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Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template

Name: Sam OKeefe Grade: 10 Subject : English Unit: Characterizati n

!ess n "itle: Characterizati n in The Crucible


Students #ill read the $la%& The Crucible& b% 'rthur (iller and #ill dem nstrate their understanding f characterizati n b% c nstructing a $r ject that $resents a character anal%sis f ne f the $la%s characters and inc r$ rate )u tes that su$$ rt the students claims*

Materials & Resources

C $ies+te,tb -s f The Crucible& art su$$lies .glue& c nstructi n $a$er& $ens& c l red $encils& $ens& sh eb ,es& $ ster b ard& etc*/& c stumes& C0s r s ngs& etc*& film f The Crucible

Anticipatory Set

Students #ill read The Crucible 1er a $eri d f a #ee- and a half t t# #ee-s* Students #ill read the different r les al ud fr m the $la%& and the teacher ma% alternate using a rec rding f the $la% n a C0* "he teacher #ill $eri dicall% st $ reading in rder t chec- f r c m$rehensi n regarding $l t and characterizati n and discuss their significance*


2ere g ing t start reading the $la% The Crucible& and& at the c nclusi n f ur reading& #e #ill #atch a film ada$tati n f the $la% and % u all #ill c nstruct a $r ject that re$resents )ualities f a character f % ur ch sing*

Input .2hat
students alread% -n #*/

Students #ill alread% be familiar #ith st r% terms+elements including& but n t limited t & rising acti n& clima,& falling acti n& c nclusi n& $l t& characterizati n& dial gue& etc* "he teacher #ill re1ie# these terms #ith the class #ith 5 #er5 int r 5rezi #ith e,am$les $r 1ided*

Model .3 # #ill
% u dem nstrate s-ills4/

C ec! "or #nderstandin$

0uring the $resentati n& the teacher #ill gi1e the names f the different terms& and the students #ill be res$ nsible f r ffering u$ definiti ns* Students #ill read thr ugh the $la% as a class* 't the c nclusi n f reading the $la%& students #ill ch se a $r ject f their ch sing t e,$l re and $resent the characterizati n f a character f their ch sing* Students ma%: 1/ Ch se t create a di rama that c ntrasts the characters $ers nalit% in $ublic and in $ri1ate* 6u tes must be included t e,$lain #h% certain decisi ns #ere made in the di rama as #ell as an e,$lanati n f r the )u tes* 7/ Gi1e a $resentati n as if the character is running f r ffice* "his #ill be a $artner assignment* One $artner #ill ad1 cate f r the character& #hile the ther #ill ad1 cate against the character* 8 th the fla#s and strengths f the character must be included in the t# $resentati ns* 6u tes fr m the $la% must be used in the $resentati ns in rder t argue each students $ int* 9/ 'ct ut a scene fr m the $la%* "his ma% be d ne as a m n l gue& dial gue& r #ith m re than 7 characters* 6u tes fr m the $la% that su$$ rt the students characterizati n must be used& but ther lines ma% be created b%

%uided Practice

the student* "he student must #rite an e,$lanati n f the )u tes and dial gues significance* :/ (a-e a s undtrac-* Students ma% create a $la%list f s ngs .ab ut ;<10/ that describe the character f their ch sing* "he% must #rite an e,$lanati n n #h% each s ng #as ch sen and $r 1ide 1<7 )u tes $er s ng that e,$lain #h% that s ng fits the character* Students ma% als burn all f the s ngs nt a C0 f r the teacher*

Independent Practice

0es$ite #hich $r ject each student ch ses& e1er% student is res$ nsible f r a #ritten $ rti n f the assignment in #hich the student e,$lains the )u tes the% ch se and h # the )u tes $r 1e their $ini n n the character* "his assessment sh uld be 1<7 $ages but sh uld e,$lain the use and im$ rtance f all )u tes used*


Students #ill reca$ their e,$erience #ith The Crucible in terms f h # the film $ rtra%ed the $la% and #hat the% th ught f the $r jects and $resentati ns* Students #ill als discuss if an% f the $r jects changed their $erce$ti n f an% characters* "he class #ill discuss #hat this e,ercise has taught them in terms f deciding a $ers ns character based n their acti ns and # rds*

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