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A sive noun shows ownership.

Add 's to make a singular posses apostrophe (*) after the s of a plural noun to show ownership.

Possessive Nouns

noun show ownership. Add an

A. Underline the possessive noun in each sentence. Write S on the line if the possessive noun is singular. Write P if the possessive noun is plural.
1. 2.

Anna's family took a walk in the woods. ___________ They saw two birds' nests high up in a tree. _________ A yellow butterfly landed on Brad's backpack. ________ Anna liked the pattern of the butterfly's wings. _______ A turtle's shell had many spots. _____ Anna took pictures of two chipmunks' homes. ________ The animals' tails had dark stripes. _________

4. 5. 6. 7.

B. Complete each sentence with the singular possessive form of the noun in ().
1. 2.

im was going to play basketball at_________house. (!arol) "ne of____________new sneakers was missing. ( im) $e looked under his_____________desk. (sister) $e crawled under his____________bed to look. (brother) (t was outside in his_________________flower garden. (dad) The________________lace had been chewed. (sneaker) im saw his__________________footprints in the dirt. (dog)

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