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Teacher Candidate: _____T.J.

Williams___________ UW-Platteville HPE Program Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title ____chicken on a hill Unit __________movement concepts and themes ______ Grade level(s)/Course _______1_____ Date taught (if taught)__________________________

Day# ___6____

Textbook, Instructional Program, or Web Resource referenced to guide your instruction Title Publisher Date of Publication District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction.

Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction. This lesson plan is a part of a 7-8 day unit plan that is taught for 20 minutes total. Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content.

List any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson.


Total # of students___28____ Special Needs Students: Category
Students with IEPs

# of Males____12____ # of Females_____16_____ Number of Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives Students All games will be explained toughly and student will be encouraged to asked questions if unsure of rules or 1 activity. If students are limited physically they will be encouraged to participate at a lower level. All games will be explained toughly and student will be encouraged to asked questions if unsure of rules or activity. Student will be encouraged to push themselves to perform at a high level of physical activity and have higher goals for heart rate and pedometer steps. All games will be explained toughly and student will be encouraged to asked questions if unsure of rules or activity. Students will have teachers aid to help with understanding of games, if students are limited physically they will be encouraged to participate at a lower level.

English Language Learners

Gifted and Talented


Autism or other special needs (Emotional-Behavioral Disorders)

Use information here to complete the Differentiated Instruction and Classroom Management prompt within actual lesson plan.


Content Strand Wisconsin K-12 PHYSED Content Standards or NASPE K-12 PHYSED Content Standards Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question The end goal of this lesson is to introduce the concept of the students relationship or positioning to other students in the class. GLE and Symbolic Notation Grade Level Expectation (GLE) 1:1:A1 Skips, hops, gallops, slides, etc., using mature form. 1:1:C1 Balances with a variety of body parts or objects in creative shapes round, twisted, narrow, symmetrical, and asymmetrical shapes. DOK = Depth of Knowledge 2 1

2:1:A2 Recognizes appropriate safety practices with and without physical 1 education equipment. Student Learning Outcomes The student will be able to perform a series of positions with a partner using each other to balance on or becoming aware of their relationship towards another student. Academic Language - The language of education and specifically physical education that is different from everyday spoken language. This language needs to be taught, and used by both the instructor and the K-12 students for students to be successful in the classroom. Content specific terms: Process terms:

1. Chicken on a Hill / Lovers Leap / Turkey in the oven / Bear hug / Birdie on a perch / Leap frog / Row, row, row your boat

ASSESSMENT BEFORE THE LESSON Pre-assessment Gathering information about student knowledge -Students have played rainbow tag as a warm up before so there should be little instruction needed -students will be asked if they have ever played a game like chicken on a hill or similar games.


Skill Development 1. Basic Skill Instruction TSW refine their locomotor skills as well as understand the relationships of their body to other students. 2. Application of Skills TSW apply these locomator and relationship skills in the main activity Chicken on a Hill Fitness Benefits 3. Skill Related Fitness TSW improve their own agility, balance, and coordination during the game of chicken on a hill in relation to how the react and work with their partner. 4. Health Related Fitness TSW increase their cardio fitness during rainbow tag, as well as improving their flexibility and muscular strength by holding the different poses during chicken on a hill Life Skills

5. Communication TSW work together and communicate with their partner in order to perform each position correctly.

Introduction: Rainbow Tag Total time: 5 Lesson Objective(s): -Students will enter room and line up on base line. Select two students that are designated taggers. -The taggers will have a designated zone from one volleyball spike line across half court to the opposite volleyball spike line. -The taggers will then yell a color and the other students will look at their shirts and if they have that color they will run inside the basketball court boundaries to the other side of the gym. -If a tagger tags a student then they become a tagger as well. If the taggers call rainbow then all students are able to run across the court to the opposite side.

Formations / Cues


-TSW increase their hearts rate and breathing rate in order to warm up their body and muscles

Planned Transitions Students will return to starting base line and select a partner

Main Activities / Chicken on a Hill Total time: 15

Formations / Cues

Assessment Teacher observation of student s performing correct positions for each command. What was the most difficult position to do? What was the most fun position to do? Did you have any strategies to do it the fastest or the best?

Lesson objective(s): Put the # of the lesson Commands: objective here that matches your planned 2. -Chicken on a Hill: one person sits on partners back. activity or activities. 3. -Lovers Leap: one person holds another person or just the -Find a partner, divide up into 2 circles leg. around cones, one partner in each circle 4. -Turkey in the oven: one person gets in hands feet position, -TSW perform a locomotive movement until facing down, while other person lays on stomach underneath. you hear a command. (jump, skip, gallop, 5. -Bear hug: sit back to back with partner and hook elbows. hop, walk, run) 6. -Birdie on a perch: one partner sits on other partners leg, -when command is given students will go to center line and create the correct position who is kneeling on one knee. -Commands can be said in any order, and 7. -Leap frog: one partner on hands and knees, other partners even repeated. hands on back. -3 or 4 will be introduced first than more 8. -Row, row, row your boat: sit feet to feet with partner, added though out the game. -if a student performs command wrong they rowing with arms. will be instructed to try again until all students are in same position -Students should also be aware not to run into each other or hurt each other well performing each command.

Planned Transitions Students will return to starting base line

Cool-down/ questions/ stretching Total time: 5 Lesson objective(s): Half circle and do stretching/while asking questions Neck Stretches Arm Circles-little / big / reverse Reaching Across Wrist bend Shoulder stretch-elbow behind head

Formations / Assessment Strategy

Left/ right/ forward/ backwards/ Arms out like T, start little work bigger One arm in front, reach over and pull elbow Reach down, legs together, touch toes Raise arm above head, bend elbow, pull down elbow with other arm

Assessment at the end of the lesson TSW sit on the base line where they entered the class and will be asked a series of questions to check for understanding. What was the most difficult position to do? What was the most fun position to do? Did you have any strategies to do it the fastest or the best?

Equipment needs cones

Safety Considerations
-Students should be aware not to run into each other or hurt each other well performing each command.

Differentiated Instruction Students with autism will be pared together and with help of aid perform commands and positions, they will also be in the same circle so they will not have to run as far to perform task and aid can keep a closer eye on both. Classroom Management/Democratic Practices When pairing students I will instruct any one that doesnt have a partner to come over by myself or go to a specific part of the court where they can find a partner. Also if one student with autism is much higher functioning then the other I can have the partner up with different student and have the aid perform each position with the other student with autism.

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