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Shelby Coon The Crave of Success I dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying

to please everybody, Bill Cosby. This quote correlates to my success in my senior year of high school. Many seniors are stranded with no knowledge on the key to success, I on the other hand have a pretty good idea based off the books, articles, and video clips that I have viewed over. In the novel The Great Gatsby, James Gatz had to make his way up the social classes to finally slip into his loves life. In Grapes of Wrath, I can see anyone can make something out of nothing. The Children of the Mountains have no support from money, some none from their parents, and none from the stereotypes of society, and I learned the last thing I should resort to is conforming to what the expectations of reality are. There are similar accounts from average citizens as well. Coming from the novel The Great Gatsby, I see life cannot hand me the tools I need to become successful. James Gatz is a simple man with nothing, who met the love of his life, Daisy Fay, at a young age. However at this day and age, poor men couldnt marry women like Daisy, whom lived in the upper class. Jay does what it takes to become a wealthy man to meet the standards for a match in this social class. These tasks were not easy, and it took many achievements over obstacles to become a millionaire in the West Egg. He is known in New York as a mysterious, irresponsible money maker who just wanted a reputation. In all reality, he wants Daisy to know he is still around, and come to love him unconditionally. James says, "Then the war came ... it was a great relief, and I tried very hard to die ... " (66), saying this, he knew just how difficult was going to be to obtain Daisys affection after coming out of the war. At the end of the novel, he and Daisy reunite and are foolishly in love. The problem comes that Daisy has already made a life without Jay at this point. He does not stop however; his goal is to live happily

with Daisy till death part. A series of events occur that put Daisy and Jay into a conflicting struggle, and Jay is wanted for murder. The morning after, Jay is shot dead, and Daisy leaves with her family. Along with his soul, Jays hopes of marrying Daisy fled. The hardship of Americans during the dust bowl was demonstrated in The Grapes of Wrath. Similar to The Great Gatsby, the Joad family had nothing and had to build them up to sustain life. The dust bowl was a long drought period that swept across America, taking away most life especially in the western plains. This is where Tom, Ma, Pa, Al, Noah, Ruthie, Winfield, Grandpa, and Grandma settled on their farm. California was promised to be the land of jobs and bountiful harvest, so they hit the road looking to take refuge in this hard time. This journey becomes demanding, and many witness the deaths of travelers. Despite the discouragement, this family continues to advance. Money and food are scarce, and every time members of this family has the energy to stand up, life knocks them back down. Eventually they will reach their destination and become successful. This goes to show that you cant expect a happy life without working hard for it. The Joad family is an excellent example of perseverance. This tied hand in hand with The Children of the Mountains. This documentary of 4 young children from the Appalachian Mountains had to overcome poverty and stereotypes in America, while trying to build a future. I can relate to how Shawn Grim was graduating with little money and barely made it out of his hometown. This senior in high school lived in his truck, making his way to friends for a place to clean up. Shawn was fortunate enough to obtain a scholarship to college out of state, however, tuition became too costly and had to move back home. I am graduating high school with little savings, and not yet knowing just how far I will make it out there. Assuming just because one thing doesnt go my way is the worst, opportunities are out there and taking the risk is what the theme of this year is all about.

The Accidental Entrepreneur. Margaret Heffernan was an average American whose family had a passion for Crocs. Being inventive, she and her kids found little ornaments to put in their shoes. When the idea caught on around town, the family started the business right inside their home. Eventually their idea grew nationwide, and were forced to gain help. With that, their business was bought, and they are part owners of a corporation called Jibbitz. Something as simple as tiny decorations brought this family success. This story just goes to show the opportunity for anyone to rise above is at the touch of our finger tips. Its the American dream to be rich and successful however, I will never become similar to this story of empowerment when I sit behind the scenes and wait. Omar Soliman at one point was a college kid looking for some money to support the social life, when he saw a business in the making. He started by borrowing his mothers van and handed flyers to the neighbors. He asked fellow school mate, Nick Friedman, to help. They named the business College Hunks Hauling Junk. After making hundreds that summer, they decided to expand the name. To this day, the guys have expanded in the south east, and are a multimillion corporation. Soliman says, I didnt realize I was an entrepreneur until I started driving the van. No one can predict their success, but taking the right steps and investing faith into anything will help build it. I can see that these men did not easily come to this position they stand in. I have learned that I have to work hard to stand high in success. Also, this goes for anything in life; to earn something, I have to put time, effort, and heart into whatever it is I look to accomplish. On a personal account, my coworker Matt has overcome many obstacles and diversity over the years. Starting from a young age, he received the short stick from the pile. With parents who had divorced just one year before, Matt signed up for the Navy at 20, missing out on the

young adult fun. After being dismissed, he was forced to live with his mother in fear after her attempt of suicide. He suffers from diabetes, and if he doesnt eat properly, his body throws tantrums and is unable to function. A few years ago, Matt was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer as well. Doctors said he only had a year to live, in reaction, he denied any treatment to spare the knowledge of his family. However, the doctors were wrong, and he is still around. Each day he views as a gift. Not letting a moment pass without meaning. I look onto him for encouragement because of how he lives today. Matts testimony tells me that I have to look to the Brightside of every obstacle and make the best of it. Like Matthew Jeffers says in his letter to the Ravens, the only disability in life is a bad attitude. What I have taken out of this year is more than just a positive attitude. Perseverance, willingness, and stability are just a few lessons I have taken from each story. Each one of them I have viewed over took me by surprise, and turned into a year well spent. Success is not something created overnight it takes heart, attitude, and effort to overcome the toughest obstacles. I look onto the future with the same persevering attitude as the Children of the Mountains, or like Jay Gatz. I am my worst enemy, and am the only one who can hold myself back.

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