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Lesson Plan 1 UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: Stick-Handling Skills OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to hold

the stick correctly and move their body in order to control the puck Psychomoto : Students will be able to stick-handle and dribble the puck while moving !""ective: Students will be able to work independently and with other students demonstrating teamwork E#UIP$ENT: Introduction activity- 6 cones, one dice, and whistle Fitness development- 4 cones, 4 pieces of paper with an e ercise on it, and a whistle !esson- "# cones, one hockey stick per player, one puck per player, goggles for each player, $erseys, stop watch and whistle INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 1 Co ne s % 6 cones placed in a rectangle on the perimeter of -)lace 6 cones around basketball the gym& 'n the signal corner players run to a corner of their court choice and stay there $ogging on the spot& ( large die is -,umber the cones thrown and see which number comes up& )layers caught in the --ell the students they can not run corner with that number must come to the center of the gym to the number ne t to them and do *# $umping $acks and stretches& +hen only 6 players --ell students to go to the middle remain, players must run to a different corner and the game is when there number is called and do over& $umping $acks FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 U33e 4o5y an5 Co e e6e cises- -he students will be divided -)rint off 4 pieces of paper with into four groups& .ach group will be in a designated spot which an e ercise on them 5push-up, will have an e ercise& -he four e ercises will be/ )ush-ups, incline push-up, curl-up, and incline )ush-ups, 0url-up, and !eg e tension& leg e tension6 P7sh.73 is done from the front leaning rest position& 'nly the -7ivide students into four e4ual hands and toes are on the floor, and the body is kept as straight as groups possible& -he body is lowered, only the chest touches the floor --he four spots will be marked before the return to starting position& with a cone and the e ercise Incline 37sh.73 is done with either the hands on the wall& -he -.ach e ercise will last * hands are placed on the wall while the feet walk as far from the minute wall as possible& -he farther the performer1s feet move from the -8low whistle or stop music to wall, the more inclined and difficult the push-up will be& -he switch e ercises performer will then do a push-up against the wall& -9ake sure students $ob from C7 l.73 is down on the back with feet flat on the floor, knees one e ercise to another bent, and arms on the floor at the side of the body with palms down& !ift the head and shoulders to a 42 degree angle and then back in a two-count pattern& -he hands should slide forward 3 to 4 inches& Leg e6tension is done sitting on the floor with legs e tended and hands on hips& +ith a 4uick, vigorous action, raise the knees and bring both heels as close to the seat as possible& -he movement is

a drag with the toes touching lightly& :eturn to the original position& -he e ercises will be done for one minute and the students will $og from one e ercise to another& LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 Stic: han5ling s:ills. Students will be in a circle around the gym --ell students there stick must with a stick and goggles, the puck will be given to them later& be on the ground when the -hey will demonstrate each skill before moving on to the ne t teacher is talking& one& 'nce the students are ready to carry the puck, have the --ell the students the whistle students spread out and demonstrate the movement for about a will sound for the students to minute& start the skill and sound again ' i3 Techni;7e. )lace on hand at the top of the stick and the for the students to stop& other hand 6-; inches below that& :everse hands and see which -.ach student need a stick, and one feels better& goggles %ea5y Position. Holding the stick with both hands< let the edge -?ive student puck after they of the blade of the stick rest on the floor& =nees will be slightly understand the ready position bent& -9ake sure all students can do Ca ying the P7c:. 9ove the puck along the floor so that it skill before moving one always stays in contact with the blade, on one side only& -Have students spread out * i44ling Techni;7e. 7ribble by moving the puck forward out --ell them stick should not rise in front of you with short taps or pushes, rather than a continuous above hip level carrying& -he blade should be slightly tilted over the puck for -(lways run with head-up better control& -=eep puck in middle of blade Stic:.&an5ling Techni;7e. >se this techni4ue to control the -@FeelA the puck puck when you change direction& 9ove forward 4uickly, pushing -(fter the skills have been the puck from side to side in the middle of the blade& learned have them practice (fter skills have been learned have the students spread out around them around the gym for about gym and practice skills around the cones& 2 minutes& '!$E ,8 $INUTES0 )ig<ag %elay. Form teams of about 4 players& .ach team will have there own cone that will be placed on the end line& -eam members will be lined up in a single file line& 'n the @?oA signal, each player in turn, stick handles a puck through the cones, around the end cone, and directly back to the file to give the puck to the ne t player in line& :elay ends when everyone has had three turns&

-7ivide class into "-4 teams depending on siBe -)lace cones on end lines and in rows

EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% +atch the students during the relay to see if they can perform Have the students put there sticks the skills& 9ake sure every student is trying his or her best& and pucks into the proper spots (sk the students how they are supposed to hold the stick and :eview what was taught in class what the ready position is& Cuestions can also be asked to the :emind students that there new students individually to make sure they understand the skills& activity logs start today& -hey need -ell the students that tomorrow they will be working on to have *# hours of physical shooting& activity in a two week time period&
7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc

