Dance Lesson Plan Grade 12

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Physical Education Lesson

Grade: 12 Unit: Dance Date: October 15

General Outcomes


Benefits Health


Do It DailyFor Life
Goal Setting/ Personal Challenge Active Living In the Community

Specific Outcomes

Basic Skills

Application of Basic Skills

Functional Fitness

Body Image



Fair Play





3,9 6 A30 3 analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of skills and concepts effort, space and relationships to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance A30 9 choreograph, perform and critique dance for self and others C30 6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others Introduction/Warm Up (10min) Briefly discuss class intent- R&B dance Class Focus- learn Michael Jackson Thriller dance and self choreograph a dance Discuss safety for this dance Warm up activity Using variety of music ask students to find the beat and start moving to it around the gym Ask students to vary their levels Ask students to vary their locomotor skills After couple of minutes, play video of Thriller on projection screen while students warm up Ask students to try moves that are involved in thriller Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies Activity 1 (35min) Number students 1-4 Students line up in their rows across the gym, rotate lines forward as dance progress Begin teaching thriller step by step using video (if a sub, you can play the video as it is an educational video and teaches step by step and you do not need to know the exact dance moves. Might make the students more comfortable if it looks like you are learning it at the same time as they are. ) *This is also an adapted version of the dance, so it is not as complicated as the original ** if there are students in the class who are advanced in dance or who know this dance already, ask them to either teach some moves or move around and help other students Teaching by 8 counts 1. students watching you (or video) 2. students performing at same time as teacher (or video) 3. add the music and go through steps a couple more times 4. move to the next step Each time a new 8 count is learned, start at the beginning of the song and perform all the parts up to that point, then move to the next 8 count Count steps out loud or in head to help stay in rhythm Rotate the lines every 3 or 4 eight counts Key Teaching Points?? Dance enhances creativity, and rhythmical movements Own space- arms length away from each other Respect others Respect Ipads refresh students of 4 and 8 count rhythms clap to the beat Shuffles, skipping, forwards, sideways etc Activity 1

Activity 2 (45 min) Students form groups of 4 or 5 one Ipad to each group hand out rubrics and grading sheet, students with be peer evaluating other groups dances at end of class students choreograph their own 1-2 minute long dance routine must use 8 counts must have a minimum of 8 moves use Ipad to find music use Ipad for dance move suggestions but could also use moves from Thriller or other dances learnt in passed lessons Circle around seeing how creative and engaged students are After 30 minutes, have groups team up and perform dances to each other for grading Discuss with a couple groups why they gave what mark to their peers Closure/Cool Down (5 min) See if any groups would like to perform in front of class If nobody wants to perform, discuss some of the creative moves and performances they saw from their class mates

Be Creative Remember the grading rubric Be respectful to your group members skills and ideas

Equipment Stereo- Michael Jackson Thriller you tube video 4-6 Ipads projection screen

Safety Considerations Spatial awareness

Teachers Evaluation (walking around during choreography stage) simple check list for that day to monitor progression throughout the unit Date: Criteria rhythmic movement/flow is expressive and consistent with the theme participant is engaged in the activity participant shows ability to work with others

Student name: Yes/No

Yes/No Yes/No

Students Peer evaluation Evaluator group names:________________________________________________________ Presenters names: ____________________________________________________________ Criteria Consistently (5) Frequently (4) Occasionally (3) Rarely Knows patterns and steps Performs steps with correct timing and sequence Shows innovative patterns Demonstrates polished performance Expresses spirit of the dance Total : /25

Adaptations for special needs

If any aids present, they are to help individuals with disabilities enjoy and be successful in the dance unit Physical disability Can still attempt to perform dance adapting to their physical disability, ie: wheel chair- student can move around the gym in different directions and motions as they would be able to using one wheel or both wheels. Ask them to dance with there arms more if they are capable. Learning, and/or intellectual Disability Students are encouraged to work with groups and or individuals they get along with and can help them learn the dance. Visual disability Have a friend dance with them, holding hands or interlocking arms and do the moves slower. This individual can still hear, so they could be able to understand the auditory instructions coming form teacher, video or classmates Auditory disability Use of video and demonstrations are key for this individual.

Using the projection screen is important so the students feel engaged and get to see the final result before they perform the dance. It also helps include more learning techniques, visual as well as auditory and then they get to try it right after. If the screen wasnt working on the day, you could still perform the dance as long as you as a teacher knows the dance. You could use a laptop or the Ipads and break into smaller groups right at the start. Each group would learn the dance on their own instead of with the whole class. The Ipads are less necessary and could be used as back up. If you ask the students the class before to bring in their Ipods and if they have an Ipod doc, they can use their own equipment instead of the schools.

Doing an R&B dance unit would allow you to bring in dance experts to teach different lessons. The experts would give the class more ideas for choreographing and brings a level of excitement to the class

The dance unit could be used during may social study units for example. Each period of study would involve different periods of dance techniques. R&B and Micheal Jackson to be more specific would be the late 80s, 90s and even 2000s. It would allow some history to be learned before doing the actual activity. Dance also combines with art as well as music and even LA


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