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2006 to
University of Northern Colorado Denver, CO

! Legal Interpreting Training Program
! Diagnostic Skills and Assessment Series for ASL Interpreters

May 2004 Weber State University Ogden, UT

Master of Science, Criminal Justice GPA: 4.0 (Top Graduate Award)

June to Aug.
Western Oregon University Monmouth, OR

! Summer Interpreter Education Program
! Mentor Training Program
! ASL Teaching Program

Dec. 1998 Weber State University Ogden, UT

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology GPA: 3.17

May 1997 to
Feb. 1998
DSDHH Interpreter Training Program Taylorsville, UT

Program funded by Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; Instructors from Salt
Lake Community College Interpreter Training Program.

Jan. 1996 to
June 1997
Davis County Sign Language Training Program Clearfield, UT

Beginning to advanced Sign Language training; various instructors and Deaf language mentors.


SC:L Candidate for Certification
Successfully completed knowledge requirements for Legal Specialized Certification April, 2009

National Interpreter Certification, Master
Certified by Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and National Association of the Deaf, since April 2007

Utah State Certification Board, Professional Interpreter Certification
Obtained Professional Certification, August 200; Certified since 1995

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Candidate for Certification
Successfully completed knowledge requirements of Certification, December 2005

Utah State Board of Education, Licensure Eligibility
Based on Utah Code Ann. 53A-6-104.5 Licensing by Competency, Utah Intermediate Interpreters are
eligible to obtain Licensure for teaching ASL in the State Education System based on skills determined
through the Intermediate Level State Certification process.

Holly Nelson

1577 Turtle Dove Lane ! West Jordan, Utah 84088 ! Phone: 801.550.2742 !

Holly Nelson 2
2009 to
Video Relay Service Interpreting Institute SLC, UT

Teach a broad spectrum of courses representing various American Sign Language
and Interpreting disciplines; courses and course development demonstrate
innovative practices in the American Sign Language/English Interpreting field
and are developed in collaboration with faculty, focusing on commitment to
quality and student centeredness. Teaching occurs in conjunction with other
academic support services, student recruitment, screening, and logistical/technical
support. As part of the lab operation, assume responsibility for the VRSII
interpreting labs, including coordinating activities, maintenance, working with the
IT department to ensure proper functioning of all equipment, training and
assistance of mentors and instructors, schedule and supervision, and
troubleshooting. Manage multiple projects that incorporate global and multi-
cultural, interdisciplinary perspectives. Work with several corporate departments
to complete projects with accelerated deadlines.

2007 to
State of Utah
Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Interpreter / Mentor / Trainer
Provide interpreting services for State of Utah agencies. Coordinate the schedules of the
full-time interpreting staff. Mentor novice interpreters in the ICAN (Interpreter Certification
Advancement Network) program, provide trainings, and coordinate weekend-long
immersion events with other staff. Aid in recruitment efforts for the ICAN Program.
Provide education and interpreting resources to Utah interpreting communities. Manage the
interpreter lab/library and coordinating the reorganization and implementation of a new
system to improve the usability of the resource for the community. Created and put into
action an innovative employee recognition program, W.I.S.H.E.S. (We Inspire Staff by
Honoring Everyone as Significant) aimed at boosting moral during tough economic times.

2006 to
Salt Lake Community College
American Sign Language Interpreting Fast Track

Instruct students in both the American Sign Language Interpreting program (for those
students seeking a two-year degree in interpreting) and in the American Sign Language
Interpreting Fast Track program (for non-degree seeking students and those with prior
language/interpreting exposure). Worked with previously developed curriculum to
incorporate new industry standards/research and adapted to address individual needs and
allow for student-centered approach. Developed new curriculum to expand course offerings;
developed a series of classes that now make up a core courses in the Fast Track Program;
incorporated online classes into the curriculum. Aided in the overall shift in Fast Track
program philosophy from a theory-based approach to a practice-based approach that enables
direct application outside of the classroom. Developed classroom management strategies
and activities for both small and large class sizes and that work well with the tasks
associated with interpreting. Work with state-of-the-art interpreter lab technology. Mentor
Utah Interpreters. Work with the department chair in student recruitment activities.
Coordinate opportunities for students to work in various settings to gain real-life work

Weber State University
Foreign Language Department
Ogden, UT

Adjunct Instructor
Taught second-year foreign language courses from the Vista Signing Naturally Curriculum.
Worked with the department to enhance the educational opportunities available to students
by a review of alternate curriculum and exploration of innovative approaches to language
learning. Proposals included local and national ASL study abroad activities in conjunction
with Continuing Education as well as a solution to the dilemma of hiring instructors that
held the desired credentials from the higher educational perspective but lacked of language

Holly Nelson 3
skill. Introduced and advocated for the team teaching model where a credentialed instructor
could work with a language skilled native language user, alleviating the concerns of the
institution and enabling inexperienced teachers the opportunity to gain experience increasing
future prospects in the field.