Lesson Plan UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: Shooting the )uck OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to hold the stick correctly during a wrist shot and slap shot Psychomoto : Students will be able to shot a wrist shot and slap shot with forward and backward techni4ues& !""ective: Students will be able to work with each other demonstrating teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: Introduction- +histle Fitness 7evelopment- +histle !esson- 'ne stick per student, one pair of goggles per student, bucket of pucks, four cones or " goals, $erseys, stop watch and whistle & INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 &e e> =he e> The e % Students will listen carefully to the --ell the students how to move word the teacher says& If they hear the word @hereA walk 5walking, running, skipping, 4uickly towards the teacher& If they hear the word @whereA $umping, galloping6& walk on the spot& If they hear the word @thereA walk 4uickly -:emind them to be safe and not away from the teacher& (ctivity will be repeated doing run into each other skipping, running, $umping and galloping& -Switch movements every *2-"# seconds FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 =ays o" "itness. 7epending on how many students are in the --ell the students which e ercises class will determine how many different fitness activities you they can choose from& will be performing& If there are ; students, give each student a -Students can not change the number and they have to come up with a fitness activity activity they pick& 5push-up, sit-ups, leaps, $umping $acks, forward lunge, -Student should say their activity skipping steps, running steps, carioca step, etc&6 -he activities each time there number comes up& will be done like the song @-he *" days of 0hristmasA& .ach student will add on an e ercise as there number comes up& LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 Shooting the P7c:. Have the students sit on the center court -:emind the students when the line and tell them what they will be doing& -he teacher or a teacher is talking the stick needs to hockey player will demonstrate the wrist shoot and slap shot be on the ground to the students& -he slap shot is used for longer distances and -:emind the students how to hold the wrist shot is used for shorter distances& .ach of the the stick& shooting techni4ues will the done with students lined up -7emonstrate the 3 types of wrist facing the goal& 7epending on how many students there are shots& more then one goal can be used& In needed four goals can be -(sk a student in class who is a spread out around the gym and students divided up between hockey player to help demonstrate& the four goals& Students will then be instructed to carefully get --ell the students not to start until a stick and go to there designated area& .ach student will get 2 the whistle sounds& pucks& (fter all students are done shooting, everyone can go -+hen the whistle sounds again the

get there pucks and do it again& (fter they have shot *# times move onto the ne t shooting techni4ue& .Fo ehan5 Shooting. -he right hand pushes the puck from the right side, with the nonhitting shoulder facing the wall& +ith the elbows slightly bent, snap your wrists and point the stick at the target to follow through& =eep your eyes on the target& .Bac:han5 Shooting. -he shooting shoulder faces the wall& -he right hand pulls the shot from the left side& .!lte nate &an5 Positioning. :epeat the Forehand and 8ackhand shots with the left hand lower than the right on the stick& Sla3 Shot Techni;7e. (pproach the puck, drop lower hand down the shaft a little for better control and keep eyes on the puck& Swing the stick behind you to about waist level and in line with the target& -hen swing the stick 4uickly forward and hit through the puck& Follow through with the stick no higher than the waist& Finish with all the weight on the front foot& '!$E ,8 $INUTES0 Total Sco e. 0ombines the dribbling and shooting for a goal& -he groups will all be lined up at the center court line& -he first person in each group will dribble as he or she travels toward the marker conesDgoal& (t any point after they pass the colored line, they may shoot for the goal& -he colored line can be the free throw line or a line made with tape that is about *#-*2 feet from the goal& (fter they shoot for the goal, they will move 4uickly outside the side boundary and dribble back to your group for another turn& If the student misses the shot they can try again to make it, but this is timed so they need to keep moving& 'nce the student gets back to their group they will hand-off the stick and puck& .ach team needs to keep track of how many goals they score in three minutes&

students will stop and put there sticks on the ground& -7emonstrate slap shot after the wrist shots are perfected& -7o not let students raise the stick higher then their waist

-7ivide students into 4 groups 5more groups can be added if there is a large class6 -.ach group has one hockey stick and one puck -=eep the puck in reach as you dribble -:emember this is timed, keep moving -7o not shot the puck if someone is in front of you&

EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% 7id the students maintain control while they were dribblingE Have the students put all of the 7id the study control the puck as they switch from dribbling e4uipment away and review what to shootingE 7id the students change directions to avoid skills they learned that day& others as they travelE (sk the students why they would use a slap shot as opposed to a wrist shot& (sk the students to e plain the difference between a forehand shot, backhand shot, and alternating shot& (lso have each student demonstrate this& . plain to the students that tomorrow they will be learning how to pass the puck&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan / UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: )assing the )uck OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to pass the puck using the proper techni4ue and proper receiving techni4ue& Psychomoto : Students will be able to be stationary and in motion when passing and receiving the puck !""ective: -he students will be able to work individually, with partners, and with other teammates demonstrating teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: Introductory activity- +histle Fitness 7evelopment- !aminated hunt sheets, $ump ropes, scooters, mats, F whistle& !esson- 'ne hockey stick per student, goggles, bucket of pucks, tape, cones, " goals, $erseys, stop watch and a whistle INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 Bo5y $ovements ? Students all line up on the baseline of the -,umber the students off *-4 basketball court and are given a number *-4& -he teacher will -.ach group gets a different give each number a different activity which will be performed activity one number at a time all the way across the gym& -his will -9ake sure students do not run into happen *# different times& (ctivities include/ bear walk, crab each other walk, inch worm, running, karaoke, hop on one foot, side shuffle, back pedaling, frog hops, and speed walking& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 Fitness Scavenge &7nt. Students will be in small groups of -Have the laminated hunt sheets about 3-4 people& -he students will have to @huntA for the ready to give the groups& e ercise area of the gym& 'n the laminated sheet will be *" -?roups need to stay together at all activities& .ach group will have a different starting point to times make sure the students are spread out and do not end up at the -.veryone in the group has to same skill& 'n the laminated sheets there will be things like/ complete the challenge before they abs, $umping rope, scooters, push-ups, $umping $acks, lunges, can move onto the ne t challenge& and crap walk& 'n the sheet there will be a challenge& .ach --wo groups can not be on the challenge needs to be completed before moving on the ne t same challenge& If one group gets challenge& Skills will be posted around the gym so students there before the other group is done know where to perform skill& they have to wait& LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 Passing the P7c:. . ample to the students they will be - 7esignate the passing lines working on passing the puck today& .ach student will be - )artner students up partnered up& -he students will be about *2 feet a part - -ell students to lead the puck and standing on designated lines 5line made by cones or tape6& -he cushion the puck when catching students can start passing the puck back and forth& -he -:emind students they can only partners will be standing still& . ample to the students how to start on the whistle and have to pass the puck and how to receive the puck& stop on the whistle&

