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ICT Integration Project

Maddy, Anna, Talisha & Patricia

A joint statement from your group expressing your understanding of what is required for the ICT integration project.

ICT plays an exceptionally large role in todays society. Not only is ICT a building block for innovative thinking but assist in flourishing new ideas, professionalism and motivation for learning. As part of this unit we are required to (as a group) develop a major learning resource using ICT. The resource must consist of a sequence of four lessons where ICT is the central focus and student-centered. There are three parts to this project these including

Planning This is where the groups express there understanding of the task. The links between what we intend to do and where this lies within the Australian Curriculum is highlighted as well as how ICT can be incorporated to enhance this. The development of the four lessons flourish during this process to reinforce how students will use ICT, how the learning will be developed and what students will gain from the task.


In this part of the project we will present our lessons to a grade one class. This will put all our planning into practice, engaging in hands on learning which is highly interactive. A strong focus however will be placed on the use of ICT encouraging children to get involved, develop new skills and most importantly be engrossed and gain high levels of excitement in their learning.

Publishing Lasting as a group we must display our lessons and ICT integration plan via creating a website. This will enable students to have access to site where they can acquire skills in a particular learning area strongly emphasized via ICT. The aim is to strongly encourage children to use this resource as learning tool where they strive to inquire and learn new things.

In summary the ICT integration project is all about working cooperatively as a team. Using our ICT knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical understanding to develop a resource where students are engaged, interested and most importantly learning. It is a beneficial project in that we are able to put our planning into practice and identify what works and what doesnt and develop this. According to Isard (n.d., p. 10) Research is showing us with experienced and innovative educators driving mobile technology schools will see improved learning outcomes and greater engagement.

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