2005 to
Sorenson Video Relay Service SLC, UT

Video Relay Interpreter
Interpret in a call center setting, providing high quality sign-to-voice and voice-to-sign
interpreting services for Video Relay consumers utilizing both simultaneous and consecutive
interpreting techniques. Assess consumer linguistic and cultural needs to ensure appropriate
services are provided. Developed a peer study group for the purpose of learning to apply
ethical analysis to various interpreter scenarios in preparation for the National Interpreter
Certification performance exam.

1997 to
Weber State University
Services for Students with Disabilities
Ogden, UT

Disability Specialist / Interpreter Coordinator
Coordinated accommodations for Deaf, hard of hearing, and other students with disabilities.
Supervised employees providing direct services in addition to personally providing
interpreting, CART, and note-taking accommodations for students. Provided disability
awareness training to administration, faculty, staff, and students. Worked on various
committees to support the goals of the division and institution. Provided academic support
services for students. Provided mentoring to interpreters and CART providers.
Worked with Salt Lake Community College students in practicum placements and provided
mentor opportunities for novice level interpreters in the community.

1996 to
Community Interpreting
Freelance, Independent Contract/Sub-Contract, Volunteer

ASL Interpreter
Interpret for a wide range of community activities including appointments, meetings, groups,
consultations, classes/workshops, etc. Developed the skills and necessary knowledge to
provide effective, specialized interpreting services in educational, legal, mental health, and
medical settings. Prepare invoices and business records, documentation for self-employment
tax filing, fulfilling other business requirements such as liability insurance, business
licensure, etc.

Associate of Applied Science Degree: ASL/English Interpreting

Couises Bevelopeu: 19 (7u Cieuit Piogiam)
!"#"$%&"' )%* +,$- .,/" 0%11234-5 0%$$"6"
Bevelopeu baseu on the Commission on Collegiate Inteipietei Euucation (CCIE) stanuaius. In auuition to
piogiam couisewoik, uevelopment incluueu computei lab uesign anu puichase, faculty staffing mouel,
iecommenueu Piogiam Auvisoiy Boaiu stiuctuie, anu accieuitation outline anu plan.
Associate of Arts Degree: American Sign Language

Couises Bevelopeu: 1S (6S Cieuit Piogiam
!"#"$%&"' )%* +,$- .,/" 0%11234-5 0%$$"6"
Bevelopeu to pioviue a stiong founuation in Ameiican Sign Language anu as a founuation to the
ASLEnglish Inteipieting piogiam.
Seminar I

STW S7u 1 Cieuit
!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99 +:;%%$<-%<=%*/ >*%6*,1
This couise pioviues stuuents the oppoitunity to uiscuss Inteinship II expeiiences in a confiuential
enviionment. Stuuents will piepaie anu piactice foi the ethical uecision making poition of the national
inteipietei ceitification exam.
Holly Nelson 4
Seminar II

STW S71 1 Cieuit
!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99 +:;%%$<-%<=%*/ >*%6*,1
This couise pioviues stuuents with the oppoitunity to uiscuss Inteinship III expeiiences in a confiuential
enviionment. Stuuents will piepaie anu piactice foi the ethical uecision making poition as well as the
peifoimance poition of the national inteipietei ceitification exam.
Comparative Language Use: ASL and English

STW S2u 1 Cieuit
!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99 +:;%%$<-%<=%*/ >*%6*,1
This couise pioviues an in-uepth analysis of language use in ASL anu English, incluuing the consiueiation
of specific linguistic stiuctuies which iequiie the inteipietation of seconuaiy infoimation. Specific
inteipieting tactics foi maintaining message fiuelity will be exploieu. Compiehension of these tactics will
inciease communicative competence anu pioviue a stiong basis foi ASLEnglish inteipietations. Lab woik
VRS Curriculum Infusion