Passing Techni;7e. =eep stick blade upright and use a smooth sweeping motion& -ry not to raise the stick above your waist in the backswing or when swinging it forward& )ass slightly ahead or your receiver on his or her stick side, called a @lead passA& %eceiving Techni;7e. +atch the puck& -ilt your stick blade over the puck to trap it& 0ushion pass by allowing your stick blade to @giveA at the moment of impact& +hen students are partnered up and ready to start they will pass back and forth in a stationary position& (fter about " minutes have students line up on base line of the gym& Pa tne Pass. Half the class will be on left side and the other half on the right of the base line& -he students will keep there partners& 'n the whistle one group on the left side and one group on the right side will be running down the court passing the puck to each other& -here will be cones in the middle making a line that they can not cross& If the puck goes across that line the students have to run to the end and $og back to the starting line along the outside of the base line& -here puck will be given back to them by the teacher& -he ne t group can go when the group in front of them is at the half court line& +hen the groups get to the end one person in the group 9>S- pick the puck up and $og back with it to the starting line& -his skill will be done 3 times for each group& Pass an5 Shoot. -he students will be in the same position, but will shot at a goal when they get to a line that is *2 feet in front of the goal& -here will be two goals, one for each side& -he pucks will stay in the goal and the groups can grab another puck out of the bucket at the start line& -he students will do this 3 times&

-:emind students sticks have to be on the ground when the teacher is talking&

-Students has to pass the puck the whole time down the court -Students will run on the baseline of the court after they complete the passing drill to the end of the court& -)uck must stay on the ground -,o high sticking&

- Students can only shot when the group in front of them is out of the court and they are at the designated shooting line&

'!$E ,8 $INUTES0 S;7a e &oc:ey. -he game is played on a large s4uare& -he .7ivide class into " teams students will be divided into " teams& .ach team defends two -:emind them no high sticking and sides of the s4uare& Some team members are on the s4uare puck must stay on ground sides as goalies, and others are on the field trying to hit the puck past either of the two end lines& If there is a big class the teacher can have all students stand on the s4uare and count off& Several numbers can be called, and those students become the field players and the others are the goalies& (lso we can make two s4uares, one of each side of the gym& EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% 'bserve the students to see if they are passing and receiving Have the students put away all the puck correctly& (sk students 4uestions about passing and e4uipment properly and gather to receiving the puck during the lesson& :eview how to hold the the center of the gym& stick too& -ell students that tomorrow they will be working on :eview the skills that were taught goal keeping& today and from previous lessons&
7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan @ UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: )assing and :eceiving< )artner and ?roup +orkDShot 8locking -echni4ue OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to correctly demonstrate the proper forehand and backhand grip& Psychomoto : Students will be able to successfully complete one trip down the court and back making at least " drop passes to their partner& !""ective: Students will be able to work with their partner to demonstrate teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: 'ne hockey stick per player< -hree soft pucks or balls per group< -hree cone markers per group< -hree hoops per group INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 Pac$an: Students must walkDrun on any line on Have students line up on the baseline of the the gym floor& 7epending on how many students basketball court& -his is the boundary line for the in your class, up to 2 students can be the pacman game& pacman& -he pacman are the taggers& Students move along the lines and try to avoid being +hen students are tagged and are now a road tagged& )acmen try to tag the other students& block, they should $og in place until the game is 'nce a student is tagged they must $og in place over& on the line they were tagged on and they are now a road block& If a student is running on that +hen the game is over have them $ob back to line and run into the road block they must turn the baseline of the basketball court& around& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,/.8 $INUTES0 LoAe .Leg St etches: Students will find a place along the wall arms Achilles Tendon Stretch % Stand facing a wall length away from the ne t person& with the forearms on it& )lace the forehead on the back of the hand& 8ack "-3 feet away from the wall, bend, and move one leg closer to the wall& Fle the bent leg with the foot on the floor until the stretch is felt in the (chilles tendon area& -he feet should remain flat on the floor as the leg closest to the wall is fle ed& :epeat by fle ing the other leg& Lower-Leg Stretch % Stand facing a wall with the feet shoulder width apart& )lace the palms of the hands on the wall at eye level& +alk away from the well, keeping the body straight, until the stretch is felt in the lower portion of the calf& -he feet should remain flat on the floor during the stretch& U33e .Leg St etches: Bear Hug % Stand with one leg forward and the

