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Learner Analysis for Using On-line Story Writing Outline, Heros Journey

Information Categories Data Sources Learner (Student) Characteristics Students will know how to o en a we! !rowser" ha#e !asic reading skills" and !e a!le to follow on$line written directions with minimal su er#ision% &hey will !e familiari'ed with the Heros Journey cycle and will ha#e re#iewed it e(tensi#ely !efore !eginning% Students will understand the Heros Journey archety e from which stories are deri#ed" and !e familiar with the terms associated with the hases of the )ourney% Pre#ious knowledge of the Heros Journey cycle will !e em hasi'ed !y acti#ating knowledge of re#ious e( osure to the cycle in all cultures myths and legends" todays !ooks and films" and e#en our own li#es% &he range of rior knowledge is #ast" since nearly all students ha#e had some e( osure to #arious media and cultural roducts throughout life% Learners attitudes will range from e(cited a!out creating their own #ersions of a story" to confused" to disinterested% &he teacher will ha#e to facilitate all learning ty es and scaffold instruction according to resent needs% &he online framework ro#ides a structured o ortunity to allow for detailed work* students will !e the sole creators of their heroes" and for designing all the articulars of the )ourney% Students will !e eager to utili'e technology !ecause of the engagement asociated with the interacti#eness of on$line tools* students will en)oy the ease of


Entry behaviors

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan


Prior Knowledge of topic area

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Attitudes toward content

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Attitudes toward potential delivery system

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan


Motivation for instruction

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan


Educational and ability levels

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan


General learning preferences

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan

com leting )ust a few sim le ste s that" when com leted" will ser#e as an outline for the re$writing ortion of their assignment% Students need this technology$!ased and creati#e e( erience to a ly re#ious knowledge and to generate higher order thinking skills in +nglish Language ,rts curriculum and other su!)ects% Students may feel moti#ated if they are interested in creati#e writing" reading" film" screenwriting" art" drama" oetry" world and ,merican culture" myths" legends" religion" and hiloso hy% &he teachers task will !e to link this )ourney to all of these disci lines and also ersonali'e it enough so its re eating cycle is e#ident within ones own life% -rou s are com osed of middle and high school learners who are roficient using .S /ord" and who ha#e !asic ty ing skills" though a!ilities and s eed #ary% Learners ha#e !asic reading com rehension skills and the a!ility to follow general directions to access the features of this sites rom ts% Some students may !e #ery engaged and a!le to write ersonal or fantastical stories" while others may struggle with the !asic re0uirements and understanding of this assignment% Students will com lete their assignment in the classroom or com uter la!" as they refer utili'ing com uter technology o#er en2 a er for the re$writing stage of writing assignments* using this site ena!les students to work at their own ace" and to return or ad#ance to other ste s" as needed% ,n instructor will facilitate the rocess%


Attitudes toward training organization

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan


General group characteristics

Heros Journey Curriculum Plan

&his lesson is es ecially designed to facilitate the organi'ation of ideas" and ena!le students who ha#e difficulty creating the organi'ation and outline structures necessary to !egin and na#igate the writing rocess% Students are female and male" ages 34$35 years* education le#els are currently on$going" with !asic elementary reading and writing skills in lace* instructor$to$ artici ant ratio is 3678 for 9:$;: minute classroom sessions" de ending on grade le#el%


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