!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99?+%*"3@%3 >*%)"@@4%3,$ !"#"$%&1"3- 0%$$,A%*,-4%3
This couise is a S-uay tiaining exploiing the ways to infuse vRS cuiiiculai content into existing Inteipietei
Euucation Piogiams. Paiticipants iuentify cuiient cuiiiculai gaps anu biainstoim possibilities foi futuie
cuiiiculai uevelopment, in auuition to netwoiking with othei IEP faculty. Thioughout the tiaining,
paiticipants aie given existing vRS cuiiiculai iesouices anu lesson plans that can be implement anu
evaluateu foi effectiveness, as well as pioviuing extensive oppoitunities to shaie iesouices anu iueas with
colleagues. Tiaining is offeieu as a collaboiative effoit to auapt IEP cuiiicula to bettei meet the iapiuly
giowing uemanu foi inteipieteis who aie ieauy to meet the cuiient challenges of the piofession.
Video Interpreter-Preparation Program 2B: Contextualization

!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99?+%*"3@%3 >*%)"@@4%3,$ !"#"$%&1"3- 0%$$,A%*,-4%3
This couise pioviues an in uepth analysis of specific linguistic featuies of ASL. Paiticipants will exploie
compiehension anu piouuction of constiucteu action, constiucteu uialogue, noun categoiies, physical
uesciiptions, iole shifting, anu emphasis in ASL. Beepei compiehension of these factois will inciease
communicative competence anu pioviue a stiong basis foi ASL to English inteipietations.
Mentor Training

!"#"$%&"' )%* 78+99
During this course, participants discuss the necessary dynamics of a successful mentor relationship, the logistics
of mentoring, as well as the challenges mentors may face. Participants have the opportunity to analyze a variety
interpreting work samples to appropriately identify patterns of strengths and weaknesses to help determine which
patterns to incorporate into feedback and skill enhancement activities. Mentors practice techniques on how to
most effectively provide feedback about the mentees work. The training provides ideas for skill enhancement
activities which will help the mentee improve work toward their goal.
Beginning Interpreting: Consecutive to Simultaneous

SLCC CEAS 0150 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students learn the necessary skills related with interpreting sign to voice and voice to sign.
Students will learn to manage processing, mood, intent, semantic choice, register, cohesion, expansion,
compression and equivalency as it relates to discourse. Course will include stimulus for varying skill levels to
cater to the needs of students seeking Utah Novice.
Fundamentals of Interpreting

SLCC CEAS 0100 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students learn basic skills related to interpreting and engage in activities to successfully
incorporate skills into their work. Including: cognitive processing, discourse analysis, memory, concentration,
visualization, etc.
Holly Nelson 5
The Art of Interpreting

SLCC CEAS 0210 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students learn the process of interpreting bridging the gap between consecutive and
simultaneous interpreting, ethical issue discussions will be held as preparation for the NIC interview. Skills
relating to working with a mentor will be discussed.
NIC Written Test Prep

SLCC CEAS 0210 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students examine interpreting philosophies. Focus is on the intercultural and interlingual
challenges which may arise during the interpreting process. Students learn and apply the Code of Professional
Conduct. Students will be involved with weekly online postings and assignments. Students must have frequent
and reliable access to the internet. (One in class orientation required).

The Practice of Interpreting

SLCC CEAS 0300 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students engage in hands-on interpreting skill building via interactions with mentors, peers
and colleagues. Various interpreting specialties will be addressed including legal, medical, mental health, etc.
Students will participate in activities both inside and outside of the classroom; online technologies will also be
utilized to maximize learning.
Interactive Skills: Role Play

SLCC 0320 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Students learn the necessary skills related to interactive interpreting and role-play scenarios
in testing. Students will learn to manage processing, mood, intent, semantic choice, register, cohesion, culture
mediation, language assessment, turn-taking and equivalency as it relates to discourse.
Specialized Skills: Visualization

SLCC CEAS 0920 3 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Fast Track Program

Course Description: Interpreters often admit they struggle with visualization. However, visualization is simply a
product of our memory. It draws upon our experiences and knowledge of any given topic and allows us to create a
mental image of the information. Visualization allows interpreters to transfer mental processes into clear
representations of the source language messages. During this eight-week course, all sub-processes of the
interpreting process will be explored, but the focus will be on visualization and imagery and building these skills
so they can be put to work in the daily task of interpreting. This is a fun class full of enjoyable activities that will
have a direct impact on interpreting skill.
Lifelong Interpreting: Going the Distance!

