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* Amendment in the KVS(Appointment, Promotion, Seniority etc.)Rules 1971 * Schedule- o! the KVS( Appointment, Promotion, Seniority etc.

)Rules 1971 1. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. Recruitment Rules for the Post of Commissioner $ommissioner &ne (r. )A* P,-+ Rs.'7+--- .7--- / 1---- ((d P#y) Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A.

"#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post 1hether 2e2e!it o! #dded ye#rs o! ser3ice #dmissi2le 4nder Rule '- o! $$P (Pension Rules) 197% A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion tr#ns!er 5r#des #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y deput#tion tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion;tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

1-. 11.

" .A. ,y tr#ns!er on deput#tion throu5h $entr#l St#!!in5 Scheme


&!!icers under $entr#l St#!!in5 Scheme< i) =oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts in the e8ui3#lent p#y sc#le . ii) Possessin5 #de8u#te >no9led5e o! educ#tion system #nd e?perience in educ#tion#l pl#nnin5 #nd #dministr#tion

1'. 1+.

! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the $omposition $ircumst#nces in 9hich @P$ s to 2e consulted in m#>in5 Recruitment



1. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9.

Recruitment Rules for the Post of Additional Commissioner (Administration) Aoint $ommissioner (Admn.) &ne (r. )A* P,-+ Rs.'7+--- .7--- / 67-- ((d P#y) Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A.

"#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post 1hether 2e2e!it o! #dded ye#rs o! ser3ice #dmissi2le 4nder Rule '- o! $$P (Pension Rules) 197% A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion tr#ns!er 5r#des #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y deput#tion tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion;tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

1-. 11.

" .A. ,y tr#ns!er on deput#tion throu5h $entr#l St#!!in5 Scheme


&!!icers under $entr#l St#!!in5 Scheme< i) =oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts in the e8ui3#lent p#y sc#le . ii) Possessin5 #de8u#te >no9led5e o! educ#tion system #nd e?perience in educ#tion#l pl#nnin5 #nd #dministr#tion

1'. 1+.

! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the $omposition $ircumst#nces in 9hich @P$ s to 2e consulted in m#>in5 Recruitment



Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-. 11. "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y


Recruitment Rule Addl. Commissioner (Acad.) &ne (roup )A* Rs. '7+---.7---/(P Rs.67--(P,-+) Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. ,y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. By Promotion Brom #mon5st At. $ommissioners 9ith -' ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de #nd possessin5 the 8u#li!ic#tion prescri2ed !or deput#tionists. Transfer on deputation Brom #mon5st o!!icers o! the $entr#l ;St#te (o3ts; ;@e!ence Ser3ices ;Autonomous ,odies possessin5 the !ollo9in5 8u#li!ic#tions<i) Atle#st %nd cl#ss :#ster*s @e5ree ii) @e5ree in 7duc#tion iii) =oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts in the sc#le o! p#y o! Rs. '7+---.7---/ (P Rs. 67--( P,-+). (Che period o! deput#tion sh#ll 2e three ye#rs, e?tend#2le 2y t9o ye#rs.) Vice-$h#irm#n,KVS - $h#irm#n BA;AS :;=R@ - :em2er $ommissioner, KVS - :em2er

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-. 11.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule !t. Commissioner (Admn."Pers."Acad "Tr#.) Bour (one e#ch) (roup )A* R'7+---.7---/(P R67--(P,-+) Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. ,y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. By Promotion @y. $ommissioners in KVS 9ith 0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de. @y. $ommissioner (Admn.) 9ill 2e considered !or the post o! A$(Admn;Pers) #lon5 9ith other @y. $ommissioners. Transfer on deputation Brom #mon5st &!!icer o! the $entr#l ;St#te (o3ts.; Autonomous &r5#niD#tions possessin5 the !ollo9in5 8u#li!ic#tions #nd e?perience. (i) holdin5 #n#lo5ous postsE or (ii) 9ith -0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the post in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 7.--;- , h#3in5 1- ye#rs e?perience in #dministr#tion Vice-$h#irm#n, KVS - $h#irm#n BA;AS :;=R@ - :em2er $ommissioner,KVS - :em2er


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule !t. Commissioner ($in.) &ne (roup )A* Rs. '7+---.7---/(P R67--(P,-+) Selection 0- ye#rs. ,ut no #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l (i) @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. (ii) 10 ye#rs* e?perience in 2ud5et;#ccounts 9or> out o! 9hich #t le#st 1- ye#rs in # senior super3isory le3el. "& C9o ye#rs. ,y Promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion !#ilin5 9hich 2y @irect Recruitment. ,y promotion<@y. $ommissioner (Bin.) in KVS 9ith !i3e ye#rs* re5ul#r e?perience in the 5r#de.