other to the rear& 8end the forward knee as much as possible while keeping the rear foot flat on the floor Groin Stretch % Sit on the floor with the legs spread as far apart and kept as straight as possible& Slowly lean forward from the hips and reach with the hands& 7o not bend at the neck and shoulders because that puts pressure on the lower back& Stretch and hold in three position/ left, right, and middle& LoAe .Bac: St etch: Back Bender % Stand with the feet shoulder width apart& 8end the knees slightly and gradually bend the lower back, starting at the hips& :ela the arms and neck and let the upper body hang& Body Twist % Sit on the floor with the right leg straight& !ift the left leg over the right leg and place it on the floor outside the right knee& 9ove the right elbow outside the upper left thigh and use it to maintain pressure on the leg& !ean back and support the upper body with the left hand& :otate the upper body toward the left hand and arm&

'nce they are done stretching have them gather on the baseline of the basketball court, remind them this is the court for field hockey&

LESSON FOCUS ,-9./9 $INUTES0 T 7c: Bn T aile : stand behind your partner< Have students partner up and each grab a stick the player in front with the puck is the truck and and one puck per partners& the player behind is the trailer& Truck, stickhandle the puck while your trailer follows close Have them gather back on the baseline and put behind< then softly tap the puck backward, or the stick and puck on the ground& @drop pass,A to your trailer and continue to travel forward& Trailer, receive the puck and :eiterate the proper grip on a stick, forehand and shoot it against the wall& 0hange roles after four backhand& S-I0= 7'.S ,'- ?' (8'G. shots& -H. +(IS-!I,. +H., -H. S-I0= IS I, Pig in the $i55le: 5Form groups of three H'>: H(,7IIII players in a marked area, with one puck&6 'ne player, stand in the middle between the other )lay )ig in the 9iddle two players& 9iddle player, while the two outside players pass the puck to each other, try Have them gather back to the baseline, put their to intercept it& If successful, swap places with sticks and pucks down& the last player to pass the puck& 0ontinue& 'ive an5 'o: 5Form e4ual teams of four to si . plain proper goalie ready position& S'Fplayers and have each team stand in shuttle H(,7S, do not shoot the puck hard& formation, with each half of the team facing the other half, 3# feet apart&6 -he first player in line, ?oalie practice in pairs pass the puck across to the first player on the other side, which fields the puck and repeats the

action& (fter passing, run across to $oin the end of the opposite line& -he first team to make thirty passes is the winner& 'oalie P actice: FI%ST - ?oalie :eady )osition/ 0rouch slightly, holding the stick in front of your body with one hand& >se the other hand to catch or knock the puck away& +atch the puck at all times& )lace the stick s4uarely in front of the puck to stop it& >se your feet, legs, stick, and even your chest to stop the puck& 0lear the puck by hitting or kicking it to the side& SECON* % 'ne player in each group is the ?oalie and stands between the cone markers& -he other players take one shot at a time to shoot the puck along the floor, between cones, having the ?oalie stop it& 5)ractice right and left forehand and backhand shots&6

Have students line back up on the baseline of the basketball court, put stick and puck on the floor& -hey should already know positioning on the floor 5*center, " forwards, " defensemen, * goalie6 Split into " teams and play position hockey&

'!$E ,8 $INUTES0 Position &oc:ey: -wo opposing forwards, face- Fo Aa 5s: have to stay on their side of the off at center& -he team that wins the puck, pass cones at all times it back and forth to try and score in the Cente : has to stay in the middle between the opponents goal& )layers, you may take " steps two cones with the puck, but cannot leave your position *e"ense: can go anywhere, but must stay behind 5forward, center, and defense6& Sideline players, the mid court line 5basketball half court line6 you may play the puck but must have one foot in Si5eline Playe s: has to have one foot inside the your hoop at all times& 0hange court players and hula hoop at all times, and the hula hoop must sideline players after a score or every three stay stationary minutes& ,ot enough players, can play without sideline players EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% (sk the students/ +hat are the proper goalie -Have the students put away all e4uipment properly techni4uesE +hat are the two types of grips and gather to the center of the gym& :emind them for shooting a puckE they are to raise their hands when asked a 4uestion& For ne t class they should be ready to learn -)roper ?oalie -echni4ues/ crouch slightly, holding defense and offence along with checking the stick in front of your body with one hand& >se techni4ues using no body contact& the other hand to catch or knock the puck away& -)lace the stick s4uarely in front of the puck to stop it& 0lear the puck by hitting or kicking it to the side& ?rips for shooting a puck/ Forehand and 8ackhand& -:emind students to continue to working on there activity logs&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan 8 UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: 7efense-'ffense 57odging< 0hecking -echni4ues6 OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to poke and $ab at their partner with the correct grip while trying to get the puck away& Psychomoto : Students will be able to dribble the puck down the court in the proper direction 5to the right< to the left< forward and backward6 while dodging around other players& !""ective: Students will be able to work with a partner and small group to demonstrate teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: 'ne hockey stick per player< 'ne plastic puck per player< 0one markers, Jump ropes, and Floor mats& INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 $a :ing: )artners are selected, and one elects Split students up into partners to chase the other& 'n the first signal, the challenge is to stay as close as possible to the partner who is attempting to get away& +hen a second signal is given, both partners must immediately freeBe& If the chaser can reach out and @markA the partner, the chaser scores a Have students gather on the baseline of the point& :oles are reversed each time a signal is basketball court after game is done& given& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 Fo7 Co ne s: ( large rectangle is formed 0one */ Jumping :ope using four cones as markers& Students move S:i33ing continually around the perimeter of the 0one "/ 0runches rectangle& (t each corner, a different movement Sh7""ling is performed& 'n the long and short sides of the 0one 3/ Jogging in )lace rectangle, from cone to cone alternative Ca ioca activities will be performed -he need for 0one 4/ !ine Jumps continuous movement should be emphasiBed, &o33ing on - Feet and the rectangle should be large enough to provide a challenging workload for the ?ather on the baseline of the basketball court cardiovascular system& after going through the rotation twice for * minutes at each station& LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 *o5ging Techni;7e: 'n the signal @?o,A ?et into the same partners as before& dribble the puck to the right< to the left< forward 'ne partner get " sticks, and the other partner and backward& 'n the signal @7odge,A dodge get a puck& around an imaginary checker& -ry to choose the right moment to e ecute your dodge to beat an Have them set the e4uipment down in front of

