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Impact of Global Financial Crisis:

Role of Asset Reconstruction


Impact of global financial crisis: Role of asset reconstruction

“Sub-Prime” reasons cause a prime crisis

All eyes on the governments

All thoughts on asset reconstruction

Prime issues for considerations

NPA valuation

“Standardised” sale process approved by the regulator

Flexibility in controlling structure of an ARC

Reduction and standardization of registration fee and stamp duty

Simplification of consent required for enforcement of security

Relaxation of the requirement to take consent of the borrower

Life of trust set up by ARC for asset resolution

Abbreviations used

Impact of global financial crisis:
Role of asset reconstruction

“Sub-Prime” reasons cause a prime crisis a couple years back – is turning out to be an attractive
The sub-prime crisis and its consequent effects on the option for institutions grappling for survival. The crisis
global economy saw some of the established financial originating in the US has now spread across the
institutions getting consumed in the turmoil that integrated financial world engulfing countries and
ensured; many others have been pushed to the brink. sectors that have little to do with the root causes.
The crisis itself is a manifestation of aggressive lending
with inadequate appraisals, lax regulatory supervision The economic indicators are gloomy as the recessionary
and questionable credit ratings of complex instruments. phase sets in and market indices have reduced investors’
Nationalisation of institutions – a thought inconceivable wealth across the globe by a whopping US$ 50 trillion.

GDP growth trend




6% Germany


0% Source: EIU Reports

-2% 2005 2006 2007 2008

Movement of stock indices



400 USA - S&P 500

350 Japan - Nikkie

300 China - Shangai A

250 India - BSE 30

200 UK - FTSE 100

150 Germany - DAX 30

100 Australia

50 Base year 2005 =100

- Source: EIU Reports

2005 2006 2007 2008

All eyes on the governments
The sheer magnitude and enormity of the crisis have
left no option for Governments, but to intervene. It
is realised that simultaneous increase in spending by
the Governments is the best bet to beat the crisis.
Concerted and supplementing efforts by various
Governments could be expected in the next fiscal.
Governments across the globe have announced
economic stimulus packages and have earmarked funds
to bail out financial institutions.

Stimulus packages by select countries

Country Stimulus package (US$ bn)

US 787

Japan* 38

China 586

India 14

UK# 180

Germany 693

Australia 35

*Slated to increase by US$ 320 bn.

#Rescue plan for UK banking system of US$ 692 bn
Source: EIU Reports

Various governments while extending the helping hand •• Lack of exposure to equity and asset markets for a
to overcome the immediate challenges, are likely to significant proportion of the Indian population
review policies and state new measures to ensure long
term stability of their respective financial markets: thus •• Liquidity crunch unlikely to affect agriculture and
2009 could very well turnout to be a year which would mandatory priority sector lending
be all about policy.
At the same time bringing the Indian GDP growth back
China and India have been the fastest growing to the 9% trajectory, from the below 7% levels projected
economies and are relatively better positioned to tide for the next fiscal, is going to be a daunting task.
over the crisis. In India, the crisis induced problems have
relatively been contained due to factors like: Going forward, asset reconstruction would be the focus
area – for all - to salvage, preserve and rejuvenate assets
•• A well capitalised and prudently regulated Indian of economic value.
banking system

•• Domestic demand which constitute 60% of GDP

and is likely to be only moderately affected by the
ongoing crisis

All thoughts on asset reconstruction Simultaneously, the legal system has been revamped
Asset reconstruction is likely to play an increasingly to enable the institutions and ARCs implement quick
important role as (a) the number of impaired assets in resolutions of impaired assets. The legal framework, has
the financial system increase and (b) learnings from the over a period of time, has become more conducive for
ongoing crisis lead to evolution of speedy systems and resolution of impaired assets with the introduction of
procedures for asset reconstruction. Lok Adalats, Debt Recovery Tribunals and SARFAESI. The
actions and recoveries across these resolution channels
In India, ARCs came into being in response to the are as under:
growing NPL levels in the financial system and the
need to have mechanisms to resolve them in a timely
manner. At the same time, there was no imminent
financial crisis to justify direct Government intervention.
As a result, and rightly so, GoI has encouraged the
asset reconstruction space to develop in a competitive

Recoveries through various channels (Amount in Rs. bn)

Resolution/recovery channel Particulars FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008

Lok Adalat No. of cases referred 268,090 160,368 186,535

Amount involved (a) 21.44 7.58 21.42

Amount recovered (b) 2.65 1.06 1.76

(b) as a % of (a) 12.36% 13.98% 8.22%

DRTs No. of cases referred 3,534 4,028 3,728

Amount involved (a) 62.73 91.56 58.19

Amount recovered (b) 47.35 34.63 30.20

(b) as a % of (a) 75.48% 37.82% 51.90%

SARFAESI Act No. of cases referred 41,180# 60,178# 83,942#

Amount involved (a) 85.17 90.58 72.63

Amount recovered (b) 33.63 37.49 44.29

(b) as a % of (a) 39.49% 41.39% 60.98%

#: Number of notices issued under section 13(2) of the SARFAESI Act.

