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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing


Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

This section assesses the skills of English Language !ain stress of this section is on the grammar" #oca$ular% an& rea&ing comprehension

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
' Sensor% cells ((((((( impulses $% pro&ucing electrical signals A B C D ) respon&ing to respon& respon& to respon&

((((((( cru&e h%&rocar$ons into such pro&ucts as gasoline an& petrochemicals is at the heart of the petroleum in&ustr% A B C D refine refine& to refining refining 2

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of words. elect the lettered pair that best e!presses a relationship similar to that e!pressed in the original pair.
* C+NNA!,N- BAR.-A B C D / pea- clim$er nutmeg- see& tea- shru$ coffee- $ush

SNA.E- 0ANG-A B C D #ampire- teeth ra$$it- hutch snail- antennae action- fin

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
1 S+!2LATEDA B C D real contri#e& unassuming false

"ead the passage to answer question #$%

E3ercise an& #itamin D increase the amount of calcium in %our $ones 4ou can get all the #itamin D %ou nee& from simpl% $eing out&oors for thirt% minutes !ilk is fortifie& 5ith #itamin D" an& &rinking nonfat milk gi#es %ou calcium" #itamins" an& energ% 6o5e#er" if %ou &eci&e to take supplemental #itamin D" /77 to 877 +2 per &a% 5ill safel% pre#ent an% &eficiencies 9 The 5or& :fortifie&; is closest in meaning to A B C D < $len&e& fla#ore& irra&iate& enhance&

The 5or& :supplemental; is closest in meaning to A B C D a&&itional special natural concentrate&

The 5or& :&eficiencies; is closest in meaning to 3

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing A B C D a$normalities insufficiencies illnesses e3cesses

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

The =uestions in this section nee& simple anal%sis of the gi#en &ata an& logical reasoning of the can&i&ate Each =uestion or group of =uestions is $ase& on a passage or set of con&itions" an& the can&i&ate has to select the $est ans5er choice

&uestions '$((
A spice farmer must har#est e3actl% fi#e spices gro5n on her farm The spices must $e har#este& consecuti#el%" the har#est of one $eing complete& $efore the har#est of the ne3t $egins The fi#e spices to $e har#este& are allspice" clo#es" nutmeg" sage" an& th%me Nutmeg must $e har#este& $efore th%me Clo#es must $e har#este& imme&iatel% after allspice Sage must not $e har#este& first > ?hich of the follo5ing is an accepta$le or&er for the har#esting of the fi#e spices@ A B C D E nutmeg" sage" allspice" clo#es" th%me sage" nutmeg" th%me" allspice" clo#es allspice" sage" th%me" clo#es" nutmeg clo#es" nutmeg" allspice" sage" th%me allspice" clo#es" th%me" sage" nutmeg

'7 +f nutmeg is the fourth spice har#este&" 5hich of the follo5ing must $e false@ A B C D E All spice is the first spice har#este& Sage is har#este& imme&iatel% after clo#es E3actl% one crop is har#este& $et5een sage an& th%me Nutmeg is har#este& imme&iatel% after clo#es Th%me is the last spice har#este&

'' +f sage is the secon& spice har#este&" allspice must $e 5hich of the follo5ing@ A B C D E the the the the the first or the thir& spice har#este& first or the fourth spice har#este& thir& or the fourth spice har#este& thir& or the fifth spice har#este& fourth or the fifth spice har#este&

&uestions ()$(*
+n&i#i&ual mem$ers from eight animal species are to $e chosen for a special e3hi$it ha$itat The eight species are P" A" R" S" T" 2" V an& ? Because of the 5a% these animals interact" certain gui&elines must $e follo5e& Sample Paper GAT General 5

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing Animals that 5ill fight cannot $e place& in the ha$itat together !em$ers of species V 5ill fight 5ith mem$ers of species S" T" an& 2 A mem$er of species R 5ill fight 5ith a mem$er of species A" $ut onl% if a mem$er of species V is present +f a mem$er of species ? is present" a mem$er of species P 5ill not fight 5ith an% animal +f a mem$er of species ? is not present" a mem$er of species P 5ill fight 5ith mem$ers of species A an& R No fights other than those &escri$e& a$o#e 5ill occur ') +f V is chosen for the ha$itat" 5hich of the follo5ing CANN,T also $e chosen@ A B C D E P A T R ?

'* +f t5o other animals are to $e a&&e& to a ha$itat containing a mem$er of species A an& a mem$er of species V in the ha$itat" 5hich of the follo5ing coul& $e those t5o animals@ 0 G 6 + B mem$ers mem$ers mem$ers mem$ers mem$ers of of of of of species species species species species ? an& P R an& P S an& ? ? an& R 2 an& R

'/ +f t5o ha$itats are set up" one containing mem$ers of species P" A" ?" an& V" an& the other containing mem$ers of species S" 2" R" an& T" 5hich animals coul& $e s5itche& one for the other 5ithout pro#oking an% fights@ A B C D E species species species species species ? an& 2 A an& R P an& R V an& S ? an& T

'1 +f S" P" an& R are chosen for the ha$itat" 5hich of the follo5ing must also $e chosen@ A B C D E ? V 2 T A

