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Brand Name: Zantac Generic Name: Ranitidine Dosage, Route, Frequency: 50 mg IV every 8 hours Classification: Therapeutic: Antiulcer Agents

Pharmacologic: Histamine H2 antagonists Mechanism of Action: Inhibits the action of histamine at the H2-receptor site located primarily in gastric parietal cells, resulting in inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Desired effect: This was given to patient for treatment and prevention of gastric or duodenal irritation and bleeding. Nursing Interventions 1. Check Doctors order 2. Administer with meals or immediately afterward and at bedtime 3. If antacids or sucralfate are used concurrently for relief of pain, avoid administration of antacids within 30 minutes to 1 hour of the H2 antagonist and administer sucralfate 2 hour after H2 antagonist 4. Monitor CBC with differential periodically during therapy 5. Caution patient to avoid activities that could cause confusion or require alertness 6. Inform patient to increase fluid and fiber intake and exercise 7. Advise client to report promptly any adverse effects of the drug like sore throat etc. Rationale For verification To prolong effect May decrease absorption of H2 antagonist

To identify and correct immediately arising problem Drug causes dizziness and drowsiness Drug causes constipation thus avoiding its occurrence To address immediately arising problems

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