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252 West 91 Street New York, NY 10024 347-233-1279 noorsandhu0426@g a!"#$o

EDUCATION Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York Master of Education in Music Education, %&'e$ted (a) 2014 anhattan School o! usic, New York, New York Master of Music in Classical Vocal Performance, (a) 2013 Sarah "a#rence College, *ron&+!""e, New York Bachelor of Arts in Music, (a) 2011 HONORS$A%ARDS ,ean-s .!st, (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, 2012-2013 CERTI&ICATION New York State 0n!t!a" 1ert!/!$at!on, 2ea$h!ng o/ (us!$, 34-125, %&'e$ted (a) 2014 "AN'UA'ES 6!nd! 3/"uent5, (andar!n 3'ro/!$!ent5, 0ta"!an and 7er an 3$on+ersat!ona"5 (RO&ESSIONA" E)(ERIENCE *ueens etro+olitan High School, 8orest 6!""s, New York 9anuar) 2014-(a) 2014 Choir Teacher %&'and the $hora" re'erto!re /or h!gh s$hoo" students !n order to edu$ate the on d!//erent +o$a" te$hn!:ues and us!$a" genres ,es!gn the $hora" 'rogra to use as a /uture $urr!$u"u to 'ro+!de s!ng!ng o''ortun!t!es /or an) and a"" students !n+o"+ed ;da't genera" us!$ $urr!$u"u to eet the edu$at!ona" needs o/ s'e$!a" edu$at!on students %du$ate students on the r!$h us!$a" her!tage o/ the $o un!t) <) organ!=!ng /!e"d tr!'s to $u"tura" organ!=at!ons !n and around New York 1!t) Rye Country Day School, >)e, New York 9anuar) 2014-(a) 2014 Primary School Music Teacher %n$ourage the e&'ress!+e, ! ag!nat!+e and !nst!n$t!+e $reat!+e $a'a$!t!es that )oung $h!"dren natura"") 'osses 0n$or'orate the Dalcroze ethod o/ us!$ edu$at!on us!ng ?rh)th !$ g) nast!$s,? to tea$h $on$e'ts o/ rh)th , stru$ture, and us!$a" e&'ress!on us!ng o+e ent 8o$us on a""ow!ng the student to ga!n 'h)s!$a" awareness and e&'er!en$e o/ us!$ through tra!n!ng that takes '"a$e through a"" o/ the senses, 'art!$u"ar") k!nesthet!$ ;do't an o'en, $o""a<orat!+e a''roa$h when work!ng w!th $o""eagues, seek!ng out the!r strengths and needs, and negot!at!ng ke) "eadersh!' o''ortun!t!es /or the to <roaden the!r sk!""s and $reate an !nterd!s$!'"!nar) $urr!$u"u ,Every -oice Choirs,. 1o"u <!a @n!+ers!t), New York 1!t), New York Se'te <er 2013-'resent Assistant Choral Director ,es!gned a 'rogra /or ABea$e Seekers 00C 1h!"dren o/ the Wor"dD $on$ert e+ent# .ed se$t!ona" rehearsa"s and $ondu$ted +o$a" ense <"es resu"t!ng !n a dee'er a''re$!at!on o/ us!$a" te$hn!:ues ;da'ted re'erto!re to eet the edu$at!ona" needs and the re:uests o/ students !n+o"+ed ;d !n!strated s a"" grou' "essons to students !n the $ho!r to !n$rease us!$a" sk!""s and +o$a" :ua"!t) 'E S %orl/ Aca/emy, ,u<a!, @n!ted ;ra< % !rates (a) 2012-9une 2012 Music Teaching Assistant Su''orted tea$hers, o<ser+ed, 'art!$!'ated !n "essons and rehearsa"s .ed us!$ rehearsa"s /or the s$hoo" 'rodu$t!on o/ Ste'hen Sondhe! -s, Into the Woods 2aught and $oa$hed !nd!+!dua" students !n 're'arat!on /or the!r /!na" +o$a" 'roEe$ts and $on$erts ;!ded students !n 're'ar!ng /or the!r 0* Year Fne (us!$ ;ssess ent