Plant 4 thri#es in en#ironments of great sunlight an& #er% little moisture Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing Desert C is an en#ironment 5ith constant" po5erful sunlight" an& ne3tDtoDno moisture Although Plant 4 thri#es in the areas surroun&ing Desert C" it &oes not e3ist naturall% in the &esert" nor &oes it sur#i#e long 5hen intro&uce& there '9 ?hich of the follo5ing 5oul& $e most useful in e3plaining the apparent &iscrepanc% a$o#e@ A B C D E Desert CEs climate is far too harsh for the animals that normall% fee& on Plant 4 0or one 5eek in the fall" Desert C gets consistent rainfall The en#ironment aroun& Desert C is i&eall% suite& to the nee&s of Plant 4 Due to the lack of sufficient moisture" Desert C can support almost no plant life Plant 4 cannot sur#i#e in temperatures as high as those normall% foun& in Desert C

Although air pollution 5as pre#iousl% thought to e3ist almost e3clusi#el% in our nationEs cities" the recent increase in the num$er of persons suffering from illnesses attri$ute& to e3cessi#e air pollution lea#es us no choice $ut to conclu&e that ether" nonDur$an areas are no5 affecte& '< ?hich of the follo5ing" if true" 5oul& most seriousl% 5eaken the conclusion of the argument a$o#e@ A B C D E The nationEs cities ha#e seen a marke& &ecrease in their le#els of air pollution The nation has e3perience& a sharp &ecrease in the num$er of people mo#ing out of its cities +llnesses &ue to air pollution are among the least common causes of &eath to ur$an &5ellers !an% illnesses pre#iousl% thought unrelate& to air pollution are no5 consi&ere& to $e cause& $% it As a result of the pro$lems in ur$an areas" nonDur$an areas ha#e passe& strict pollution control measures

Aagha .han Bloo& Bank" +nc is a pri#ate $loo& pro&ucts compan% that $u%s $loo& onl% from =ualifie& &onors To =ualif%" a person must 5eigh at least '71 poun&s" must not ha#e taken malaria me&ication in the last three %ears" must ne#er ha#e ha& hepatitis" an& must ne#er ha#e use& intra#enous &rugs Aagha .han Bloo& Bank nurses kno5 that tra#eling has an effect on the possi$ilities for $loo& &onation- E#er%one 5ho tra#els to !ala%sia is re=uire& to take malaria me&icationF no one 5ho enters Singapore can ha#e e#er use& intra#enous &rugsF e#er%one tra#eling to Gorisimi gets hepatitis '8 ?hich of the follo5ing situations 5oul& not automaticall% &is=ualif% a person from selling $loo& to Aagha .han Bloo& Bank@ A B C D E tra#eling to !ala%sia t5o %ears ago ha#ing once 5eighe& ''7 poun&s an& no5 5eighing >1 poun&s $eing &enie& a&mission to Singapore tra#eling to Gorisimi fi#e %ears ago using intra#enous &rugs that 5ere legal at the time 7

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

This section assesses the $asic =uantitati#e skills of the can&i&ate The section is &e#elope& in the light of the $asic =uantitati#e concepts

/ * /) ))

' ) / ') '9

)7 ?hat 5as the original price of an item if a &iscount of )7 percent re&uce& the price to Rs '77@ A B C D E Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 87 ')7 ')1 '17 )17

)' The sum of 7 9)>" / * an& ) is A B C D 7 ')1> 9 </ ') 1> 9 >)>

)) +n a $asket containing '87 apples" > are spoile& ?hat percent of the apples in the $asket are not spoile&@ A B C D E >1G >7G 17G )1G )7G

)* ?hat is 1G of )7G@ A B C D 'G '7G '77G 7'

)/ 5hen D/ is a&&e& to D/" the sum is A B C D E D8 H8 D' H' H)7 8

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing )1 9 men can &o a piece of 5ork in ') &a%s 6o5 man% men are nee&e& to &o the 5ork in '8 &a%s@ A B C D * 9 / ) men men men men

)9 The a#erage of the first fi#e multiples of < is A B C D )7 )' )8 *7

)< The num$er missing in the series )" 9" ')" )7" @" /)" 19" <) is A B C D E )/ *7 *9 *8 /7

)8 Lu=man is 9< 6is son Rehan is )> +n ho5 man% %ears 5ill Rehan $e e3actl% half his fatherIs age@ A B C D E ) 1 < > ')

Sample Paper GAT General

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

)> ?hich la%er is responsi$le for con#erting &ata packets from the Data Link La%er into electrical signals@ A B C D ph%sical &ata link presentation net5ork

*7 ?hat is the &efault port of http@ A B C D E 8787 )* )' )1 87

*' ?hich of the follo5ing statements $est &escri$es a #ie5 in !S SAL Ser#er )777@ A B C D A ta$le store& on ph%sical memor% 5hose contents are &eri#e& from a =uer% A &efinition of 5hat &ata shoul& $e e3tracte& from a ta$le or ta$les A normal ta$le e3cept that it can $e partitione& The 5a% a ta$le is sho5n is SAL Ser#er

*) ?hat &oes the prece&ence of an operator &etermine" in C@ A B C D E ?hich operator is most important ?hich operator is faster ?hich operator is use& first ?hich operator operates on the largest num$ers None of the a$o#e

** +n C!L" Get time Jone offset K L metho& &oes 5hat@ A B C D Returns current time Returns time &ifference of local time 5ith G!T A&&s local time 5ith G!T Returns a null string

Sample Paper GAT General


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Sample Paper GAT General


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Ans5er .E4S
AM ' ) * / 1 9 < 8 > '7 '' ') '* '/ '1 '9 '< '8 '> )7 )' )) )* )/ )1 )9 )< )8 )> *7 *' *) ** Right Choice C D B A A D A B A D C B A D D E B C D C D A A A C B B D

Sample Paper GAT General


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