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ETP425 SELECTED TUTORIAL ACTIVITY WEEK 2 Attachment 2 Assessment tasks Purpose Written Students demonstrate their individual understanding

of a topic through thinking and articulation. Advantages Students have the opportunity to explain their answer/understanding. Take less time to design than multi choice Easy to mark Can test broadly Teacher can determine the level of understanding of the class as a whole. Challenges Time consuming to mark. Difficult for students who have difficulty with literacy skills.

Multiple choice

Tests a students knowledge through the correct/incorrect selection of an answer from a range of options.

Does not allow student to demonstrate think-aloud process Does not allow for students to demonstrate partial understanding Not beneficial for teachers to pinpoint where an individuals level of understanding is at. It can bring about anxiety in the student Results are not available to adapt learning materials for the particular students. Time consuming Can cause anxiety/nerves


Summative form of assessment undertaken on completion of study a particular subject/topic to demonstrate the students level of understanding throughout the set period. Demonstration of a students level of understanding and ability to perform a practical skill.

Provides teacher, student and parents with an overall indication of the students achievement in a subject area.


Physical demonstration of specific task/skill of practical nature so benefits more hands on students.


Verbal presentation of a prepared topic

Allows students to demonstrate their knowledge uniquely and is beneficial for some students who find it difficult to articulate their thinking in written form.

Can be stressful for some students and bring about anxiety. Time constraints can be difficult to manage.

Anecdotal records

Informal type record of observations by teacher.

Particularly helpful in the areas of social/emotional and behavioural skills. Flexible Can be useful for parent/teacher meetings

Time consuming and time management can be difficult. Difficult to record behaviours that happen unexpectedly


Presentation of a topic/subject material to an audience either individually, or as part of a group.

Calls on different skills that written answers/examinations Can be done collaboratively Students take it seriously

Time consuming Some students find it stressful


Demonstration of specific skill

Opportunity to show practical knowledge, rather than focus on articulating knowledge verbally or in a written format. Allows student to demonstrate their level of understanding of the topic to the teacher. Allows student to reflect on their understanding of a topic.

Limited opportunity to test more broadly.

Topic tests

Tests the knowledge an individual has on a specific topic.

The context of the test can impact on results time, place, how a student is feeling etc.


A common way to assess student learning through giving them a set task decided upon by the teacher that is relevant to their learnings. It is undertaken in a set timeframe.

Gives student the time to undertake research and demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired. Less time consuming for the teacher to construct Assess students thought processes Essays encourage the organisation of knowledge, the integration of

Time consuming to mark and delivery of work can vary greatly. Marking is more subjective


Piece of writing that methodically analyses and evaluates a topic or issue.

Marking is more subjective Can be challenging for students of struggle with literacy.

theories and the expression of opinions. Diaries Informal reflection of an individuals experience Can provide insight into where a student might be struggling/not understanding Good for recording observations and knowledge of a topic e-portfolios A collection /sample of work undertaken by the individual throughout the course of subject/learning period. Provides a broad selection of work to review. Allows student to comment on their best work and reflect on their achievement. Facilitates student/teacher/parent feedback and conversation. Projects Students set out to answer a specific question through researching, experimenting, analysing, reflecting etc. Allows assessment of a broad range of skills and the process by which the student completes the work (not just the end product). Facilitates project-based learning students are inspired to learn more about a topic. Usually allows for creativity

Time consuming to mark.

Very subjective and personal. Anonymity may be an issue.

Subjective Gathering of the large amount of work can become timely and difficult to manage.

Marking is subjective Time consuming for student to complete Can often take longer than anticipated for students to finish.


An overview of the students progression and achievement across the course of a term, semester or the year.

Provides an overall look at the students achievement across all school areas in relation to specific outcomes for their year group. Also reports on behavioural and in school performance.

Is an overview and does not provide in depth information about an individual students specific strengths and weaknesses.

Group project

Group of students work together to answer/address a specific issue/topic/question. Interviewer (teacher) collects information from the student with a sequence of questions.

Can allow for creativity Can encourage peer-to-peer learning Allow the probing of deeper information from the student. Interviewer can modify questions to suit students needs Encourages stupid to view an issue from both sides Allows interactive exchange with other students and the teacher. Fast way to demonstrate how easily and quickly a student can retrieve and communicate knowledge. Great to assess creativity

Can be difficult to assess an individuals contribution


Time consuming Subjectivity and bias (from verbal and non-verbal reactions.


Students will research and analyse a controversial topic and present their standpoints and arguments to an opposing team. Students are assessed according to how much they can achieve/do in a limited amount of time.

Students not confident in public speaking may be less motivated to participate.

Timed responses( times tables in a minute)

Students may feel pressure to perform to time constraints which may bring about stress.


Visual displays constructed to represent an overall concept

May be a difficult task for students who are not as practically minded or creative. Students can get easily distracted on the internet Can take considerable amounts of class time, especially if there is no internet access at home and limited access in the school. Students may not be confident in their ability to source information from accurate and reputable sites.

Web quest

Inquiry-oriented activity that uses links to essential information on the internet to investigate a series of central and open-ended questions.

Students are more responsible for their own learning Encourages the use of ICT Students can access information at home

Web research task

Encourages student to independently research a particular topic using the internet

Encourages the use of ICT Students can access information at home.

Students may not be confident in their ability to source information from accurate and reputable sites. Can take considerable amounts of class time, especially if there is no internet access at home and limited access in the school.

Answer questions from the back of the chapter

Encourages students to follow up on questions they are unable to answer to enhance their knowledge of a topic.

Students can independently identify gaps in their learning

Students who have difficulty reading may struggle. Students may not absorb the knowledge, just read it from the text and write down the answer.

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