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ME 657 - Nano/Micro Manufacturing Homework 3 Due: 21.03.

2014, 10:30am
Problem 1 (40 points). In the figures below you are looking at the scanning electron microscope images of typical silicon probes and probe tips for scanning probe microscopy such as STM, AFM or similar. Describe a fabrication process that produces a cantilever structure with a sharp probe tip that has some resemblance with probe tips (in form and function). Describe the masks, processing steps and corresponding wafer cross sections.



Problem 2 (30 points). a) Describe the lift-off process. b) Would you prefer evaporation or sputtering in lift-off? Why? c) Find a MEMS device from literature in which lift-off process is used in its fabrication. Describe the function of this MEMS device and sketch its fabrication steps.

Problem 3 (30 points). An one-hour dry oxidation at 1000C is followed by a 5-hour wet oxidation at 1100C. a) Calculate the oxide thickness after each step for <111> silicon wafer and show the final cross section schematically. b) Calculate the oxide thickness after each step for <100> silicon wafer and show the final cross section schematically. c) Is the oxidation thickness for each case different? Why or why not?

Project Proposal. The course project is a small-scale research project in design and fabrication of a MEMS design. Prepare a project proposal where you describe your idea and argue why this project is feasible and worthwhile. MEMS design and fabrication steps should be central to the project plan. Proposals will be reviewed and feedback given for each project team. Project team may consist of 1-2 students. Formatting instructions: Project title Team members The entire project proposal should look similar to a conference abstract with 1 page of text and 1 page of figures maximum.

This is due in two weeks, so you will submit this on 3/28/14, separate from the rest of your homework.

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