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Channel Islands Mensa ExComm meeting February 25, 2014 (res heduled !

!rom February 1"# $resent% &aundra 'ing, $resident (aura )anna, *i e $resident +ary ,nso-, &e retary *aughn ($ar-ie# $ar-er, .reasurer )an y /o0en, Editor Christine 1au2tman (non34oting# ,bsent% none I CALL TO ORDER

Meeting 0as alled to order at 4%55 2m 4ia tele on!eren e by $resident &aundra 'ing6 II OLD BUSINESS

Approval of December 7 and January 21 minutes .here 0ere no orre tions to the minutes o! the meetings o! 7e ember 8, 2015, and 9anuary 21, 2014 (res heduled !rom 9anuary 14#6 Mo4ed ($ar-ie:)an y# that the minutes o! these meetings be a22ro4ed $assed6 Treasurer's Report .he .reasurer;s <e2ort !or 9uly37e ember 2015 0as distributed 0ith the meeting agenda6 .here 0ere no orre tions to the re2ort, and it 0as mo4ed ((aura:)an y# that the .reasurer;s <e2ort be a22ro4ed $assed6 By-La s !ommittee .he /y3(a0s ha4e been sent to 7esiree (<*C=#, 0ho 0ill send them to the ()ational# /y3(a0s Committee !or re4ie06 "e sletter .he regular bridge games in &(> ha4e been dis ontinued, and the &o rates dis ussions sessions (0hi h are o2en to the 2ubli # are ongoing6 .he next issue 0ill be going to 2ress in about 2 days6 #t$er #ld Business $ar-ie re2orted that he has s2ent minor amounts on 2ostage as 2art o! his duties as .reasurer6 Mo4ed ()an y:(aura#to a22ro4e reimbursement o! in idental 2ostage ex2enses $assed6

Channel Islands Mensa /oard meeting minutes, Febrary 25, 2014




%roctorin& ' &heila missed 9anuary;s 0ebinar !or those interested in be oming 2ro tors6 (aura is 0or-ing on om2leting the re?uired do umentation6 &aundra attended the 0ebinar, and 0ill o32ro tor in $ismo6 I! anyone else is interested, onta t Mary &2en er at the )ational >!!i e6 "e sletter )an y said that she 0ould 2re!er a boo-let !ormat !or the ne0sletter, rather than the urrent "@x11 !ormat, and as-ed i! anyone 0ould obAe t i! she hanged to that !ormat6 )o one obAe ted6 Be had used that !ormat in the 2ast, and Chris still has the long3arm sta2ler re?uired to assemble it6 )an y also as-ed about labeling alendar entries as to 0hether they are o2en to the 2ubli , or to members and guests, or members only6 &he 0ill start 0ith labeling e4ents that are o2en to the 2ubli , and adding a note to the alendar that e4ents are o2en to members and their guests unless other0ise noted6 #t$er "e Business )o other ne0 business 0as brought u26 IV NEXT MEETING

.he next meeting 0as s heduled !or Mar h 1", 2014, at 4%50 2m, to be held 4ia tele on!eren e (&aundra to send out details#6 V ADJOURNMENT

.here being no !urther business, the meeting 0as adAourned at 4%5= 2m6 <es2e t!ully submitted, +ary ,nso&e retary, Channel Islands Mensa

Channel Islands Mensa /oard meeting minutes, Febrary 25, 2014


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