Haar Vs Doubechies

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Haar and Doubechies LPF Response

MATLAB Code for Filter Magnitude Respose

I have used fvtool for plotting lter response. It computes the magnitude response of the digital lter dened with numerator, b and denominator, a. %Daubechies filter %Impulse respose for doubechies filter B0 = -2+sqrt(3); b1 = [1 B0+2 2*B0+1 B0]; %Numerater coefficients a1 = 1; %Denominator coeficients %Haar filter %Impulse respose for haar filter b0 = [1 1]; %Numerater coefficients a0 = 1; %Denominator coeficients fvtool(b0, a0); fvtool(b1, a1); fvtool(b1, a1, b0, a0); For haar LPF response is h(n) = [1 1] Doubechies length 4 LPF has form H0 (Z ) = h3 Z 3 + h2 Z 2 + h1 Z 1 + h0 where h(n) = [1.0000 1.7321 0.4641 0.2679]

MATLAB plots

Figure 1: Haar LPF Magnitude Response

Figure 2: Doubechies LPF Magnitude Response

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Figure 3: Haar and Doubechies LPF Magnitude Response

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