In-Class Invention Activity: Assignment

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In-Class Invention Activity

Separate students into groups of three for this activity. Once the groups are arranged, each student should select one item that they are currently carrying with them (sunglasses, gum, keys, etc.) and place it on the table in front of them. The item does not need to be your favorite or the most expensive, ust pick something that!s easily accessible and tangible.

Assignment: "ow that you have been separated into groups of three, examine the items that
your group members have assembled and choose one item that your group will work with for the day. #our task is to work TO$%T&%' to come up with significant and descriptive details about the item and consider why it is important culturally or personally. (e prepared to summari)e the significance and value of your item for the rest of your classmates following this activity. Try to fully examine your group!s item by considering some of the following *uestions+ ,hat are the physical characteristics .s the item useful- &ow might the practicality of the item differ from person to person,hat!s the item!s impact on people /oes the item have a cultural significance- /oes the item have the same value for each of you- 0or every culture-) .f you were a total stranger, how would you describe this ob ect- ,hat would you predict or infer about the ob ect if you were unfamiliar with its owner &ow do you think the item developed#ou are encouraged to expand these *uestions and create your own as you discuss with your group1 2n example+ #our group may have chosen to analy)e one member!s set of keys. #ou could note the number and si)e of the keys, the type of keychain they!re attached to. #ou could write about how the keys are useful and create a feeling of safety because they allow their owner to leave the house feeling secure. Or, maybe the keys suggest that our culture is fearful, that we!ve lost the neighborly3feeling of openness and community. Or, you could ponder why keys take the shape they do- ,hy do modern keys look different than anti*ue skeleton keys- The possibilities are open, ust remember to ask *uestions and practice close observation.

Formatting: 2s you!re going through the list of *uestions above (or coming up with your
own1) have one member of your group take notes to share with the rest of the class.

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