opponent< then push the puck to one side of the checker and move around to the other side of the opponent to regain control of the puck& Chec:ing Techni;7es: Find a partner< then one partner carry the puck toward the stationary partner, who will try to take it away from you& -ry to dodge and @fake outA your partner& If the tackle is successful, change places& Po:e o Ja4 Chec:: Hold the stick with one hand and poake or thrust it forward to knock the puck away from the opponent1s stick& SAee3 Chec:: 9ove your stick in a sweeping motion to check the puck away and secure control of it& Cee3.!Aay Aith Tac:ling: 59ark out small play areas with cone markers&6 )lay two-on-two in a confined area& Hou may lightly check each other, but the stick blade must not come above the waist& ,o body contact is allowed& >se split vision to keep your eyes on the puck and opponent&

them& . plain the dodging techni4ue and how they are going to go about doing it with their partner& 0ome back together and place e4uipment on the floor& . plain the checking techni4ues/ poke or $ab check and sweep check& Have them practice the " different checking techni4ues with their partner, but remember ,' 8'7H 0',-(0- and the stick must stay 8.!'+ the waist& )lay keep-away with no body contact& ?ather together on the basketball baseline to play Hockey )irates&

'!$E ,8 $INUTES0 &oc:ey Pi ates: 'n the signal @pirates are Select on-third of the class to be the hockey comingA hockey pirates, try to stick-handle the pirates, who each have a stick and stand in the puck or ball away from the free players& Free center of the play area to start& Have the player, as soon as you are without a puck or ball, remaining two-thirds of the class, the free you become a pirate and must now try to get the players, each get a stick and ball, and then puck away from any free player& +ho will still scatter throughout the play area& have their puck or ball at the end of the gameE :emember to keep your head up and sticks down as you move around& ,o body contact is allowed& )lay fairly- you cannot step on the puck or pin it against a wall& EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% :andomly ask students what the two checking Have the students put away all e4uipment in a techni4ues are& (sk them what the proper height safe manner& Have them gather in a circle to the for your stick should be when playing hockey& middle of the gym& For ne t class they should be ready to learn face off techni4ues&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan 1 UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: Facing 'ff 5-echni4ue< :eaction6 OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to properly demonstrate the correct grip on the stick for a face-off& Psychomoto : Students will be able to gain control of the puck during a face-off then after passing to their team with the proper forehand or backhand pass& !""ective: Students will be able to work in groups and as a team demonstrating teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: 'ne floor hockey stick per player< 'ne plastic puck per group, Hula Hoops, :adio, Jump ropes INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 $7sical &oo3s: Hoops are spread over the floor Hoops are spread out over the gym floor space with each student putting one foot or two feet in a hoop& )lay a musical tape with random Have one or two less hoops than students so in pauses& -he teacher collects some of the hoops the beginning of the game some students will be during the music so that some students will be eliminated& eliminated when the music stops& -he eliminated students go to the perimeter and perform a -he locomotor movement can be changed each stretch or some type of e ercise until the music round& 5skip, hop, gallop, $ump6 stops and ten gets back in the game& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 %o3e J7m3ing: .ach student has a $ump rope& Have students spread out throughout the gym& 'n the first signal, they begin $umping rope& 'n .nough space should be placed between each the second signal, they drop the rope and students so they are not hurting others with their perform a stretching activity& ( third signal can $ump rope be used to designate performing a light, easy run& :epeat these steps for the right and left foot 0hange the locotomotive skill every third signal as well as double $umping& so they are not doing the same thing over and over again& LESSON FOCUS ,19 $INUTES0 Techni;7e: -wo players, stand facing opposite Have students get into groups of 3 sides about a stick-length apart& )lace your stick blades on the floor so that they are almost 9ake sure when giving instructions that the stick touching& Slide the lower hand down the stick and puck are on the floor and out of the students shaft for more powerful control of the stick& hands 5less distractions6 -hird player, drop the puck between the two players& .ach player, immediately try to gain ?ather back on the baseline of the basketball control of the puck& (fter four puck drops, court for further directions