(0S0 123, New York 1!t), New York Se'te <er 2011-,e$e <er 2011 nd !rade Music Teacher ,es!gned and organ!=ed a 6o"!da) 1on$ert /or the 2nd grade students 1ondu$ted +o$a" rehearsa"s and $oa$hed songs /or the 'er/or an$e 1hose and rehearsed re'erto!re <ased on the $ho!$es, re:uests and us!$a" needs o/ the students ,es!gned a $urr!$u"u <ased on grade "e+e" standards to tea$h the /unda enta"s o/ su$$ess/u" 'er/or an$e Al Noor Hos+ital !or Chil/ren #ith S+ecial Nee/s, ,u<a!, @n!ted ;ra< % !rates ,e$e <er 2010-9anuar) 2011 Music Thera"ist #Intern$ 2aught $h!"dren w!th ;ut!s S'e$tru ,!sorder and ,own S)ndro e to engage !n the use o/ us!$a" !nstru ents and +o$a"!=at!ons 2aught students to 'ut together the!r own us!$a" $o 'os!t!ons <ased on the !nstru ents the) used %n$ouraged s'e$!a" needs students to engage !n $reat!ng us!$ to use as an out"et /or e&'ress!on and $o un!$at!on ;da'ted the genera" us!$ $urr!$u"u to eet edu$at!ona" needs o/ s'e$!a" needs students (ER&OR ANCE E)(ERIENCE Performance %esti&als EnCanta Collecti&e 1ha <er 1o 'an), New York, New YorkC ,e$e <er 2013 (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$ Go!$e 8est!+a", New York, New YorkC 9une 2010 Canta in Italia Go!$e and F'era Brogra , 8"oren$e, 0ta")C 9une 2009 2he Shakes'eare S$hoo", Strat/ord 8est!+a", Fntar!o, 1anadaC 9u") 2006 (!dwest Young ;rt!sts (us!$ 8est!+a", .ake 8orest, 0""!no!sC 9une 2005 '"era The Perfect %ool( 2h!rd 7!r", EnCanta Collecti&e 1ha <er 1o 'an), ,e$e <er 2013 ThaisC 1horus (e <er, (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$ F'era 2heater, ,e$e <er 2012 SemeleC Se e"e, (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$ *aro:ue ;r!a %nse <"e, ;'r!" 2012 )ansel and !retelC 7rete", Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege Fr$hestra, (a) 2011 Dido and AeneasC ,!do, Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege *aro:ue %nse <"e, (a) 2010 Il *e Pastore( ; !nta, Canta in Italia Voice and '"era Program, 9une 2009 Solo Performances (o=art, S'ohr, 1o'"and, 6ahn, 0sen<ergC +e,anon %amily )ealth Ser&ices 8undra!s!ng 1on$ertC Se'te <er, 2013 (o=art, Bou"en$, 2ost!, (e)er<eer, Wo"/, *r!tten, 7ershw!nC (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, 8e<ruar), 2013 (o=art, 8aurH, S$hu<ert, S'ohr, *ar<er, 6o!<), (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, 8e<ruar) 2012 (ontsa"+atge, F//en<a$h, ,e<uss), *a$h, (o=art, S$hu<ert, 6ande", Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege, ;'r!" 2011 6#6#;# *ea$h, Bergo"es!, (o=art, 8aurH, S$hu<ert, 6ande", Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege, (a) 2010 Bur$e"", (o=art, 8aurH, S$hu<ert, 6ande", Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege, (a) 2009 Ensem,le Performances A2errene @n<ound,D Ber/or !ng 2r!o, Se'te <er 2013-'resent (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, Go$a" ;$$o 'an)!ng Se !narC 2012-2013 (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, F'era 2heaterC 2012-2013 (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, *aro:ue ;r!a %nse <"eC 2011-2012 (anhattan S$hoo" o/ (us!$, 1horus, New York Bh!"har on!$ Fr$hestraC 2011-2012 Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege, 1ha <er (us!$ %nse <"eC 2010-2011 Sarah .awren$e 1o""ege, *aro:ue %nse <"eC 2010-2011 (RO&ESSIONA" DE-E"O( ENT Music Pedagogy- 2011-'resentC ,r# 1aro" ;nn ;!$her, ,r# 6aro"d ;<e"es, ,r# 9a es 8ranke", ,r# .or! 1ustodero, Conductors, 2007-'resentC ;"an 7!"<ert, ,a+!d Ste$h, 7eorge (anahan, Sungra! Sohn, 9onathan Yates Voice Teachers- 2007-'resentC (a!t"and Beters, 6!"da 6arr!s, Sherr!"" (!"nes, 9oan-Batenaude-Yarne"" CO (UTER S4I""S Bro/!$!ent !n (!$roso/t F//!$e, ;do<e >eader as we"" as !n 8"!ght, 7arage *and and Soundat!on us!$ so/tware that !n$"udesC S!<e"!us, 8!na"e, Note

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