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Connor McLaughlin George Washington High School Physical Fitness/Wellness Block Plan assignment PHED 239-Module 4: High School

Dr. Mangano Springfield College 2/26/14

Facilities: For this unit, an open gymnasium (the length of a full basketball court) with a pull-up bar is


Equipment: Day 1 -6 Jump Ropes -6 Bean Bags -6 Basketballs -6 Soccer Balls Day 2 -8 Mats -4 Lifting Bands -Pull-up Bar -2 Physio balls Day 3 -24 Mats

Unit Outcomes: By the end of the unit, the students will be able to: (c) Understand the concepts of Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Muscular

Strength, and Flexibility (NASPE

#2; MA CF #2.21).

(p) Demonstrate the correct exercises involving Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, and Flexibility (NASPE #2; MA CF #2.20). (a) Follow all instructions given by the teacher when dealing with exercise to minimize the potential risk of injury (NASPE #5; MA CF #2.23).

BLOCK PLAN UNIT Physical Fitness/Wellness LEVEL(S) 9-12

Day 1 Focus: Cardiovascular
Endurance Experience and learn the differences between Target Heart Rate, Resting Heart Rate and Maximum Heart Rate Explain the benefits of cardiovascular endurance and why it makes one


Day 2 Focus: Muscular

Endurance Circuit Training Learn the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance Determine which will have a greater increase on heart rate

Day 3 Focus: Flexibility

Learn the benefits of flexibility in everyday life

Equipment/Materials/Techn ology:
24 mats Relaxing/soothing music

become healthier

Equipment/Material s/Technology:
6 jump ropes 6 bean bags 6 basketballs 6 soccer balls

Equipment/Materi als/Technology:
8 mats 4 resistance bands

Informing: The purpose of this

lesson is to: Enhance the students flexibility Identify: Flexibility- The muscles ability to stretch Meditation- To spend time in quiet thought for relaxation purposes

Informing: The
purpose of the lesson is to: Improve muscular endurance Identify: Muscular Endurance- the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time (low weight, high rep) Muscular Strength- the ability of a muscle to exert a maximal or near maximal force against an object (high weight, low rep) The benefits of muscular endurance include being able to carry groceries up to ones house Start/stop signals: change in music Safety: -Students must report any injuries to the teacher immediately

-The benefits of flexibility are to help

prevent muscle injury, and to increase physical performance Start/stop signals- change in music Safety- if any student feels any unnecessary pain, they should report it to the teacher immediately

Informing: The purpose

of this lesson is to: Improve cardiovascular endurance Reach a target heart rate (70-80% of maximum heart rate) Identify: -Resting heart rate (how many times the heart will beat in one minute while a body is at rest) -Target heart rate (the full efficient speed at which ones heart should beat during exercise, should be between 60-80% of maximum heart rate) -Maximum heart rate (the maximum amount of beats a heart will beat in one minute, calculated by 220-age) The benefits of cardiovascular endurance include keeping a low blood pressure as well as reducing the risk of a heart attack later in life Start signal- 1 whistle Stop signal- 2 whistles Safety: -If any injuries arise, students should report it to the teacher immediately -There must be no contact between students at any time

Yoga poses STANDING Mountain Pose- Cues from feet to head; Four Points, Rotate Knees Inward, Contract Quads, Tilt Pelvis, Lift Ribcage, Shoulders Back & Relaxed, Throat Relaxed, and Head & Neck in line with Spine Exalted Warrior (I) Pose- Shoulders & Hips perpendicular, Back foot may pivot for trunk alignment, Forward knee no more than 90 degree angle, arms overhead Proud Warrior (II) Pose- Hips parallel, Shoulders over hips, Gazing past arm / Bent leg no more than 90 degree angle Brave Warrior (III) Pose- Hips perpendicular; establish Warrior I first, Lean forward from hips, Push with back foot to balance on front leg, Hips parallel to floor, Supporting leg may be bent and elevated leg may be modified. Tree Pose - Focal point; hips forward, Pressure between leg and foot, Hips squeezed forward, Shoulder away from

Refining/Extendin g:
Plank: Extension up- abductors (lift one leg at a time) Extension Down- hold push-up position -Lie face down on the mat with toes and forearms touching the ground

-Keep back straight Burpees: Extension up- add a push up when in prone position Extension down- perform at a slower rate -Start in standing position feet shoulder width apart -Squat down and place hands a half foot in front of feet -With hands planted, push feet back into pushup position -Hop forward into squat position -Explode up and extend body into the air Pull-ups: Ext up- use wider grip Ext down- hold chin above the bar -Use an overhand grip (knuckles facing you) -Arms shoulder width apart with a long hang-arms fully extended on bar -Pull yourself up steadily and slowly until chin meets bar -Don't swing your legs Bicycle crunches: Ext up- perform at a faster rate Ext down- place foot on floor after each pedal motion -Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground -With your hands gently holding your head, lift your knees to about a 45degree angle