Source: RBI

The creditor friendly provisions of SARFAESI has seen With the deepening of the asset reconstruction space,
intense activity in the Indian reconstruction space that the number of NPL transactions is on the rise. Deloitte,
resulted in the formation of as many as 11 ARCs in quick as an advisor, has been associated in many of these
succession. SARFAESI has been conceived to provide the transactions that have resulted in resolution of NPLs
required “teeth” to secured creditors to pursue rapid aggregating approximately to Rs.35 bn. Deloitte
resolutions. Certain gaps like procedure for change of has been associated with institutions like Industrial
management in a distressed company by an ARC should Investment Bank of India Ltd., Union Bank of India
be specified at the earliest so that the objective of the and Bank of Baroda on sell side mandates and Bank of
Act can be operationalised. Certain other suggestions America and Barclays Bank on buy side mandates.
with respect to the Act are highlighted in the sections
below. The table below provides a snapshot of the resolution
activity done by ARCs in recent times.

Snapshot of resolution activities by ARC’s (Amount in Rs. bn)

Sr. No. Particulars As on 30th June, 2007 As on 30th June, 2008

1. Book value of assets acquired 285.44 414.14

2. Security receipts issued 74.36 106.58

3. Security receipts subscribed by -

a. Banks 68.94 83.19

b. SCs / RCs 4.08 16.47

c. Others (QIBs) 1.34 6.92

4. Amount of security receipts completely redeemed 6.60 12.99

Source: RBI

The efforts by the government to develop the asset
reconstruction space and make the legal framework
more effective, prudent regulation by RBI, concerted
efforts by banks to reduce NPA levels and the role
played by ARCs have collectively resulted in marked
improvement in the NPA levels in the banking system.

NPA movement as a % of advances of SCB’s









FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08

Gross NPA to gross advances (SCB - %)

Net NPA to net advances (SCB - %)
Source: RBI

Although the situation until the end of FY 08 has been April – November, 2008 total foreign investment was
encouraging in the Indian context, signs of economic a mere US$ 12 bn. The ongoing liquidity crunch in
distress have become visible from the second quarter the global markets is unlikely to hold promise for the
onwards of FY 09. GoI has initiated measures to contain remaining months of the current fiscal.
the impact by announcing a stimus package of
US$ 14 bn. Going forward, the focus should be retained While RBI has announced series of reductions in the
or else the encouraging numbers of FY 08 can get repo rate, concerns on liquidity remain. As foreign
changed in a flash. Some of the reasons which compel inflows dry up and government borrowings increase
us to be cautious are enlisted below: to finance increased spendings in the backdrop of
reduction in its own revenues, pressure on interest
• Fall in total foreign investments rates to harden could build. If interest rates were to
Foreign investments in the country has seen a growing spike, financial viability of many projects would become
trend during the period FY 04 to FY 08. During FY 08, uncertain resulting in the possibility of an increase in
India received total foreign investment of US$ 45 bn. impaired assets.
This encouraging trend has been reversed as the
available data for FY 09 indicates. During the period

• Rapid growth in the advances by SCBs Formation of NPA is a natural phenomena to lending:
The advances by SCBs have far exceeded the growth higher the quantum of lending, greater the probability
in GDP. During the period FY 04 to 08, while the GDP of NPA formation. It will be reasonable to expect that
grew at a CAGR of 11%, advances by SCBs grew at a level of NPA could increase from current levels not
CAGR of 23%. During FY 08, the advances by SCBs as only because of the ongoing economic crisis but also
a percentage of GDP reached an all time high of 58%. because of the sheer increase in advances by SCBs.

Advance to GDP Rs. in tn







15 20%


0 0%
FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08

GDP at current price (base 1999-2000)

Gross advances to GDP (%)
Source: RBI

• Corporate results are worrisome
In the first three quarters of FY 09, the companies in
BSE 500 (excluding banks) recorded lower profits as
compared to the corresponding periods in FY 08.

