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Jani ce Gebhardt
Deau| Un|vers|ty March 2014: 8achelor of ArLs CommunlcaLlon and Medla SLudles
8achelor of ArLs CommunlcaLlon SLudles
Mlnor ln lndusLrlal CrganlzaLlonal sychology
C..A. 3.78/4.0
Academ|c nonors: uean's LlsL 2010-2014
!LCL8103[ Invo|vement: Chlcago CuarLer MenLor, 8SSA Member, Chlcago ubllc Schools 1uLor

Rel evant Experi ence
Marg|e korshak, Inc., Ch|cago, IL Ian. 2014-resent
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CoordlnaLe wlLh chlef phoLographer aL Lhe Lynn Sage Cancer 8esearch loundaLlon's annual 8e My valenLlne famlly evenL Lo capLure
phoLos for Lop Chlcago soclal publlcaLlons, ln addlLlon Lo monlLorlng dally coverage leadlng up Lo and afLer Lhe evenL
use Clslon Lo creaLe LargeLed medla llsLs for a dlverse cllenL base lncludlng resLauranLs such as !ellyflsh and women's professlonal soccer
Leam, Lhe Chlcago 8ed SLars
urafL speaklng polnLs for naLlonal fashlon cllenL, ulscovery CloLhlng Company, for nlche markeL Lelevlslon segmenL
Sty|eCh|cago, Ch|cago, IL Sept. 2013-Dec. 2013
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CreaLed soclal medla sLraLegy Lo lncrease SLyleChlcago's presence on lacebook, lnsLagram, lnLeresL and 1wlLLer and consLrucLed
analyLlcal reporL Lo Lrack Lhe weekly success of Lhls sLraLegy
AsslsLed wlLh bl-annual fashlon show and shopplng evenL by securlng deslgners, food and splrlL sponsors and faclllLaLed llve evenL
coverage on all soclal medla plaLforms
WroLe conLenL for and uploaded conLenL onLo webslLe uslng P1ML codlng and CaLapulL
Mered|th Marks LLC, Ch|cago, IL Iun. 2013-Sept. 2013
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ueslgned and generaLed conLenL for naLlonal, monLhly e-malls and press releases uslng Adobe lnueslgn and Adobe hoLoshop
CollaboraLed wlLh a local hlgh-end bouLlque Lo organlze a Lwo-day Lrunk show, resulLlng ln over $10,000 ln sales
AsslsLed wlLh dally operaLlons lncludlng communlcaLlng wlLh cllenLs, sLyllsLs, sLore parLners, edlLors, and bloggers vla e-mall, phone, and ln-
person meeLlngs
Made||ne Ge||s Inc., Ch|cago, IL
456-%7 81-",%&'# A##%#,"', Iun. 2012-Nov. 2012
Worked wlLh prlnclpal deslgner of lnLerlor deslgn flrm Lo oversee Lhe buslness developmenL of new subservlce, Lvolvlng LlfesLyles,
lncludlng Lhe creaLlon of publlc relaLlons LacLlcal plan
8esLrucLured and lmplemenLed publlc relaLlons LacLlcal plan for enLlre flrm lncludlng creaLlon of medla llsLs, updaLlng Lhe flrm's webslLe,
wrlLlng press releases, recreaLlng professlonal porLfollo and oLher promoLlonal maLerlals
lncreased soclal medla presence Lhrough Lhe creaLlon of lacebook pages, a Coogle laces page, and Llnkedln proflle
kepNat|on, Ch|cago, IL Ieb. 2012-May 2012
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Crganlzed on-campus and ln-sLore evenLs, ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe Ann 1aylor WaLer 1ower sLore Leam, and promoLed Lhe evenLs vla soclal
medla and Lhrough parLnershlps wlLh on-campus organlzaLlons
ConducLed model search on ueaul's campus Lhen selecLed and sLyled sLudenL models for an on-campus phoLo shooL, feaLured ln an
Ann 1aylor naLlonal conLesL
roduced a weekly reporL and blog posL and parLlclpaLed ln weekly conference calls wlLh new ?ork-based supervlsor
Ot her Experi ence
rospect ne|ghts ark D|str|ct, rospect ne|ghts, IL May 2007- resent
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Manage and Lraln all performlng arLs lnsLrucLors and creaLe guldellnes for all performlng arLs classes wlLhln Lhe park dlsLrlcL
lan and dlrecL bl-annual reclLals and summer performlng arLs camp performances for over 60 sLudenLs

Techni cal Ski l l s
PooLsulLe, Clslon, Adobe lnueslgn, Adobe hoLoshop, CuanLcasL, CompeLe, Salesforce, CaLapulL, and P1ML codlng

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