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Easy Citizenship Interview

1 N-400 Part 1 Your Name What is your full name? My full name is ________________________________________.
First Name Middle Name Last Name

N-400 Part 2 Info about Your Eligibility 2 3 4 What is your date of birth? What date did you come to the United States? What country are you from? N-400 Part 4 Addresses & Phone Numbers 5 What is your home address? My home address is: ________________________________________
Street Name and Street Number Apt #

My date of birth is __ __ / __ __/ __ __ __ __ I came to the US in __ __ / __ __/ __ __ __ __ I am from _______________________________.

City State Zip Code

What is your telephone number? N-400 Part 6 Residence & Employment

My phone number is (__ __ __) - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

Do you work? (How do you support yourself?)

a) Yes, I work. b) I am retired. c) I stay home and take care of my family.

N-400 Part 7 Time Outside of the US 8 How many trips have you taken outside of the U.S.? N-400 Part 8 & 9 Info about Your Marital History and Family 9 10 Are you married? How many children do you have? N-400 Part 10 Additional Questions 11 12 13 14 15 Have you ever voted in any U.S. elections? Do you pay your taxes every year? Have you ever been arrested? Do you support the Constitution? Do you promise that everything is true?

I have taken _____ trips outside of the U.S.

I am (single, married, divorced, widowed). I have ____ children.

a) Yes. b) No. a) Yes. b) No. a) Yes. b) No. a) Yes. b) No. a) Yes. b) No.

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