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Possessive Pronouns

A possessive pronoun shows ownership or belonging. It takes the place of a noun that shows ownership. My, your, his, her, its, our, and their are possessive pronouns.

A. Circle the subject pronoun in each sentence. Then underline the possessive pronoun. Use these answers to fill in the chart.

2. 3. 4. 5. !

I am planning a trip with my family. Will you wear your sunglasses? He will bring his camera. She will take her dog along. It will eat all itsfood. We will en"oy our #acation. %hey will show their pictures.

Subject Pronouns 1

Possessive Pronouns My

B. Underline the possessive pronoun in each sentence.

&. %he desert is their home. '. Her umbrella blocks out the sun. 3. %hat "a#elina likes to play his guitar. 4. His address is & %umbleweed (#enue. 5. )oyote said! *+y stomach is growling.* . ,I-ll blow your house down!* )oyote shouted. $. Its walls are made of tumbleweeds. .. */ur house is strong0 the third 1a#elina said.

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