Movement Concepts Unit

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Physical Education Unit Plan

Age Level: ___1st grade_______ Dates: _________________ Lesso n

Speci ic O!"ectives NAS #ndicate the main ocus PE o the activities Stan $psychomotor% dards cognitive% and or Outc a ective& omes -TSW be able to affectively 1

Unit: ____Movement concepts and themes___ Resources: ___ 'ain Learning Activity
#ndicate the name o the main activity( )yperlin* lesson plan to chosen day( Also% hyperlin* chosen cues sheet to chosens day as +ell(

State speci ically +hat you +ill !e assessing% and ho+( )yperlin* assessments to chosen days( -$bservation of students of students losing both arms and both legs and performing loco s"ills to continue play

Sa ety #ssues

Day 1

1 Day 2

+ Day 3

move in different ways to continue playing hospital tag -TSW be introduced and understand how to move their body in an effective manner -TSW value different movements needed and understand how to control and move their body --TSW be able to affectively move in different ways to continue playing Simon says -TSW understand the difference in movements and how they apply in each game. - TSW value different movements needed and understand how to control and move their body -TSW remain inside their own hoop and avoid each other during the activity. -TSW understand how to remain spaced out from other students though out the activity -TSW demonstrate their ability to understand spatial awareness though out the

ody awareness: hospital tag. -!very time tagged must ta"e away a body part# once all arms and legs are ta"en away students regain them all and continue participating

- e aware of surroundings and other students -appropriate tagging

ody awareness/%ualities: Simon says http://www.s" &/'()/ ody*&wareness *&ctivities.pdf -teacher will lead students in game of Simon says# students will point# hold# move certain body parts or do the same to over students body parts

-$bservation of students performing correct movements as stated by teacher

- e aware of surroundings and other students

Spatial awareness: space ship tag -students will uses hula hoops to avoid each other and then play tag# once tagged TSW say space ship down and reenter game when tagged by other students,iew-esson.asp. /(012134.5%*!(t6(vi5

'sychomotor &ssessment -Teacher chec" list of student participation and s"ill during game

- e aware of surroundings and other students

Physical Education Unit Plan

+ Day 4
activity and remain spread out during the activity. -TSW improve their special awareness by remaining spread out though out the activity and avoid each other well participating. -TSW understand how to remain spaced out from other students though out the activity and only passing other students as correct times -TSW demonstrate their ability to understand spatial awareness though out the activity and remain spread out during the activity. -TSW perform a variety of loco s"ills as well as understand how to correctly place their body in the correct position during the game -TSW understand how to move and position the body in relation to other students to participate in the activity -TSW demonstrate their ability to understand spatial awareness and body awareness though out the activity and remain spread out during the activity. -TSW refine their locomotor skills as well as understand the relationships of their body to other students. -TSW improve their own agility# balance# and coordination during the game of chic"en on a hill in

Spatial awareness: beep beep -students pretend they are driving a car along road designated by cones# students must avoid each other but are still allowed to pass# TSW also use move at different speeds as well as %ualities of movement,iew-esson.asp. /(078214.5%*9p:6(vi5 ,isual &id

-$bservation of s"ill during activity ma"ing sure students do not disrupt their personal space -When was it the hardest to avoid each other.

- e aware of surroundings and other students

+ Day 5

ody and spatial awareness: 9ula hoop twister -TSW perform a loco s"ill of their choice well music plays# when stopped teacher will instruct them to put a body part inside certain color of hula hoop ;right hand green# left foot blue<,iew-esson.asp. /(0+=174.5%*'%d6(vi5 ,isual &id

&ffective assessment -Student survey of how they felt before and after activity

- e aware of surroundings and other students -students should not over stretch to avoid pulling a muscle

1#> Day 6

?elationships: @hic"en on a hill -esson plan )ind a partner# divide up into > circles# and do a locomotive movement until you hear a command. @ommands can be said in any order# and even repeated. Start by teaching 1 or +# than add the rest. The last partner group to perform command is out. egin the neAt round in the same way until only one partner group remains.

@ognitive &ssessment
-What was the most difficult position to do. -What was the most fun position to do. -(id you have any strategies to do it the fastest or the best.

- e aware of surroundings and other students

Physical Education Unit Plan

relation to how the react and wor" with their partner. -TSW wor" together and communicate with their partner in order to perform each position correctly. -TSW perform a variety of movements to improve their body awareness during the activity -TSW understand how moving in different ways improves their coordination and other fitness s"ills -TSW understand that by improving their coordination and doing a variety of movement s"ills they will become more physically fit.

1 Day 7

ody awareness: 9o"ey 'o"ey &fter warm up activity students will perform the ho"ey po"ey dance well music plays# after going though entire song more s"ill will be added including placing body parts on parts of your own body# in different positions# and moving them in different ways

-Teacher observation of students performing correct movements -What did you li"e about changing the game.

e aware of surroundings and other students

Notes: ********************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************** ****

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