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Name: Connor McLaughlin

Total pts = 5 ______

PHED 239: High School Module Worksheet - Chapter 3 Be prepared to discuss in class: 1. As a physical educator, what are the implications of grouping high school students by chronological age rather than by developmental level? Give examples. Most schools group students by age rather than developmental level because it is easier for the administration to combine and organize the students. It is hard to group students by developmental level because students of the same age can have developmental skills 4 years ahead or behind their age group. 2. Share examples (at least one each) of characteristics (physical, social, emotional, and intellectual) of high school students, and the implications for each trait. -Physical characteristics of high school students include an increased motor ability and coordination. For matured high school students, the instructional progressions move at a much faster rate, making it a great time to improve motor skills and to learn new skills. -Social characteristics of high school students include attending dances, parties, athletic events, and school clubs. This provides students of a choice of activities that might suit them. -Emotional development of high school students deals in part with a completion of puberty. Students are no longer acting out from mood swings and it is important for teachers to model good behavior and emotional control when dealing with students. -Intellectual characteristics of high school students include having a large base of knowledge and experience. This will make an increase in student choice in activities they are interested in learning about.

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