Sport Education Model Lecture

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TASK #1:
GROUPS/SECTIONS: A =Ben, Matt, Scott, Lok, & Marcellus / Front Page & Features B =Mark, Walker, Kait, & Brad / Objectives & Sportsperson C = Christian, Anthony, Chris, & Heather/ Student Roles & Benefits/Teacher Roles In your groups, become the master of knowledge for your particular section. - You will have 10 minutes to know everything there is to know about your section. - As you are learning, come up with examples for your topic and how it relates to the sport of BADMINTON.

TASK #2:
Now that you have become the master of

knowledge, each person in your group will form a separate group (4 groups!) with one member from the other groups (at least one person from A, B, and C in each group). Here you will teach each other about what you learned about your particular section. Make sure you give your Badminton examples to the rest of the group for your topic! You will have 15 minutes for this task!

Task #3:
What would the 1st day of -Preseason look like -Regular Season look like -Post Season look like -Create a plan for each day, like it was the 1st day of each season!

In your task 2 groups complete the following task using your knowledge of the Sport Education Model
Roles & Responsibilities: -Create a list of the roles required for the team/season -Create a list of responsibilities for each role needed

Record Keeping & How to Select a Team: -Make a list of statistics that can be taken (team & individual) -Make a list of ways to select teams before the season starts

Skills Challenge: -Create a day of skills challenge for teams to compete against each other -What skills will be used -What assessment tools can be used

Sport Education Model

by Daryl Siedentop , Peter Hastie, Hans van der Mars

Curriculum & Instructional Model

Discussion Questions:
Describe the importance of having affiliation in your Sport Education Model. Why is it important for the students to learn different roles other than just how to be a player? Explain the differences between a literate, competent and enthusiastic sports person. Name two objectives of the Sport Education Model and why they are important. Can the Sport Education Model be used for activities other than sports?

What else is there to know about the Sport Education Model?

Differences from youth, community and interscholastic sport:
Participation requirements How much time is required for each section of sport? What does a practice/game schedule look like? Developmentally appropriate involvement Skill level? Elite teams vs Recreation teams (ie. Travel teams)? Diverse roles beyond that of a player What roles are learned at a youth, community and interscholastic level?

Other things to think about

Introducing the SE model for the 1st time Start with a highly popular sport/activity

to get the model rolling Start with one class instead of all classes to get a foot in the door
Responsible, mature, etc.

Instead of allowing students to focus on

what they lack, focus on each teams unique abilities.

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