ears, Modify arm position Eagle Pose- Start in Mountain Pose, Focal Point, Same arm on top as leg you are standing on, Shoulders Away from Ears/Elbow even with shoulders SITTING Childs Pose- Buttocks resting on heels; knees outside hips; hands extended in line with shoulders or wrapped around feet Heros Pose- Buttocks resting on heels; knees in line with hips Cobblers Pose- Soles of the feet are in contact with one another Complete, full Boat Pose- Chest lifted; spine straight; balancing on buttocks; legs extended approximately 45-degree angle Seated forward bend- Chin to chest; back is rounded; chest in direction of thighs Seated One leg hamstring stretch- Sole of the foot on the bent knee is placed against the inner thigh between the knee and the groin SUPINE/PRONE Fish Pose- Counter pose for Shoulder stand; Weight supported on hands and elbows; chest open and head /neck relaxed backwards Serpent Pose- Side lying pose, hips are stacked; bottom leg straight or slightly bent; toes of top foot/leg is pointed in direction of your ear Downward facing Dog Pose- A Position; Hands in line with shoulders; hips pushed up high toward ceiling; shoulders dropped from ears, and heels pressed in

Refining/Extending :
Jump Rope: -Put the ends (handles) of the jump rope into each hand, begin with the jump rope behind your body -Swing the jump rope to the front of your body and jump when it gets close to your feet -Continue jumping Jumping Jacks: -Start by standing in an upright position with feet together and arms down by your side -Jump up in the air and spread feet wide apart -During the jump also bring your arms up by your head by bringing them out to the side -Jump in the air and bring your feet back together and you arms back down by your side Dribbling (basketball): -Keep Eyes up -Use your fingertips to bounce ball to ground -Keep ball at your side for control -Keep ball at waist level or lower Dribbling (soccer ball): -Push the ball forward gently with the inside or the outside of the foot -As you travel, keep the ball closer than your fingertips

when our arm is extended -Use peripheral vision to look at the ball as you look where you are traveling

-Slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion -Alternately touching your elbows to the opposite knees as you twist back and forth Push-ups: Ext up- place hands in a triangle Ext down- hold push-up position -Palms on floor with fingers spread and pointed straight ahead -Toes and balls of feet on floor at all times -Straight and flat back and body -Bend arms until your nose is about 2 inches from floor and return to starting position Squat jumps: Ext up- perform double bounce instead of only one jump Ext down- perform squat without a jump -Start in standing position with feet shoulder width apart -While keeping back straight, bend down until knees are at 90 degrees -Perform a jump that will extend legs and propel body into the air Side Plank: Ext up- perform abductors (lift leg) Ext down- straighten elbow and place hand on ground instead of forearm -Lie with one side on the

direction of the floor Upward facing Dog Pose- Hands directly under shoulders; hips and knees are off the floor; weight is on the top of the toes Cobra Pose- Hands placed in front of chest on floor in front of shoulders; arms extended to point of comfort and hips remain in contact with the floor Bow Pose- Right hand holds above right ankle; left hand holds above left ankle; head is lifted; shoulder blades pulled back and together; feet pulled away from buttocks

Learning Activities:
Warm up: Students will run for 2 minutes around the gymnasium before performing dynamic stretches led by two student volunteers Dynamic Stretches: High Knees- Jog forward and lift knees, one at a time, so that knees rise above waist level But Kicks- While standing tall, jog forward with an exaggerated backswing so that your heels come up to your glutes Lunges- Step forward using a long stride, keeping the front knee over or just behind your toes -Lower your body by dropping your back knee toward the ground. -Keep a straight back and keep your abdominal muscles tight Mummy Kicks- Keeping your back and knees straight, walk forward lifting one leg (at a time) straight out in front and touching your toes to your hands Students will pair up into 6

Learning Activities:
Warm up: Students will jog for 2 minutes around the gym. Two volunteer students will lead dynamic stretches Dynamic Stretches: High Knees- Jog forward and lift knees, one at a time, so that knees rise above waist level But Kicks- While standing tall, jog forward with an exaggerated backswing so that your heels come up to your glutes Lunges- Step forward using a long stride, keeping the front knee over or just behind your toes -Lower your body by dropping your back knee toward the ground. -Keep a straight back and keep your abdominal muscles tight Mummy Kicks- Keeping your back and knees straight, walk forward lifting one leg (at a time) straight out in front and touching your toes to your hands Poses in order:

teams of 4 to perform relay races With their team, students will measure their resting heart rate by finding their pulse for 15 sec and multiplying that number by 4. Race 1- students will run to the other end of the gym, perform 10 jump ropes, pick up the bean bag lying on the floor, and run back to give the next person in line the bean bag. Once all 4 students have gone, the first students will run to the other end of the gym and perform 10 jumping jacks, before returning to their team to hand off the bean bag. Race 2- Students will jump (2 feet-2 feet) to the other end of the gym and back before handing off the beanbag. Once all 4 students have gone, the first students will then hop (1 foot-same foot) down to the other side of the gym before returning back to the team hoping on the opposite foot. Race 3- Students will dribble a basketball, (alternating both hands) down and back the court before handing the ball off to the next teammate. Once all 4 students have gone, the first student will then dribble a soccer ball down to the other side of the gym and back. In between race 2 and 3, students will find their pulse and determine if they have reached their target heart rate or not. Cool Down: Students will