change roles until everyone has had a turn dropping the puck& '!$E ,19.18 $INUTES0 The Face.O"" 'ame: +hen I call out a number, 7ivide the class into two even teams, and have the two players with that number, come to the each team facing the other, about 3# feet apart& circle for a face-off& -he winner of the face-off, Have players space themselves an arm1s length either dribble or pass the puck back to your line apart& Have players number off consecutively to win a point for your team& -eam leaders keep from opposite ends& score& &ic:ey.&oc:ey: )lace the puck on the floor& +ith two even teams already divided, have them +hen the number is called, each player hits the sit on the opposite sides of the sideline of the floor on his or her side of the puck, then the basketball court& opponent1s stick& 7o this three times, calling @hickey-hockey *IA the first time< @hickey9ake sure the students remember the number hockey "IA the second time< and @hickey-hockey you give them so when their number is called 3IA the third time and the stick hits the floor& 'n they can come to @face-offA the third hit, each player tries to get control of the puck& Have all e4uipment put away and gather in the middle circle of the gym for a wrap up EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% Have the students put away all e4uipment in a Have the students say something they have safe manner& Have them gather in a circle to the learned today or in the previous lessons of field middle of the gym& hockey& If a student is wrong, correct them so that they understand the rules and proper techni4ues of the game& For ne t class we will learn positions in floor hockey&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan D UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: Small game play and Bone positioning OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to correctly place themselves in the correct position on the field 5goalie, offense, and defense6& Psychomoto : Students will be able to pass the puck to the ne t person in line while following their pass making this a continuous passing skill game& !""ective: Students will be able to understand space awareness in a large group game& E#UIP$ENT: Introductory (ctivity/ +histle, $erseys or rubber chicken Fitness 7evelopment- Jump ropes, whistle !esson- Hockey sticks, goggles, bucket of pucks, " colored $erseysDpennies, " nets, )olly spots, and a whistle INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 Pacman. Students must run on any line on the gym floor& -Students must stay on lines and there (bout 2 students are given )acman designation 5colored is no line $umping $ersey or rubber chicken6& -he )acman are the taggers& --aggers can be changed after * Students move along the lines and try to avoid being minute tagged& )acman try to tag the others& +hen tagged they are out and have to go to the side and do *# push-ups and *# $umping $acks& ?ame will be played for "-3 minutes FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 Contin7ity e6e cises. -his activity will be done in -.ach e ercise will done for about 3#s4uads& .ach person will be about arms width apart from 42 seconds each other& Students will alternate between rope $umping -9ake sure students are all and e ercises& -he whistle will sound to change e ercise participating Fi st signal. 8egin $umping rope --ell students they must transition Secon5 signal. Stop $umping, drop ropes, and do push4uickly ups Thi 5 signal. :esume rope $umping Fo7 th signal. 7rop ropes and do sit-ups Fi"th signal. :esume rope $umping Si6th signal. 7rop rope and do the double crap kick Seventh signal. :esume rope $umping Eighth signal. 7rop rope and do superman1s Ninth signal ?:esume rope $umping LESSON FOCUS ,1-.1D $INUTES0 )one &oc:ey. 7ivide the students into teams of 6-; -:emind the students what the players& 9ark out the playing area with cones and a net& different positions means -here will be two areas for playing& Have the team -:emind students they have to stay in position themselves on the play area as either, 'ffense, there Bone or they will be taking out 7efense, or ?oalie& ?o over the positions and what each of the game

position is responsible for& O""ense. Is responsible for scoring and are on the side of there goal 53-4 people6& *e"ense- 7efends there goal from there opponents 534 people6& 'oalie- )rotects the goal 5one person6 Have the players go into the positions& -he start of the activity will be with a face-off between two forwards 5one from each team6& -he students have to stay in there Bone and will be taking out of the game for a penalty if they move out of there Bone& ( penalty means that the player has to be taking out of the game for 3# seconds& (ctivity will be played for 3 minutes then the teams with switch opponents and players will switch positions& -his will be done four times&

--he teacher is the only one that can decide if a player is in the wrong Bone& -)uck needs to stay low to the ground -9ake sure the students are switching positions

'!$E ,2 $INUTES0 Sta * ill. Five classmates make a star formation& .ach -)osition )olly spots to make the stars point of the star will be marked with a )olly spot& ,umber --ell the students they have to pass the * passes to ", and " to 3, and so forth& (fter passing the puck& puck, the passer runs and takes that person1s spot& -he passer always follows the pass, and more than one person can be in line& -he game can also be played against another team or against the clock& -here will be 4-6 stars going on depending on how many students there are& .ach star needs 6 or more students& 7epending on how many stars will be needed will determine how big to make the star& -he students will go around 3 times and then be instructed to dribble to the ne t point and then pass& -his will also be done 3 times& EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% (sk the students in between games what position they -Have the students gather in the middle played and what there $ob was at that position& (t the end of the gym of the period review what the positions mean and how to -Have the students review what they hold the stick correctly making sure they remember the learned today and from pervious skills that were taught to them in the pervious lessons& -ell lessons& the students they will be working on positioning and -Have the students put the hockey playing the game tomorrow& sticks and pucks away&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan 2 UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: )ositioning and )laying the game

OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: Students will be able to position themselves in the correct position on the field hockey court 5Forward, 50enter, left forward, right forward6 7efense and ?oalie6& Psychomoto : Students will be able to stand on the side line and center line and be able to name what line they are standing on& !""ective: Students will be able to work as a team to play a game of positional play demonstrating teamwork& E#UIP$ENT: +histle, hockey sticks, hockey pucks, cones, 4 netsDgoals, white board or chalk board, and markers or chalk INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 FolloA The Lea5e : Students are grouped by pairs& 'n -Have students get with a partner or signal, the leader performs all types of movements to small group& elude his or her partner& KigBags, rolls, 36# degree turns, -'n each signal @whistleA have them and $umps are encouraged& )artners switch after 3# switch leaders& seconds& -he small drill can be done with one leader and -?ather on the baseline of the two or more followers& basketball court for the ne t activity& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 =ays o" "itness. 7epending on how many students are in --ell the students which e ercises they the class will determine how many different fitness can choose from& activities you will be performing& If there are ; students, -Students can not change the activity give each student a number and they have to come up with they pick& a fitness activity 5push-up, sit-ups, leaps, $umping $acks, -Student should say their activity each forward lunge, skipping steps, running steps, carioca step, time there number comes up& etc&6 -he activities will be done like the song @-he *" days of 0hristmasA& .ach student will add on an e ercise as there number comes up& LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 Positioning. Have the students meet in the center of the Have half the gym set-up with nets and gym around the circle sitting down& :eview the positions cones to show what the court looks from the pervious day 5'ffense, defense, and goalie6& like& . plain that we will be e panding on those positions and Have a white board ready to show the $obs& Have the white board ready to write on& -he teacher students the positions of the players& will draw on the board showing the students where each position is played& -he three positions are/ Fo Aa 5/ -hree students are the forwards& -here is a . plain to the students what the 3 left forward, right forward, and a center& -he forwards try positions are& to score& -he left forward plays on the left side and the right forward plays on the right side& -hese two players -ell the students they are not allowed can not cross the center line of the court& -he center can to go into the goalie bo &

play anywhere& *e"ense. -here are two defensive players and the center can also help them if they need it& -he defense protect there goal and try to pass the puck to the forwards& 'oalie. -he goalie tries to stop the puck and is on the same side as the defense and must stay in the goalie bo & ,o other players can go into the goalie bo & -(fter showing the students on the white board have 6 students demonstrate where the positions are and where they can go& -he students will then be broken into 4 times& -wo teams on each side of the gym& Have the students get different color $erseys on so they can see who is on each team& +ithout sticks and pucks have the students stand in the different positions and move in there designated area& 'nce you see all the students are in the correct areas have them get a stick and prepare for the game&

Have students get $erseys on after the teacher brings them into teams

'!$E ,8 $INUTES0 -he gym will be divided into two courts& -he half line of Have the teams decide what position the gym will be the sideline& . plain to the students what they want to play the sideline is and the centerline& 8reak the students into 9ake sure the students know the $ob of four teams of about 6-; players depending on the class the position they picked siBe& If the class is smaller then "# student1s only one Have the player switch positions every game can be played using the whole gym as the court& game& Have the students pick what position they will be playing 50enter, left forward, right forward, defense-" people, goalie6& -he students will start the game with a face-off and the game will be played for 2 minutes& EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% +atch the student during the game to see if they are Have the students put the sticks and playing the game properly& 9ake sure they are passing, pucks in the appropriate place in a safe receiving, dribbling, and shooting the proper way& (sk the manor& students 4uestion1s at the end of the class the different Have student gather in the center of the positions and what the $ob is at each position& -ell the gym and review the lesson students they will be playing a game most of the hour :emind the students that they will be tomorrow& evaluated on a skills sheet the ne t day

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan E UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: -he ?ame of Floor Hockey OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: -he students be gain knowledge and understanding about the si positions in floor hockey and where they need to move& Psychomoto : -he students will be able to pass, receive, dribble, and shoot the puck while moving in a variety of directions& !""ective: -he students will be playing as a team demonstrating teamwork, organiBation, and skills& E#UIP$ENT: +histle, *2 cones, hockey sticks, *# hockey pucks, and 4 netsDgoals INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 $i o * ill in Place: .ach student faces a partner& 'ne Have students get into partners person is the leader and makes a 4uick movement with the .ncourage students to do locomotor hands, head, legs, or body& -he partner tries to be a mirror movements as well as stationary and perform the e act movement& -he leader must pause movements& briefly between movements& !eader and partner e change ?ather on the baseline of the places after 3# seconds& basketball court for the ne t activity& FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 J7m3 an5 Jog Fitness: Students need to get a partner and Set up five or si cones in a circle start at one of the cones& 'ne partner $umps rope at the cone around the gym with two or three while the other partner $ogs around the circle& )artners $ump ropes at each cone switch roles with the completion of each lap& -eachers can Have students get into partners and vary the student1s movements around the cones with the go to a cone following/ walk, $og, slide and carioca& ?ather students on the baseline of the basketball court for the ne t activity LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 Passing> eceiving> an5 5 i44ling: Have the students meet Have four s4uares placed around the in the center of the gym and e plain that they are going to gym using 4 cones& be working on skills for floor hockey before they play a >se the students to demonstrate the game& -he students will be divided into four groups, at least s4uare activity before they go to five people in each group& .ach group will go to a certain there designated spots area of the gym after the directions are e plained& -he Sound whistle after " minutes to students will be positioned in a s4uare& .ach student will be switch the activity the corner of the s4uare& 'ne student will be the starter and start dribbling the puck to the corner to the right& -hey will pass the puck to the second person when they get to that corner& -he second person will dribble to the third and so on& -hey will do it three times or until the whistle sounds& -he students will then pass from position one to position two& (fter student one passes to student two they must