PAT of BSE 500 (excluding banks) Rs. in bn









Q1 Q2 Q3

FY 08 FY 09
Source: Capitaline

Lending to corporates is the most remunerative earning reconstruction mechanism would be the key to enable
channel for the lending institutions. As companies the Indian economy to sharply and swiftly recover as
experience profit reductions, it is likely that some would the global situation improve. It is supremely important
record losses and a few would become unviable. This for the above reasons that the transactions in the asset
would lead to generation of fresh NPL accounts in the reconstruction space get consummated in a timely
Indian banking system. In this regard, it may be noted manner to preserve the economic value of assets and to
that the relaxation in guidelines for NPA recognition may ensure faster turnaround of capital.
not lead to immediate rise in NPA levels but during the
course of next fiscal or so, increased NPA levels are likely Deloitte, in its role as an advisor for many successful
to be observed. transactions in this space, has made certain observations
which, if addressed, could result in quicker resolution,
On the balance, while India is not affected as much as optimal price discovery and higher number of successful
its western counterparts, there are reasons, as enlisted transaction closures – all of which would result in
above, which are worrisome. The efforts initiated by maximisation of economic benefit. These thoughts have
GoI, RBI, the lending institutions and ARCs needs to been outlined in the next section.
be further bolstered to ward off the stress that the
economy may experience. Having an efficient asset

Prime issues for considerations • Early sale of NPAs for better valuations
NPA valuation A contentious issue for the sellers is that buyers rarely
With an increase in the number of transactions in offer bids that value the account on a going concern
the Indian asset reconstruction space, instances of basis even though grounds for such valuation exist. In
transactions that have fallen through at the last stages almost all transactions, buyers offer bids based on asset
due to irreconcilable valuation differences between the valuation.
seller and the buyer are on the rise. Valuation of NPA
has emerged as the most prevalent “deal breaker”. There is hardly any valuation in the Indian context
where valuation is carried out on a “going concern”
While business valuation would always remain an area basis. The main reason is that the NPL accounts that
where diversity of viewpoints of sellers and buyers are typically offered for sale have a long history of
is certain, in case of NPA transactions, the number being non-operational which obviates the possibility
of parameters where the seller and the buyer could of valuation assuming business continuity. As sellers
potentially differ is far more as the underlying asset is originate transactions, it is important to expedite the
non-performing to start with. Some of the key issues process that the sellers undertake from the point of
that need to be addressed in this regard are discussed recognition of a NPA to its eventual transfer to an ARC.
below: Unless there are real opportunities to rapidly restructure
an account while ensuring its continuity, bridging the
• Estimating the recovery period “valuation gap” would remain a challenge for successful
Valuation of NPA involves estimation of recovery transaction closure especially for accounts that have a
periods to arrive at present value. As NPA resolution turnaround potential. The sellers need to make the first
often involves resorting to legal options, estimation of move by offering such accounts for transfer in a timely
recovery period becomes tricky as legal proceedings manner before significant value erosion of the account
could become lengthy. Resolution options like happens.
SARFAESI, OTS, CDRs etc. have better process visibility;
resolution through these means, wherever possible, is
likely to result in better valuations by potential buyers.
Otherwise, concerns on estimating resolution period
would come in the way of attractive valuations by
potential buyers. Setting pre-specified timelines for legal
proceedings would facilitate convergence of views of
buyers and sellers as far as estimation of recovery period
is concerned.

• Account information and data collation
One of the key reasons that inhibit proper valuation by
potential buyers is the lack of adequate information
that is made available for the account offered for sale.
NPL transactions hinge critically on the quality of the
underlying data. Better the underlying data, steeper
is the valuation. Seller banks should engage in active
monitoring and follow up of the NPL accounts so that
updated information is shared during the sale process.

In consortium funded accounts, there is always the

problem of accurately determining the share of the
seller in a particular loan account offered for sale as the
outstandings for other lenders are often unavailable,
as are legal updates. In the absence of such critical
information, buyers heavily discount their bids. There
is a need to improve inter-lender communication and
coordination that would result in better exchange of

It has also been observed that at times even the

available information could not be shared with bidders.
The key reason for this has been fragmented data
sources that need to be referred to when sellers launch
processes which require buyers to visit branches where
the account is based rather than making all the relevant
information available at one central data room which is
manned by professionals who understand the accounts
offered for sale and also the sale process. A fragmented
data room process also requires buyers to incur
significant upfront costs and often many buyers choose
not to participate. Centralised data room with adequate
senior level supervision is not an option but a necessity
for successful transaction closure.