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-.

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods


n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Cr#ns!er on deput#tion< Brom #mon5st &!!icers o! the $entr#l ;St#te (o3ts; Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. possessin5 e?perience o! h#ndlin5 #dministr#ti3e, !in#nci#l #nd #ccounts m#tters in # responsi2le c#p#city. A"@ (i) =oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts, or (ii) 1ith -0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in posts in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 7.--;- (Period o! deput#tion 9ill 2e three ye#rs, e?tend#2le up to !i3e ye#rs). Vice-$h#irm#n, KVS - $h#irm#n BA;AS :;=R@ - :em2er $ommissioner, KVS - :em2er

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y


Recruitment Rule Superintendin# %n#ineer -1 (roup *A* P#y ,#nd Rs.'7+---.7--- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs.67--;-. (P,-+) Selection 0- Fe#rs 1. @e5ree in $i3il 7n5ineerin5 !rom the Reco5niDed 4ni3ersity or e8ui3#lent. %. 10 ye#rs e?perience in $i3il 7n5ineerin5 o! 9hich !i3e ye#rs #s 7?ecuti3e 7n5ineer in $entr#l;St#te;Autonomous 2odies;Pu2lic Sector 4ndert#>in5s. A5e no 2#r. =o9e3er, c#ndid#te should possess de5ree in $i3il 7n5ineerin5 !rom the Reco5niDed 4ni3ersity or e8ui3#lent 9ith 10 ye#rs e?perience in $i3il 7n5ineerin5 o! 9hich -' ye#rs #s 7?ecuti3e 7n5ineer in the (r#de P#y o! Rs. ..--;-. C9o ye#rs ,y promotion !#ilin5 9hich deput#tion;direct recruitment 9hich sh#ll 2e decided 2y the Appointin5 Authority. n c#se dep#rtment#l c#ndid#te is selected throu5h direct recruitment, it sh#ll 2e tre#ted #s promotion. Brom 7?ecuti3e 7n5ineer 1. %. '. Addition#l Secret#ry (7duc#tion) $h#irm#n. Aoint Secret#ry;Addition#l Ad3isor (4C-%) H :em2er $ommissioner, KVS - :em2er

1hether selection or non- selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits;deput#tion.


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees

9. 1-.

Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion;direct recruitment is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is its composition !or pro2#tion #nd con!irm#tion.

11. 1%.

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-. 11.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule Dy. Commissioner($in.) &ne (roup )A* Rs. 10.---'91--/(P Rs.7.--(P,-') Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. ,y Promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. ,y Promotion 1. (r#du#tion %. Atle#st -0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s Asstt. $ommissioner( Bin) in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y Rs. ..--;in the S#n5#th#n. &R 1% ye#rs com2ined ser3ices #s Bin#nce &!!icer #nd Asstt. $ommissioner( Bin.) out o! 9hich t9o ye#rs #s Asstt. $ommissioner( Bin.) in KVS. Cr#ns!er on deput#tion < Brom #mon5st &!!icers o! the $entr#l ;St#te (o3ts.; Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. possessin5 the !ollo9in5 8u#li!ic#tions #nd e?perience< 1. (r#du#tion %. holdin5 #n#lo5ous post or possessin5 #t le#st 0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y Rs. ..--;- . Che duties o! these posts should 2e e?clusi3ely o! !in#nci#l n#ture in the :inistry;@ep#rtment or Autonomous ,odies. Vice-$h#irm#n, KVS - $h#irm#n BA;AS :;=R@ - :em2er $ommissioner, >3s - :em2er


