwepper,escence lasts the whole drink through Tonic water by you know who

Sea"ram's 1in >-0!

"ryest gin in town& Ask any Martini Takes the 'ouch' out of grouch reshen-up with C-7p Bring on the real Thirst-Duencher. The un-cola

S%ell 6il Com!any

A child is an island of curiosity surrounded by a sea of (uestion marks Go well - go 'hell 9eep going well - keep going 'hell That's 'hell - that was. You can be sure of 'hell

S%redded W%eat Cereal Smarties

Bet you can't eat three +ot a lot - got

Society o. American 'ay it with flowers #lorists S!rite 0bey Your Thirst or years we',e been making our products as if li,es depend on them Stetson Stork Mar"arine Subaru Sunday *imes Sun Microsystems Sur. Was%in" -o+der Sy4uest *aco Bell Restaurants 'tep out with a 'tetson *an you tell 'tork from butter$ The beauty of all wheel dri,e 'unday isn't 'unday without the 'unday Times The Sunday Times is the Sunday papers +e put the & in dot&com 5old it up to the light# not a stain and shining light Apparently space isn't the final frontier 5ead for the Border S4uib dru" !roducts The priceless ingredient of e,ery product is the honor and integrity of its maker

*ate & &yle *etley's tea *e(aco #uel ?M Scotc% *a!e *ide Was%in" -o+der *%e *imes

0ut of sweetness came forth strength Tetley make tea-bags make tea You can trust your car to the man who wears the star *hristmas is a time to belie,e in things you can't see -f it's got to be clean# it's got to be Tide Tide's in# dirt's out Top people take the Times +hen The Times speaks# the +orld listens 5a,e you e,er wished you were better informed$

*esco Su!ermarkets 2,ery little helps

*izer *oo%ey's beer *os%iba *oyota *rans World Air+ays

"rink Ti)er# the appeti)er 5ow do you feel$ - feel like a Toohey's '2llo# Tosh# Got as Toshiba$ - lo,e what you do for me - Toyota. 0h what a feeling 'ight for 'oaring 2yes You're going to like us 7p# up and away with T+A

*rium!% &in"erie 0nited Airlines 0nited Biscuits 0-S

Triumph has the bra for the way you are ly the friendly skies of 7nited /&&/&&/ick up a /enguin Mo,ing at the speed of business 'ome of our best men are women

0nited States Army Be all that you can be 00N'* /isa Credit Card /o"ue Ma"azine /olks+a"en The -nternet at +ork 6isa - -t's e,erywhere you want to be 6ogue - HforI the o,erwhelming minority -f it wasn't in 60G72 -t wasn't in ,ogue 1elie,es gas pains +hile in 2urope# pick up an ugly 2uropean 7gly is only skin-deep -f gas pains persist# try 6olkswagen 'mall wonder Wa"on W%eels Weetabi( W%eaties Cereal W%iskas Cat #ood Wilkinson S+ord -t's so big# you',e gotta grin to get it in 5a,e you had your +eetabi! +ithabi!# withoutabi! Breakfast of *hampions 2ight out of ten cats prefer it +ilkinson 'word - the +orld's finest blade Wall Street 3ournal The daily diary of the American dream


5ello boys The one and only +onderbra

Wool+ic% Buildin" +e're with the +oolwich Society Wool+ort%s 3othing o,er si!pence The wonder of +oolworths 5ero( <ello+ -a"es 7est Soa! The document company %et your fingers do the walking +ant to reach E out of 1F adults - walk this way& You're not fully clean until you're Bestfully clean

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