follow there pass and run to the corner they passed to& (gain pass to the right& -hen the students will pass to the left and go around two times& '!$E ,8 $INUTES0 -he students will be playing a game& -here will be two games going on at the same time& -here will be 6-; players on each team& Some students can sub in and out& -he teacher will sound the whistle for the students to switch positions& -he students can pick what position they want to play, but have to play every position& -he game will start with a faceoff& -he game will go for " minutes or until someone scores& If someone scores the team should switch positions and begin again with a face-off& Set up the gym for two hockey games 8low the whistle every " minutes to have the students switch positions 9ake sure students are playing all positions

EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% +atch the students as they are playing the game and make Have the students put the sticks and sure they are following the rules and performing the skills pucks back in correct spot& correctly& 7uring the game the skills sheet should be filled 9ake sure the skills sheet is starting out& (fter the game have the students get together to review to be filled out& for the test tomorrow& -ell the students they have a test Have the students meet in the middle tomorrow and then will be playing a game with $ust boys center in the gym to review for the and a game with $ust girls& test tomorrow& :emind the students that they have a test tomorrow

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

Lesson Plan 19 UNIT: Floor Hockey LESSON FOCUS: >nit test on Floor Hockey and )laying the game

OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: -he students will have the knowledge of playing the si positions in floor hockey& Psychomoto : -he students will be able move with the puck, pass to teammates, perform a face-off, shoot the puck, and protect the goal& !""ective: -he students will be playing as a small group demonstrating teamwork, organiBation, skills, and critical thinking& E#UIP$ENT: -ests, pencils, floor mats, hockey sticks, 4 netsDgoals, " pucks, and 4 colored $erseys INST%UCTION!L !CTIVITIES TE!C&IN'(O%'!NI)!TION &INTS INT%O*UCTO%+ !CTIVIT+ ,-./ $INUTES0 !ll.Fo7 s Ci cle: Students lie on their stomachs Have students get into small groups 4-2 people with heads close together and legs e tended outward like the spokes of a wheel& 'ne person -his can also be a race between the different starts by placing the hands in the center and small groups& moving around the circle over the other students without touching anyone& -he last person who is ?ather on the baseline of the basketball court for passed is the ne t participant& the ne t activity FITNESS *EVELOP$ENT ,2.1- $INUTES0 E6e cising the $i5section: Have students get into partners and find a place %eve se C7 l ? lie on the back with the hands on the floor mats& on the floor to the sides of the body& 0url the knees to the chest& -he upper body remains on +hile one partner is e ercising the midsection, the floor& -ry to lift the buttocks and lower the the other partner is $ogging in place& back off the floor& Cnee To7ch C7 l.U3 ? lie on the back, with .very 3# seconds switch partners& feet flat and knees bent, and with hands flat on the top of thighs& !eading with the chin, slide the 7o for each e ercise and so each partner gets a hands forward until the fingers touch the chance kneecaps and gradually curl the head and shoulders until the shoulder blades are lifted off the floor& C7 l.U3 ? lie on the back with feet flat, knees bent, and arms on the floor at the side of the body with palms down& !eft the head and shoulders to a 42 degree angle and then back in a two-count pattern& -he hands should slide forward on the floor 3-4 inches& Leg E6tensions ? sit on the floor with legs

e tended and hands on hips& +ith a 4uick, vigorous action, raise the knees and bring both heels as close to the seat as possible& -he movement is a drag with the toes touching lightly&

?ather back on the baseline of the basketball court for the ne t activity

LESSON FOCUS ,18.-9 $INUTES0 -ake the test& Have the students sit in there s4uats e4ually Have the test and the pencils spaced out& (fter the students are done with the test they need to ready to give to the students sit 4uietly until everyone is done& Have a student pick up the -ell students they must be 4uiet test and one student pick up the pencils& +hile the test materials after the test or they will not be are getting cleaned up talk about the game& able to participate in the game '!$E ,19 $INUTES0 -he students will be divided into girls1 teams and boys1 teams& -he girls1 team will be divided again into " teams and will be playing each other& -he " boys1 teams will be playing each other& .ach game will be on one side of the gym& -he students get to decide what positions they want to play& -he game will begin with a face-off& -he game will be played for 3 minutes and then a whistle will sound to stop and change position and begin again with a face-off& Have the game set up with cones and nets 7ivide the boys and girls into teams so they can play each other Have each team put on a color $ersey

EV!LU!TION(%EVIE=(=%!P.UP(C&EE% -he test will be an evaluation which will determine if the Have the test and pencils ready students understand the game of floor hockey& -he students for the students to fill out& should be watched during the game to see if they understand all 9ake sure to finish the skills of the skills needed to play hockey& (lso the skills sheet should sheet for each student be completed&

7arst, )aul +&, )angraBi, :obert )& 5"##66 7ynamic )hysical .ducation for Secondary Students 52 th ed&6& San Francisco, 0(/ )earson .ducation, Inc&

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