“Standardised” sale process approved by the In India, ARCs came into being in response to the
regulator growing NPL levels in the financial system and the
Bid representing the highest value, received as a result imperative need to have mechanisms to resolve them
of a competitive bid process is often subjected to a fresh in a timely manner. At the same time, there was no
evaluation by the seller. While the seller bank should imminent financial crisis that was emerging to galvanise
have a right to negotiate with the highest bidder to direct government intervention. As a result, and rightly
explore the possibility of enhancement of the highest so, GoI has encouraged the asset reconstruction space
bid, the disposition of the seller should be to close to develop in a competitive manner.
the transaction when the fair market price has been
discovered. The ARCs in India consequently either have a private
sector ownership or have bank based ownership.
It is necessary that all stakeholders address these Nevertheless, there are restrictions on controlling stake
problems so that processes that are conducted in good by a single party in an ARC which in the background
faith and in a transparent manner are not shelved. As of allowing competitive forces to develop the asset
it would not be possible for the regulator to prescribe reconstruction space appears to be restrictive.
valuation methodologies that the seller banks could
follow as the conditions associated with each asset A relaxation of this norm would encourage more
varies thereby making any standardisation attempt private sector entities, including foreign players, to have
ineffective, the next best option would be to have a presence in this space bringing more depth to this
sale processes prescribed by the regulator for sale sector. There are firms who specialise in resolution of
involving a single asset or a portfolio. Transparent and stressed assets in specific industries and have an edge
competitive bid processes are already being conducted. over “generic” reconstruction companies as they bring
A formal approval by the regulator and a buy in of in superior industry specific knowledge and expertise.
the stakeholders would go a long way in instilling Presence of such firms would expedite the resolution
confidence to sellers to close such transactions. process and is also likely to enhance realisation which
would eventually maximise benefit for the overall
Flexibility in controlling structure of an ARC economy. It should be possible to introduce guidelines
Depending on the background under which ARCs to check potential for misuse which a flexible ownership
are formed in a country, we have now the following structure could be prone to.
structures that are prevalent globally:
Reduction and standardisation of registration fee
•• ARCs that are owned / sponsored by the government and stamp duty
The registration fee and stamp duty payable at the time
•• ARCs that are owned by the banks of assignment to the buyer varies from state to state.
GoI should initiate the process of rationalisation of the
•• ARCs that are in the private sector domain registration fee and the stamp duty to simplify the post
sale processes and reduce the overall transaction cost
across all states.

Simplification of consent required for enforcement Relaxation of the requirement to take consent of the
of security borrower
SARFAESI specifies that secured lenders, in case of joint Rule 9(2) of The Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,
financing, can enforce securities only if they have the 2002 specifies that if for sale of an immovable property,
consent of 75% of lenders in value. It can be safely no bids are received at price above the reserve price,
concluded that in most of the complex and sticky NPL consent of the borrower and the secured creditors
accounts, the number of secured creditors are too many would be required to conclude the sale at a price
which acts as a major deterrent in aggregation efforts. lower than the reserve price. The requirement to take
The Act does not modify the charge to any lender group the consent of the borrower often results in avoidable
in any manner but the consent of junior charge holder delays and further erosion of the underlying asset value.
becomes necessary nonetheless. It would, therefore, be helpful if the said rule is relaxed.

This provision needs to be modified to enable speedy Life of trust set up by ARC for asset resolution
recovery when the assets underlying a NPL account The life of the trust set up for asset reconstruction
is still in good condition and worthy of productive has been specified to be a maximum of five years in
economic use. accordance with the Securitisation Companies and
Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines
Consequently, it would be appropriate to have consent and Directions, 2003.
of only the senior and pari- passu charge holders
for security enforcement and only the loan amounts There should be flexibility for extending the life of the
pertaining to such senior and pari-passu charge holders trust if resolution is ongoing or appears to be likely in
should be considered for evaluating the applicability of the foreseeable future.
75% of value requirement. The junior charge holders
do not stand to lose in the process, as they would get
compensated to the extent possible after the claim of
the senior charge holders have been settled.

In this report, we have highlighted some of the
important issues which can encourage faster transaction
closure in the asset reconstruction space which is going
to become increasingly important for the long term
stability of the financial sector. For further information
and thoughts, please feel free to contact one of the
specialist listed below.

Avinash Gupta Deepak Netto

National Leader, Financial Advisory Services Head, Reorganisation Services
Tel: +91 22 6622 0515 Tel: +91 22 6622 0506
Email: Email:

Rahul Choudhry Rajgopal Pai

Director Manager
Tel: +91 22 6622 0517 Tel: +91 22 6622 0563
Email: Email:

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited

Maker Towers E, 4th Floor, Cuffe Parade
Mumbai – 400 005, India
Tel: +91 22 6622 0500
Fax: +91 22 6622 0501

Abbreviations used
ARC: Asset Reconstruction Company NPL: Non Performing Loans
CAGR: Compounded Annual Growth Rate OTS: One Time Settlement
CDR: Corporate Debt Restructuring RBI: Reserve Bank of India
DRT: Debt Recovery Tribunal SARFAESI Act: Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Asset and
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment Enforcement of Security Interest Act
FY: Financial Year SC / RC: Securitisation Company / Reconstruction Company
GDP: Gross Domestic Product SCB: Schedule Commercial Bank
GoI: Government of India QIB: Qualified Institutional Buyers
NPA: Non Performing Asset

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