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-. 11.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule Dy Commissioner (Admn.) &ne (roup )A* R10.---'91--/(P R7.--(P,-') Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. ,y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. ,y Promotion<1. (r#du#tion %. -0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s Asstt. $ommissioner (Admn.) in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de p#y o! Rs. ..--;- in the S#n5#th#n. &R 1% ye#rs com2ined ser3ices #s Administr#ti3e o!!icer #nd Asstt. $ommissioner(Admn.) out o! 9hich #tle#st t9o ye#rs #s Asstt. $ommissioner( Admn.) in KVS. Cr#ns!er on deput#tion <Brom #mon5st o!!icers o! the $entr#l ;St#te (o3ts.; Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. possessin5 the !ollo9in5 8u#li!ic#tions #nd e?perience< 1. (r#du#tion %. holdin5 #n#lo5ous post or possessin5 #t le#st 0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de p#y o! Rs. ..--;- . Che duties o! these posts should 2e e?clusi3ely o! Administr#ti3e n#ture in the :inistry;@ep#rtment or Autonomous ,odies. Vice-$h#irm#n, KVS - $h#irm#n BA;AS :;=R@ - :em2er $ommissioner, KVS - :em2er


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Dy. Commissioner '% (roup )A* Rs.10.---'91--/(P R7.--(P,-') Selection 0- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. %ssential 1. At le#st # second cl#ss :#ster*s @e5ree. %. ,.7d or e8ui3#lent de5ree '. -0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s Asstt. $ommissioner. &R -6 Fe#rs e?perience #s Asstt. $ommissioner #nd Princip#l to5ether 9ith minimum -1 ye#r*s e?perience #s Asstt. $ommissioner ( ,oth Princip#l #s 9ell #s Asstt. $ommissioner #re in the s#me 2#nd o! Rs. 10,.---'9,1-- / (P Rs. 7.--) Desira&le 1. 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! =indi #nd 7n5lish. %. 7?perience in directin5 in-ser3ice tr#inin5 pro5r#mmes !or te#chers #nd #dministr#tors #nd;or rese#rch in educ#tion. ".A. % ye#rs 0-I 2y direct recruitment throu5h #. #d3ertisement in the press 2. $ircul#tion #mon5st St#te (o3t. 4ni3ersities, other 7duc#tion#l Autonomous ,odies, (o3t. #nd the :inistry o! 7duc#tion #nd $ulture. ! suit#2le c#ndid#tes #re not #3#il#2le 2y the procedure, the competent #uthority m#y, #!ter o2t#inin5 the #d3ice o! the Selection $ommittee constituted !or such selection, !ill up # 3#c#ncy on deput#tion 2#sis !rom the employees o! the $entr#l;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. pro3ided the c#ndid#tes !ul!ill #ll the 8u#li!ic#tions !or direct recruits. 0-I 2y promotion. ,y Promotion Brom Asstt. $ommissioner h#3in5 0 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s such !#ilin5 9hich !rom #mon5st Assist#nt $ommissioner 9ith 1- ye#rs com2ined ser3ice in the 5r#de o! Princip#l; Asstt. $ommissioner in the S#n5#th#n out o! 9hich minimum one ye#r ser3ice #s Asstt. $ommissioner. Vice-$h#irm#n, KVS BA;AS :;=R@ $ommissioner, KVS - $h#irm#n - :em2er - :em2er


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-.

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods


n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Assistant Commissioner 61 (roup )A* R10.---'91--/(P Rs. 7.--(P,-') Selection 0- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in c#se o! employees o! KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$.;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. %ssential 'ualification A. Academic i) :#ster @e5ree !rom reco5niDed uni3ersity 9ith #tle#st +0I m#r>s ii) ,.7d or e8ui3#lent de5ree B. %(perience Persons holdin5 the post o! Princip#l in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de p#y o! Rs. 7.-- 9ith #tle#st -' ye#rs e?perience. Desira&le Kno9led5e o! computer #pplic#tion.


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-. 11.

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

"o C9o ye#rs 0-I 2y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y direct recruitment. 0-I 2y direct recruitment. By Promotion Brom #mon5st the Princip#ls o! Kendriy# Vidy#l#y#s on merit-cum- seniority. $ommissioner, - $h#irm#n KVS Addl. $omm.(Admn.),KVS - :em2er Addl. $omm (Ac#d),KVS - :em2er A$(Admn);(Pers.) - :em2er


Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Principal 976 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup )A* Rs. 10.---'91--/(P Rs.7.--(P,-') Selection :inimum '0 #nd m#?imum 0- ye#rs . "o #5e 2#r in c#se o! employees o! KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$.;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# Rules. %ssential 'ualification A. Academic i):#ster @e5ree !rom reco5niDed uni3ersity 9ith #tle#st +0I m#r>s in #55re5#te. ii) ,.7d or e8ui3#lent te#chin5 de5ree. B. %(perience (#) Persons holdin5 #n#lo5ous posts or posts o! Princip#ls in $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous or5#niD#tions o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the P#y ,#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 7.--E &R (2)Vice-Princip#l;Asstt. 7duc#tion &!!icers in $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous or5#niD#tions o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de p#y o! Rs. 0+-- 9ith com2ined ser3ices o! -0 ye#rs #s P(C #nd -% ye#r #s Vice-Princip#l. &R (c) Persons holdin5 posts o! P(Cs or Kecturer in $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous or5#niD#tions o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y Rs. +6-- or e8ui3#lent 9ith #t le#st 6 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the #!ores#id 5r#de. &R (d) 10 ye#rs com2ined re5ul#r ser3ices #s C(C in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +.--;- #nd P(C in the P#y ,#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;- out o! 9hich -' ye#rs #s P(C. e ) Desira&le Kno9led5e o! computer #pplic#tion. No. T)o years *+, &y Direct Recruitment and *+, &y -imited Departmental Competiti.e %(amination By -imited Departmental Competiti.e %(amination +/ years com&ined re#ular ser.ices as P0T in the Pay &and Rs. 12++324/++"3 )ith 0rade Pay Rs. 4/++"3 5 6ice3 Principal in the Pay &and of Rs. 1*7++3211++ )ith 0rade Pay Rs. *4++"3out of )hich +8 year as 6ice3 Principal. N.A.

6. 9. 1-.


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition


Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule 6ice3Principal"Asstt. %ducation 9fficer 0%0 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup )A* R10.---'91--/(P Rs. 0+--(P,-') Selection :inimum '0 #nd m#?imum +0 ye#rs. "o upper #5e 2#r in c#se o! employees o! KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# Rules. 7ssenti#l Lu#li!ic#tion< A. Ac#demic i):#ster @e5ree !rom reco5niDed uni3ersity 9ith #tle#st +0I m#r>s in #55re5#te. ii) ,.7d or e8ui3#lent te#chin5 de5ree. ,. 7?perience (#) Persons holdin5 #n#lo5ous posts or posts o! Vice-Princip#ls in $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous or5#niD#tions o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the P#y ,#nd o! Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 0+--E &R (2) Persons holdin5 posts o! P(Cs or Kecturer in $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous or5#niD#tions o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y Rs. +6-or e8ui3#lent 9ith #t le#st . ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the #!ores#id 5r#de. &R (c)1- ye#rs com2ined re5ul#r ser3ices #s P(C in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;- #nd C(C in the P#y ,#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +.--;- out o! 9hich -' ye#rs #s P(C. (d) Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions.


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-.


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions "o prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny % ye#rs :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct 0-I 2y @irect Recruitment. recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies 0-I 2y Kimited @ep#rtment#l $ompetiti3e to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods 7?#min#tion. n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y By -imited Departmental Competiti.e %(am 3 @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e P(Cs in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith m#de (r#de P#y Rs. +6--;-9ith -0 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice. 9R 1- ye#rs com2ined re5ul#r ser3ices #s P(C in the P#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;- #nd C(C in the P#y ,#nd o! Rs. 9'--'+6--;- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +.--;- out o! 9hich -' ye#rs #s P(C. ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition ".A.


Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule Assistant Commissioner($in) -% (roup )A* Rs. 10.---'91--/(P Rs. ..--(P,-') Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. 1--I 2y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion.


By Promotion &n the 2#sis o! merit-cum-seniority !rom #mon5st Bin#nce &!!icer o! the S#n5#th#n 9ith #tle#st 7 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice. By deputation Brom #mon5st o!!icers h#3in5 comp#r#2le 8u#li!ic#tions #nd e?perience in #n#lo5ous posts in $entr#l ;St#te (o3t.; Pu2lic Sector undert#>in5s; $entr#l Autonomous ,odies. $ommissioner, - $h#irm#n KVS Addl. $omm.(Admn.),KVS - :em2er A$(Bin),KVS - :em2er @BA,:;=R@ - :em2er


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule %(ecuti.e %n#ineer -% (roup )A* Rs.10.---'91--/(P Rs...--(P,-') Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. ,y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. tr#ns!er on



! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

,y promotion on the 2#sis o! merit-cum-seniority !rom #mon5st Assist#nt 7n5ineer o! the S#n5#th#n 9ith #tle#st 1- ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs.9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +.-- !#ilin5 9hich 2y tr#ns!er on deput#tion !rom #mon5st o!!icers o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. holdin5 #n#lo5ous posts or minimum o! -+ ye#rs in posts c#rryin5 the p#y 2#nd o! Rs.10.---'91-9ith 5r#de p#y Rs. ..-- in $entr#l;St#te (o3t. @eptts h#3in5 super3isory e?perience in Pl#nnin5; $onstruction o! $i3il 1or>s. $ommissioner, KVS - $h#irm#n Addl. $omm.(Admn.),KVS - :em2er A$ (Bin),KVS - :em2er Represent#ti3e o! S$;SC - :em2er.

