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Ashley Pou 11 February 2014 THE2000 Essay 2

After watching the episode from "Unscripted", I could tell how difficult it is to be an actor. There is a lot of warmups, techniques, and memorizing involved. For example Jennifer (the red head), is practicing for a role she has to play by doing body and vocal warm ups. Her way of practicing is by doing yoga and looking in the mirror and really trying to feel and be like the character she is trying to be. With her doing that can tell she works from inner to outer. Krista (the brunette) has issues when it can to the roles she had to play. She did not like to wear bathing suits but when she had to she had to sort of deal with it even though most of the time she was not prepared for it. Her character worked from outer to inner. Brian also worked from outer to inner because he would not practice for roles and he would lie about his qualifications. Brian also showed us how difficult the acting community is especially when it comes to trusting people and when you expect to see yourself on a show and you learn your part was cut. I think by seeing the episode from Unscripted" that acting is no joke and it takes a lot of work and dedication. When your acting you have to be hopeful and patient because it might take awhile for your time to shine to come.

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