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Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors for Generation of Electricity M.A.


Figure-1 Typical Diagram of a Coal-fired Thermal Power Station.

Typical diagram of a coal-fired thermal power station 1. Cooling tower 1 . Steam control !al!e 11. $igh pre%%ure %team #. Cooling water pump tur&ine ). Three-pha%e tran%mi%%ion 1#. Deaerator line

1". Superheater # . Forced draught 'draft( fan #1. *eheater

+. Step-up tran%former -. .lectrical generator /. 0ow pre%%ure %team tur&ine 1. 2oiler feedwater pump 4. Surface conden%er

1). Feedwater heater 1+. Coal con!eyor 1-. Coal hopper 1/. Coal pul!eri3er 11. 2oiler %team drum

##. Com&u%tion air inta,e #). .conomi%er #+. Air preheater #-. Precipitator #/. 5nduced draught 'draft( fan #1. Flue ga% %tac,

". 5ntermediate pre%%ure %team 14. 2ottom a%h hopper tur&ine

Figure-# Typical Diagram of a MA6789 *eactor


Typical Diagram of a Pre%%uri3ed :ater *eactor 'P:*(


Typical Diagram of a 2oiling :ater *eactor '2:*(

Figure-- Typical Diagram of a *2M; *eactor

Figure-/ Typical Diagram of a CA7D< *eactor

Key 1 Fuel &undle # Calandria 'reactor core( ) Ad=u%ter rod% - Steam generator / 0ight water pump 1 $ea!y water pump 4 Fueling machine% " $ea!y water moderator 1 Pre%%ure tu&e 1# Cold water returning from tur&ine 1) Containment &uilding made of reinforced concrete

+ $ea!y water pre%%ure re%er!oir 11 Steam going to %team tur&ine


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