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PANPUBLICATIONIO RT HEROTHDNEANTRY{(AGIVA)DIVISIONIEHILIREINETARIY@ AAG ier VOL. 1 NO. 1 DECEMBER 2006 1ST ISSUE JOURNAL THIEME: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERFORMING WHILE. TRANSFORMING { 1 f df on ore PN JIS tN NY) p 2 a ¥ | a POR PG “3 AGIL?A JOURNAL, [EDITORIAL L BOARD] INGEN ERNESTO D BOAC AFP ‘Commanding General EDITORIAL 3 ASSUMPTION REMARKS. 4 THE VISION 6 ‘@GEN ANTONIO A AMODIA AFP THE ESSENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL ‘Assistant Division Commander PHILOSOPHY: FOCUS 101D 7 ‘COL BENITO T DE LEON INF (GSC) PA Chief of Staff OFFICIAL SEAL OF 101D 8 Editor-in-Chief EAGLE PHOTO OF 10ID __9 2LT NOEL A MONGAS (INF) PA ORGANIZATIONAL PICTURES ______ 10 Associate Editor Coordinating Staff: LTC LEONCIO C CIRUNAY INF (GSC) PA AC of S for Personnel, Gi LTC FRANCISCO L PABAYO INF (GSC) PA ‘AC of S for Intelligence, G2 ‘COL RONALD N ALBANO GSC (MNSA) PA AC oF S for Operation, G3 AGILA FEATURES: A Lesson on Chaord 11 COMMANDER’S PROFILE 12 Bille Bllw ABOUT THE COVER The Cover represented by the division seal and it features the foundation LTC ERNESTO T LOPENA OS (GSC) PA AC of S for Logistics, G2 LTC VENER ODILON D MARIANO SC of every officers, ee (csc) Pa ae ‘AC of S for Communication Electranic,informa men and women tion System, GS who are PROUD to pronounce the identity where they belong, “The Eagle Division” is crafted by thumbnails presentation that came from all walks of life having one VISION and fulfillment of our mandated task for internal security operation conducive for lasting peace and development. MAJ RAYMUNDO D AGUADA (INF) PA IC for Civil-Miltary Operation, G7 Management Staff: SSG Tenorio L Dumanto (Inf) ‘Cpl Josephine F Orcino (EW) PA Pfc Mary Ann C Caras (MS) PA Pvt Antolin Mack G Garcia (Inf) PA The AGILA Journal is published quarterly by the 10th Infantry (AGILA) Division, Philippine Army, Camp Panacan, Davao City All suggestion, recommendation and reaction relateti to facts, data, and other articles published in this issue should be addressed to the Editorial Board. Nothing in this Agila Journal maybe reproduced in whole or part without-any ‘written permission from the editor ‘The cover was designed by 2LT MONGAS NA (INF) PA the Associate Editor of Agila Journal, A Publication of 10th Infantry Division, Philippine Army. “Language is only secondarily the means by which we communicate, but is primarily the means by which we ~ think.” - Dee Hock The Agila Journal is intended as a mediui of the 10th Infantry Division's communication forum to express and sharethoughts and opinions that may in a way provide wider and deeper perspective for more informed discussions ¢ interest items to the organization. It is thro’ this process of revealing our thinking that others can better understand the various aspects of 2 concern and eventually help the organizal address an issue. For this maidenissue, the is on the organizational development of the 101 Infantry (Agila) Division which was acti on 16 August 2006. It is @ collection of ar that endeavors to capture the surroun circumstances in establishing the new, At outfit as it transform and performs at the sal time. The challenge of building a new uni primarily rests on its leadership, In his assumption speech as Commanding General, MAJOR GENERAL ERNESTO BOAC AFP stresses the importance vision “to provide the ultimate sense of purpose, direction and motivation for all members of the unit.” He likewise outlines his intentions of building clirmate and culture for the organization. Admittedly his explanation of the vision is not seemingly enough as he calls on every soldier to share and internalize it. Moreover, LIEUTENANTCOLONELLEONCIO CIRUNAY, JR. elaborates 10th ID‘s organizational, philosophy the climate and culture-aspired for the organization and explains its importance especially for a newly organized unit. He likewise calls for Agila Troopers to understand and ; ea ae - ilosophy so as explains the @ meaning of the of'the new unit. to characterize nif ant events in the development. } with the definition of chaord—a organizational development. ilation indicates the steps taken leader in developing his organization. It Frhone how such direction guided other “actions to build the organization's identity and capability drawn from its philosophy. Perhaps, a philosophical norm that is critical to steer the organization to hurdle the many challenges that lay ahead in its journey to attain its reason for existence of performing while transforming. ‘The next issue will explore the theme of Leadership. Contributions are then enjoined and, as much as possible, drawn from those outside the organization to extend the substance of views. The staff, however, reserves the right to select and edit articles for publication, although those included does not necessarily reflect the official stand of the organization. So what do you think? AGILE PREPARED AND CAPABLE —NAPOLEON BONAPARTE “In Pursuit of the Philippine Army Vision: Performing while Transfroming” PO aC Oe RUSK aii 10TH INFANTRY (AGILA) DIVISION,PHILIPPINE ARMY DPR ee Gg er EUR As 1 assume command over the newly activated 10th Infantry (Agila) Division, we are deeply honored and privileged to be a part of the Philippine Army, an institution with a glorious history of Valor, Honor and Service to God, Country and People. This shall be our source of inspiration and will always drives us, as we start a journey to mold this Division, its Officers, Men and Women to attain the highest standards of Military Professionalism and Competence. After receiving my orders to organize this unit from the Commanding General on 01 August 2006, my first thought was about a quotation of Joel A. Parker derived from his book The Power of Vision, and T quote: “Vision without action is merely adream,action without vision just passes time, and vision with action can change the world” unquate. with this in mind, my first. task. as the: first Commanding General of this unit is to provide the ultimate sense of purpose, direction and motivation for the entire members off the unit, Through consultations with the senior Officer initially projected for assignment to the Division Headquarters and who now compose the core of officers of the 10th ID, we have reached a consensus and envisioned the future of the 10th Infantry (Agila) Division: A’ well prepared and capable unit to conduct a wide range of operations to win against any threat within its area of responsibility. am now asking all other Officers, Men and Women of the Division Headquarters, its operating units, namely; the, 100ist and 1002nd Infantry Brigades, Task Force Davao, Task Force GENSAN, the eight (8) Maneuver Battalions, One (1)CAFGU Battalion, the Combat and Combat Service Support Units as well as our Citizen Armed Geographical Units to join me start the journey towards the achievement of this vision As we take the initial steps, 1 intend to provide an organizational climate, which shall be centered _on.developing leadershipacoy 125 | at all levels ci-commend buildingastronguntainted | character amongst us and attaining unity in diversity through the respectof the | rich traditis cultural her religious belief of the pe we have sworn to servi We shall endeavor our collective efforts to develop an organizational culture along the highest norms of professionalism, discipline, will to fight ‘and love of country. Against this entire backdrop, we now face the first challenge to perform our mandated task based on the guidelines enunciated by our Commander-In-Chief to resolve the insurgency problem before the end of her term. This shall be done as we go through the organizational transformation consistent with the 10. Key areas of reforms under the Philippine Defense Reform Agenda. ca | ____ Itis imperative that we Shall continuously enhance command and control, develop and train our forces to attain a high degree of combat readiness. These are _ integral elements of the conduct of envigorate military operations against threat groups which continue to subvert the will of the people, undermine our democratic institutions and espouse violence with the ASSUMPTION. DECEMBER 2006 ISSUE age 5

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