3rd Sunday of Lent St. Monica's Parish March 22 & 23, 2014 Pope Francis' 1st Anniversary: A Year of Surprises (Part 2)

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The 3rd Sunday of Advent (A)

St. Monicas Parish

December 14/15, 2013


Are you the one who is to come? Or are we to wait for another? This question, posed to Jesus in todays Gospel, is our question too. As we reach the middle of the Advent season, as we begin counting down the days till Christmas, we are invited to reflect on a vital question: What or who are we waiting for? How should we be waiting? Todays liturgy invites us to cultivate two key Advent attitudes: patience and joy. The early Christians expected Jesus to return soon within their lifetime, in fact. But it didnt seem to be turning out that way. The apostle James proposes the image of a farmer, patiently awaiting the harvest: trusting in the forces of nature to accomplish their work at the right time. This does not mean the farmers work is over! The farmer continues to work diligently each day, but knowing that the results are in Gods hands, not his. In the same way, James suggests, we too must be patient and engaged: Strengthen your hearts, for the Lord is near! In the Gospel, we see Jesus sending a message to his imprisoned cousin, John the Baptist. John was a true prophet, formed by the Scriptures. He trusted that when the Messiah would come, the prophecy of Isaiah would be realized: the blind would see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead be raised, the poor lifted up, the weak strengthened, the fearful given courage. As John languished in prison, his life hanging from a thread, his faith began to waver: had his mission been in vain? Jesus reassures John that it had not: his courage and patient endurance had borne fruit. John would go to a martyrs death, but knowing that joy was on the way. Last week, Pope Francis published the first major teaching document of his papacy: the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel. Its 100-plus pages, dedicated to the theme of the proclamation of the Gospel in todays world, provides the church with an exciting program for realizing the so-called new evangelization: not as a painful task, but as a joy ever new, a joy to be shared. It is my hope that as a parish, we will study it carefully and put many of its recommendations into practice: There are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter. I realize that joy is not expressed the same way at all times in life, especially at moments of great difficulty. Joy adapts and changes, but it always endures, even as a flicker of light born of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved. Many reasons for joy!!

Our grade 3 Faith First children celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation this weekend. Congratulations to: Uldarico-Stone Aitken, Janelle Akbaba, Nathan Drake Allana, Isabella
Baena, Caroline Brongel, Julian Candido, Chiara Caucci, Benjamin Cere, Etienne Davy, Dante Ersoni, Ria Emanuel, Ben Hopper, Christina Hung-Thorpe, Erin Lindsey Manila, Samantha Marino, Jessica Regine Mislang, Marianne Ortaleza, Perlianne Ortaleza, Stella Palucci-Hall, Jack Pilon, Christina Thorpe-Hung, Elise Varganyi and Marivic Villareal.

P.S. Please note that Faith First & Little Gifts are now on Christmas vacation for the next 3
weekends. The program will resume on the weekend of January 11-12, 2014.


(Confessions: Saturday, December 21 & Tuesday, December 24 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.)

December 24 Family Mass with Pageant at 7:30 p.m. Midnight Mass at 10:00 p.m. Christmas Day Masses at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. New Years Eve at 4:00 p.m. Mary the Holy Mother of God (January 1, 2014) at 11:00 a.m.
ADVENT RECONCILIATION SERVICES St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish: Tuesday, December 17, at 7:30 p.m. (after 7:00 p.m. Mass) St. Monicas Parish: Saturday, December 21 & Tuesday, December 24 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 14 St. John of the Cross 4:00 Oksana Cybuski Claudia & George Sunday, Dec. 15 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:30 Antonio Bei, Jancinta De Gabriella Bei Santis, & Dorena Di Pietro 11:00 In Loving Memory: Carmela Saltarelli Di Lonardo, Angelo Caucci, Fioravante Rotiroti, Maria Lonardo Aiello, Joseph Kmetyko, Deceased members of the Cullen Family. Monday, Dec. 16 Weekday 8:00 Fioravante Rotiroti The Rotiroti Family Tuesday, Dec . 17 Weekday 8:00 Ermando Giuseppe Nudo His wife Elvira Nudo Wednesday, Dec. 18 Weekday 8:00 Concetina Di Leonardo Giuseppina Girolamo 8:00 8:00 4:00 Thursday, Dec. 19 Weekday Rinaldo Caucci His wife & Family Friday, Dec. 20 Weekday Concetina De Leonardo Luisa & Angelo Falcone Saturday, Dec. 21 St. Peter Canisius Anna & Italo Mariani & Luisa & Angelo Falcone Italo Falcone Sunday, Dec. 22 4th Sunday of Advent In Loving Memory: Isa Mazzella, Elena Casale Zilli. His wife Berardina & Family Your Generosity
Thank you for your on-going support of our parish Last weekends collection was $2,827.55


Each year, we collect mitts, hats, scarves and gloves for Le Bon Dieu Dans La Rue. We invite you to place your gifts of these items on the Christmas tree at the front of the church near the tabernacle for donation. Thank you.


The Sunday Mass Books for 2014, beginning with the 1st Sunday of Advent, Dec. 1, are now on sale for $5 each. You can pick up your copy at the main entrance of the church. Please place your payment in the Missalette and Newspaper Payment Box.


Those who use our Sunday Offering envelops are reminded to pick up their 2014 box at the main entrance of the Church. Boxes are in numerical order and there is an alphabetical list you can consult. New users are asked to fill in a request form and submit to the office.


11:00 Giacomo Fiori


St. Monicas breakfast program is once again in need of volunteers to help out on a temporary, but urgent basis. Due to volunteers taking winter holidays, we will be desperately short of help for the months of January and February. Only one hour, one morning a week per volunteer is all that we need. Once March arrives, we will no longer be in need. This is an important program that benefits many families in need of help feeding their children. If you can help us.please, please contact either; Avice Joseph at 514-486-2769 or Sandy Shea at 514-369-0180.


Last Sunday, following the 11 oclock Mass, we held a meeting for all parishioners living within the parish boundaries for the purpose of electing two new wardens. This year we welcome Douglas Robb, replacing George Wong, whose 3-year term is shortly coming to an end; and we welcome back Angela Onesi for a second 3-year term. We extend our profound thanks to George Wong for his dedicated service to St. Monicas parish.


If you did not receive the Christmas letter, it is possible that you are not currently registered on our Parish List or that you have moved and we do not have your new address. We invite you to pick up a copy of the letter on your way out of the church today. To register as a parishioner of St. Monicas, just fill out a registration form that you will find at the doors of the church. We also ask that you contact the office 514-481-0267 to verify that your address information is correct.


Please note that all donations must be in no later than December 29, in order to receive a tax receipt for 2013. Donations received after this date will be credited for 2014. Thank you.

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