SLCC ASLI 2900 2 Credit Hours
Developed for Salt Lake Community College Interpreting Program

Course Description: You have your certification now what? Students will learn how to make the most of their
interpreting careers, including how to plan for self-employment, finding work, being involved in professional
organizations, mentoring, advancing certifications and giving back to the community.

UTRID Conference
National Interpreter Certification: Lets Face It!
VRS Interpreting Institute
School-to-Work: Ethical Decision Making
Interpreting Internship Topics with Mock Interpreting and VRS Sandbox

Holly Nelson 6
VRS Interpreting Institute
School-to-Work: Ethical Decision Making
VRS Curriculum Infusion for ITP Faculty

Conference of Interpreter Trainers
Infusing your Curriculum

San Antonio, TX
VRS Interpreting Institute
School-to-Work: Comparative Language Use: English & ASL
Video Interpreting-Preparation 2B Course: Expansion and Compression
Community Partnerships & Stakeholders Meeting
Lab Equipment Demonstration and Test Day with Student Volunteers
Mentor Training (assisted Cindy Farnham)

VRS Interpreting Institute
Video Interpreting-Preparation 2B Course: Expansion and Compression
VRS Curriculum Infusion for ITP Faculty
Mentor Training (assisted Cindy Farnham)

NIC Interview Preparation Workshop
Two-Day Workshop/Preparation Course Taught with Bonnie Bass Marsh

Developed and presented The Amazing Race, Interpreter Workshop with Jenn Storrer

Salt Lake Community College Interpreting / Fast Track
Spring Semester Courses:
Art of Interpreting (CEAS 0200)
NIC Written Test Prep-Online (CEAS 0210)
Practice of Interpreting (CEAS 0300)
Specialized Skills: Visualization (CEAS 0920)
Theory of Interpreting (CEAS 0100)

Planned Courses for Summer Semester, 2009:
Fundamentals of Interpreting (CEAS 0100)
NIC Written Test Prep (CEAS 0210)
Practice of Interpreting (CEAS 0300)

Planned Courses for Fall Semester, 2009:
ASLI Special Topics: Lifelong Interpreting: Going the Distance! (ASLI 2900)

ICAN Program Workshops/Presentations
Developed and presented two workshops: Team Communication; Reflections on Our
Interpreting Journey
SLCC Fast Track/ UTRID Summer Workshop Series
Developed and presented five workshops: Making the Most of Your Interpreting
Career; How to De-Stress On and Off the Job; Reflections on Our Interpreting
Journey; Being a Part of Your Professional Community; Interpreter Toolbox

How to Use an Interpreter
Presentation to the State of Utah Agency Directors on how to use and secure an
interpreter for their consumers

Moab, UT
Salt Lake Community College Interpreting / Fast Track
Spring Semester, 2008:
Conversation I (ASLI 1300)
Fundamentals of Interpreting (CEAS 0100)
Interpreting Skills: ASL/English (CEAS 0120)
NIC Written Test-Online (0210)
Practice of Interpreting (0300)

Summer Semester, 2008:
Art of Interpreting (0200)
NIC Written Test Preparation (CEAS 0210)
Practice of Interpreting (CEAS 0300)

Holly Nelson 7

Fall Semester, 2008:
Interactive Skills: Role Play (CEAS 0320)
Introduction to Interpreting (ASLI 1200)
NIC Written Test Prep-Online (CEAS 0210)
Practice of Interpreting (CEAS 0300)
Theory of Interpreting (CEAS 0100)

ICAN Program Workshops/Presentations
Developed and presented three workshops: Interpreter Circuit Training-Exercising
all the Right Skills; Cultural Awareness; Visualization

Preparing for the NIC
Multi-Week Workshop/Preparation Course Taught with Bonnie Bass

SLCC Fast Track/ UTRID Summer Workshop Series
Developed and presented five workshops: The Visualization Workout; Processing-
Preserving Meaning in Our Work; Mental and Physical Health of Interpreters;
Interpreter Toolbox; How to Develop and Present a Workshop

SLCC Interpreter Training Program Classes
Spring Semester, 2007:
Consecutive Interpreting (ASLI 1420)
Signing, Voicing, Roleplay (CEAS 0410-1)
Signing, Voicing, Roleplay (CEAS 0410-2)

Summer Semester, 2007:
Art of Interpreting (CEAS 0200)
Interpreting Lecture Series (CEAS 0900-1)
Interpreting Lecture Series (CEAS 0900-2)
Introduction to Interpreting (CEAS 0120)
NIC Written Test Preparation (CEAS 0210)

Best Practices for Mentors and Mentees (occasionally taught with Emily Beech)

Various, UT
Our Changing Roles: The Code of Professional Conduct
Taught workshop for Utah and Nevada Interpreters (assisted by UTRID Board).

