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Simple Citizenship Interview

Based on the USCIS N-400

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Introduction Do you promise to tell the truth? What is an oath? Why are you here today? Show me your Green Card, Driver License, Passport, or Photo ID. N-400 Part 1: Your Name What is your full name? What is your last name? Spell it.

Yes, I do. An oath is a promise. I promise to tell the truth. I want to become an American citizen. Here are my Green Card and ___________________. (Hand the documents to the USCIS Examiner). My full name is ___________ _____________
First Name Middle Name

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Last Name

My last name is ______________________________. My last name is spelled __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . Yes. I have been a legal permanent resident for ______ years. a) Yes. b) No. I have been married to a US Citizen for _____ years.

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N-400 Part 2: Info about Your Eligibility Are you a legal permanent resident? How many years have you been a permanent resident? Are you married to a US Citizen? How many years have you been married to a US citizen? N-400 Part 3: Information about You What is your Social Security Number? What is your date of birth? What date did you become a permanent resident? What is your country of birth? What is your country of nationality? Are you single, married, widowed, or divorced? N-400 Part 4: Addresses & Phone Numbers What is your current home address?

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My Social Security Number is 987-65-4321 My date of birth is _________________ (MM/DD/YYYY). I became a legal permanent resident on___________. My country of birth is __________________________. My country of nationality is _____________________. I am (single, married, divorced, or widowed). My home address is: ______________________________________ _____
Street Name and Street Number City State Apt # Zip Code

________________________ _______ ___________ 18 19 20 What is your home telephone number? N-400 Part 6: Residence & Employment How long have you lived at your current home address? Do you work? (How do you support yourself?) Where do you work? What is your job? N-400 Part 7: Time Outside of the US Have you taken any trips outside the US? How many total days were you outside of the US? How many trips did you take? Tell me about your last trip. When did you leave? What date did you come back? Where did you go? How many days were you in _________ (Country)? Have you taken any more trips?
2007 by US Citizenship Podcast 1

My telephone number is (_ _ _) - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ I have lived at my current home address for _____ years and _______ months. a) Yes, I work. b) I am retired. c) I stay at home and take care of my family. d) My (husband, wife, children) support me. I work at _______________________(Name of Business) I am a _____________________(Job, occupation, position) a) Yes. b) No. (Go to Part 8) I was outside of the US for ____days. I have taken _____ trips outside of the U.S. I left the U.S. on ___________________ (MM/DD/YYYY). I came back to the U.S on ____________ (MM/DD/YYYY). I went to _____________________________ (Country). I was in ________________________ for _____ days. a) a) Yes. b) No.

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Simple Citizenship Interview

Based on the USCIS N-400

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N-400 Part 8: Info about Your Marital History How many times have you been married? What is the name of your (husband or wife)? What is (his or her) date of birth? What is the date of your marriage? What is (his or her) home address? Is (he or she) a U.S. citizen? What is (his or her) country of birth? N-400 Part 9: Info about Your Children How many children do you have? What is your childs name? (Answer for each child) What is (his or her) date of birth? What is (his or her) country of birth? Is (he or she) a U.S. citizen? What is (his or her) home address?

a) I have been married ___ times b) I have never been married. (Go to Part 9) (His or her) name is ___________ _____________ _______________.
First Name Middle Name Last Name

(His or her) date of birth is____________ (MM/DD/YYYY). Our date of marriage is ______________ (MM/DD/YYYY). a) (He or she) lives with me. b) (His or her) home address is ___________ (City). a) Yes. b) No. (His or her) country of birth is ___________________. a) I dont have any children. b) I have ________ sons and ________ daughters. (His or her) name is ____________ _____________
First Name Last Name

(His or her) date of birth is____________ (MM/DD/YYYY). (His or her) country of birth is ___________________. a) Yes. b) No. c) (He or she) lives with me. d) (His or her) home address is ___________ (City).

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N-400 Part 10: Additional Questions Have you ever claimed to be a U.S. citizen? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever voted in any U.S. elections? a) Yes. b) No. Do you pay your taxes every year? a) Yes. b) No. Do you owe any taxes? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been declared legally incompetent? a) Yes. b) No. Do you belong to any groups or organizations? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been a member of the Communist party? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been a terrorist? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever committed a crime? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been arrested? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been in jail? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been a habitual drunkard? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever sold or smuggled illegal drugs or narcotics? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever gambled illegally? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever lied to the US government? a) Yes. b) No. Have you ever been deported? a) Yes. b) No. Do you support the Constitution and the form of government of the US? a) Yes. b) No. What is the Constitution? The Constitution is supreme law of the land. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States? a) Yes. b) No. What is the Oath of Allegiance? I promise with my life to be loyal to the United States. Are you willing to take the full Oath Of Allegiance to the US government? a) Yes. b) No. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the US? a) Yes. b) No. What is to bear arms? I will use a gun (or weapon) to protect US if the government tells me to do so. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform non-combatant services for the US Army? a) Yes. b) No. What is non-combatant? I will help the US Army without using a gun (or weapon).
(Non-combatant= No gun)

Are you willing to help the government during an emergency (like an earthquake or flood)? Do you promise that everything that you have said during this interview is true?

a) Yes. b) No. a) Yes. b) No.

The Examiner will tell you to write 2 sentences. Then he or she will ask 10 US History & Government questions.

Congratulations! You will be a great American citizen!

2007 by US Citizenship Podcast 2

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