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T!RM,*!!-S: T.,*/ 0!AR L!1!L: 2 L!ARNING AR!A,T)$IC: !NGLIS3

General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinkin Asia and Australia&s en a ement 'ith Asia !thical "ehavi#ur $ers#nal and s#cial C#mpetence Sustainability Intercultural Understandin

Cr#ss%curriculum pri#rities: Ab#ri inal and T#rres Strait Islander hist#ries and Cultures

*!!-, L!SS) N

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LIN-S Lan Literacy Literature (ACELA 1504)

S$!CI(IC L!SS)N )"4!CTI1!

ASS!SSM!NT 5'hat 6 h#'7

T!AC3ING 6 L!ARNING !8$!RI!NC!S 5include learner diversity7 INTR)+UCTI)N As# students #e$ %uestion 1 &ntroduce script writing !$ showing the e'ample o the (Audio Script )riting *uide+ &n orm the students that script writing would !e done on "icroso t )ord (students would ha,e prior #nowledge on the use o "icroso t )ord) TAS -eacher as#s students to split into their groups and open up word .sing the (Audio Script )riting *uide+ students start and complete their script writing Students are to consider di erent ,oices or di erent segments. C)NCLUSI)N -o conclude/ students are to show their completed script to the teacher to mar#. -eacher e'plains the outline or the inal lesson on radio podcasting 0 C1EA-&2* -3E&1 456CAS-77

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Students cooperate well in their assigned groups. Students complete their script writing or their podcast.

Assessment !ased on i students completed their script writing during class. ("ar# grade on ru!ric)

.: 3as an$one e,er seen written script8 & so/ what was it li#e8

Audio script writing guide9 http9::www; c.go,:podcasts: AudioScript)riti ng*uide.pd "icroso t )ord &nc.

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