St. George, UT
Progressing Professionally: Eating Our Way through the New CPC
Taught workshop to Utah Interpreters (assisted by UTRID Board).

Team Building Meetings
Present to office staff of Services for Students with Disabilities.

How to Tutor a Student with a Disability
Tutor training and coaching techniques.

Students with Disabilities: College Success Strategies
Skills for improving note and test taking, reading, time management, and study habits.

WSU Interpreter Training
Present ASL Interpreting & Linguistic training for WSU Interpreters (monthly).

Faculty & Staff Training: Serving Students with Disabilities
Understanding the ADA and providing academic accommodations (quarterly).

What it Means to Have a Disability
Presented to various WSU classes in two hour sessions.

Community ASL Courses
Taught beginning ASL courses to members of the local community.

Ogden, UT &

Holly Nelson 8
2012-Present Co-Chair, Utah Certification Advisory Board
2011-2012 Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Region V Representative
2008-2010 Co-Chair, 2010 RID Region V Conference (hosted by UTRID in SLC, Utah)
2008-2010 President: Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
2006-2008 Vice President: Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
2004-2006 Volunteer Interpreter Mentor: Salt Lake Community College, Interpreter Training Program
2003-2010 Certification Maintenance Program Sponsor: Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
2003-2007 Advisor: WSU Association for Mental Health
2002-2008 Area Representative: Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
2001-2007 Advisor: WSU Senator for Students with Disabilities
1997-1998 Secretary: Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology
1996-1998 Vice President: WSU Sign Language Association

Curriculum and Program Evaluation in Interpreter Education
Various studies and research conducted for the purpose of doctoral studies.
Yearly VRSII Research Endeavors
Develop measures; Build survey tools; Analyzed data; Presented findings to Leadership.

Demand Control in Mental Health Settings
Participated in study examining exposing interpreters to settings where they can observe without the
pressures of interpreting; Results indicated this type of exposure increases competency during the
interpreting task. (Partial participation)
The Utah Interpreter
Research project aimed at bringing awareness to the interpreting community regarding standard practices
of interpreters in the state, including education, business practices, and professional development.
Currently developing survey tool.

Techniques Employed by Police Officers Communicating with Deaf Individuals
Completed IRB process; Compiled background research; Built survey tool; Gathered data.

Yearly WSU SSD Student Satisfaction Survey
Built the survey tool; Analyzed data; Presented findings to faculty and staff.

Religious Implications of Higher Education
Built the survey tool; Analyzed data; Sought publication.

2011 Pride Festival, Volunteer Interpreter Coordinator
2010 Pride Festival, Volunteer Interpreter Coordinator
2009 UAD Conference Committee, CMP Sponsor, Interpreter Coordinator, Program Book
Holly Nelson 9
2009-2010 2010 RID Region V Conference Planning Committee (Conference Co-Chair)
2008-2009 Chestnut Place Home Owners Association Board Member
2008 2008 RID Region V Conference Planning Committee (Registration Chair)
2008 UTRID Conference Planning Committee (Webmaster, Registration Chair, Program Book)
2006 UTRID Conference Planning Committee (Webmaster, Registration Chair)
2007 UAD Conference Planning Committee, CMP Sponsor
2006-2007 Utah State Interpreter Certification Advisory Board
2005-2010 Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Webmaster
2003-2006 WSU Presidents Merit Scholarship Award, Selection Committee Member
2002-2010 Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Board Member
2001-2006 Lamar C. Kapp Scholarship Selection Committee


Interpreter Lab Technology: Macintosh and Microsoft software interface for interpreter
preparation and practice (including picture-in-picture, working with multiple
workstations, working from teacher station to student stations, etc.)

Video Conferencing: FuzeBox, GoToMeeting, Adobe Connect, Polycom, Tandberg,
web-based conferencing technology
Operating Systems: Windows; Mac OS

Applications: MS Office Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)
Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash,
Fireworks, FreeHand)
Programming Languages: HTML; CFM (ColdFusion)

Web Based Learning Tools: Blackboard, Moodle, WebCT, Yahoo Groups, Survey

Conference of Interpreter Trainers Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Member from 2006-Present Member from 2001 to Present
Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Member from 1996-Present

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