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Movie time: Mirror Mirror

FILM REVIEW Write an essay in about 250 words about the movie Mirror Mirror. It has to inc ude ty!e o" "i m# characters# ! ot and your o!inion. $rans ate% $y!es o" "i m &ction "i m ' (((((((((((((((( &nimated "i m ' (((((((((((((((( )omedy ' ((((((((((((((((((( *isaster "i m ' ((((((((((((((((( +istorica drama ' (((((((((((((((((((( +orror "i m ' ((((((((((((((((((((((( Musica ' ((((((((((((((((((((((( Romantic comedy ' (((((((((((((((((((( ,cience "iction )om! ete the sentences with words "rom the bo-. . ot cast on ocation characters trai er score scri!t set sta/e settin/

1. The story of a novel, play, or film is known as the _______________ . 2. The _________________ of a play contains not only the dialogue, but also stage directions, and other information. 3. A _______________ is the written instructions for playing music, but it can also mean the background music for film. . The actors and actresses who play the ________________ in a film or play are known as the _______________ . !. "n the theatre, the actors perform on a _________________ , but in a a film they act on a _______________ . #. $ilms can be shot inside, in the studio, or outside _______________ . %. The ________________ is where a film, novel or play takes place. &. A __________________ is a short film made to a advertise a main feature.

.re!are a ta 0 about your interests in "i ms and on the movie Mirror Mirror ' ' ' ' ' ' What do you 0now about "airyta es1 Is ,now White a boo0 or a "i m1 2r both1 What 0ind o" story is it1 Who is ,now White1 Movie Mirror Mirror 3 cast# ! ot# characters# settin/ Movies3 What I i0e best and why4 What I oo0 in a "i m4 My "avourite "i m and why I i0e it.

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