ground -Tighten core -Hold yourself up so that only your forearm and side of your foot are touching the ground (switch sides at 30sec) Resistant Band curls: Ext up- stand on the band with a wider stance Ext down- stand on the band with smaller stance -Stand with feet standing on the middle of the band -Grip the two handles -Brings hand to shoulders while keeping elbow in fixed position -Keep wrist straight Physio ball hamstring curl: Ext up-use a bigger physio ball Ext down- use a smaller physio ball -Start lying with back on the floor with heels on physio ball -Perform a hip thrust/glute bridge until shoulders are the only body part remaining on floor (bend knees) -Return to start position Leg Lifts: Ext up-touch hands to feet when lifting legs Ext down- place hands under glutes Begin on your back Lift legs off of the ground and point toes to the sky, while keeping hand at sides This is essentially a

-Mountain Pose -Exalted Warrior (I) Pose -Proud Warrior (II) Pose -Brave Warrior (III) Pose -Tree Pose -Eagle Pose -Childs Pose -Heros Pose -Cobblers Pose -Complete, full Boat Pose -Seated forward bend -Seated One leg hamstring stretch -Fish Pose -Serpent Pose -Downward facing Dog Pose -Upward facing Dog Pose -Cobra Pose -Bow Pose

Teacher will lead the different yoga poses in front of all 24 students 1 to 2 minutes for each pose Soothing music will be playing in the background Cool Down: Students will walk around the gym for 2 minutes before performing dynamic stretches led by two students Dynamic Stretches: High Knees- Jog forward and lift knees, one at a time, so that knees rise above waist level But Kicks- While standing tall, jog forward with an exaggerated backswing so that your heels come up to your glutes Lunges- Step forward using a long stride, keeping the front knee over or just behind your toes -Lower your body by dropping your back knee toward the ground. -Keep a straight back and keep your abdominal muscles tight

walk around the gym for 2 minutes and perform static stretches led by the teacher Static Stretches: Shoulder Stretch Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to you chest You will feel the stretch in the shoulder Repeat with the other arm Hamstring Stretch Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground Bend forward keeping the back straight You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg Repeat with the other leg Calf Stretch Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping

crunch, except your legs are straight, rather than bent Resistant Bands Rear Deltoid: Ext up- place hands closer together Ext down- place hands away from each other -Stand with arms out holding a resistant band -Pull hands apart -Slowly place hands back together Wall Sits: Ext up- place hands overhead Ext down- place hands on thighs -Lean against wall -Bend knees until they reach 90 degrees -Cross arms

Mummy Kicks- Keeping your back and knees straight, walk forward lifting one leg (at a time) straight out in front and touching your toes to your hands

Students will write a journal response reflecting on the lesson. Did you enjoy yoga, why/ why not? How does flexibility benefit overall health?

References: e/CarolynPosesAndAlignmentCues.html

Learning Activities:
Warm up: Students will jog for 2 minutes around the gym before performing static stretches led by the teacher Static Stretches: Shoulder Stretch Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest

it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg Repeat with the other leg Groin Stretch Sit with tall posture Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards the ground You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin Quadriceps Stretch

Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to you chest You will feel the stretch in the shoulder Repeat with the other arm Hamstring Stretch Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground Bend forward keeping the back straight You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg Repeat with the other leg Calf Stretch

Lie face down on the floor, resting your fore-head on your right hand Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to you buttocks Repeat with the right leg You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh

Exit Slip: What is the difference between resting HR, target

Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg Repeat with the other leg

HR, and maximum HR? How does cardiovascular endurance increase ones overall health?

Groin Stretch Sit with tall posture Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards the ground You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin Quadriceps Stretch Lie face down on the floor, resting your forehead on your right hand Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to you buttocks Repeat with the right leg You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh Stations: 1. Plank 2. Burpees 3. Pull-ups 4. Bicycle Crunches 5. Push-ups 6. Squat Jumps 7. Side Plank (both sides) 8. Resistant Band Curls 9. Physio Ball Hamstring Curl 10. Leg Lifts


11. Band Rear Deltoid 12. Wall Sits Stations should consist of 60sec intervals with 15sec in between for rest 12 stations, 2 students at each Cool Down: -Students will jog for 1 minute, and walk for 1 minute -Students will perform static stretches as seen in the warm up, led by two students volunteers Static Stretches: Shoulder Stretch Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to you chest You will feel the stretch in the shoulder Repeat with the other arm Hamstring Stretch Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg Allow the left leg to lie

relaxed on the ground Bend forward keeping the back straight You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg Repeat with the other leg Calf Stretch Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg Repeat with the other leg Groin Stretch Sit with tall posture Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards the ground You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin Quadriceps Stretch Lie face down on the

floor, resting your forehead on your right hand Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to you buttocks Repeat with the right leg You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh

Students will fill out a short quiz explaining the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance

References: easy-steps-for-doingburpees/

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