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 9. 1-.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) -' (roup )A* Rs. 10.---'91--/(P Rs. ..--(P,-') Selection ".A. ".A. ".A. ".A. 1--I 2y promotion.


Promotion Che !eeder 5r#de !or promotion is Admn. &!!icer in the p#y sc#le o! Rs. 10.---'91--/(P Rs. 0+--;-9ith 0 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de, !#ilin5 9hich Administr#ti3e &!!icer 9ith 6 ye#rs* com2ined re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de o! Section &!!icer #nd Admn. &!!icer 9ith #tle#st % ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice #s Admn. &!!icer. $ommissioner, KVS , $h#irm#n Addl. $ommissioner (Admn.) H :em2er @ir.;@y. Secret#ry (4C) :em2er Aoint $ommissioner, (Admn.);Aoint $ommissioner (Pers.) H :em2er.


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Admn. 9fficer %0 (roup )A* Rs. 9'---'+6--/(P Rs.0+--(P,-') Selection +0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. i )(r#du#te ii)Chree ye#rs* e?perience in super3isory post in the #dministr#tion in the p#y sc#le o! Rs.9'--'+6--/(P Rs.+.-- or -. ye#rs* e?perience in Super3isory post in Administr#tion in the p#y sc#le o! Rs..9300-34800+GP Rs.4200 in the $entr#l (o3t.;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous ,odies. Desira&le Kno9led5e o! $omputer #pplic#tion "o C9o ye#rs .....I 2y Promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion !#ilin5 9hich 2y direct recruitment. ''.''I 2y @eput#tion; @irect Recruitment.


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-.

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y @ep#rtment#l 7?#m;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de



! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

By Promotion !rom the r#n> o! Section &!!icer in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--/ (P Rs. +.--;h#3in5 -0 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice !#ilin5 9hich ei5ht ye#rs com2ined Ser3ice #s Section &!!icer in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--/ (P Rs. +.--;- #nd Assist#nt in the Sc#le o! p#y Rs. 9'---'+6--;- / (P +%--;- out o! 9hich -% ye#rs in the 5r#de o! Section &!!icer. By Deputation Brom #mon5st &!!icers holdin5 #n#lo5ous posts in $entr#l ;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous ,odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t. #nd possessin5 8u#li!ic#tions Prescri2ed !or @irect Recruitment. $ommissioner, KVS - $h#irm#n Addl. $ommissioner (Admn.),KVS :em2er @ir.;@S(4C), :=R@ - :em2er Aoint $ommissioner - :em2er (Admn.);(Pers.)

Sl. No. 1. %. '. +. 0. ..

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule $inance 9fficer %7 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup M,N 9'---'+6--;- / (P Selection '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. i) ,.$om 9ith 0-I m#r>s in the #55re5#te #nd #tle#st + ye#rs post 8u#li!ic#tion e?perience in the Audit #nd Accounts 9or>s. &R :.$om 9ith 0-I m#r>s #nd #tle#st ' ye#rs post 8u#li!ic#tion e?perience in the Audit #nd Accounts 9or>s. &R $A( nter) or $1A( nter) or :,A( Bin#nce) or P(@: (Bin#nce) (% ye#rs !ull time or ' ye#rs p#rt time) 9ith %ye#rs post 8u#li!ic#tion e?perience in the Audit #nd Accounts 9or>s. ii)Kno9led5e o! $omputer #pplic#tions "o C9o ye#rs 0-I 2y Kimited @eptt. $ompetiti3e 7?#min#tion 0-I 2y @irect Recruitment. By Promotion throu#h -imited Departmental Competiti.e %(amination Assist#nt 9ith !our ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de in KVS. "&C APPK $A,K7. +.-- (P,-%)


7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6. 9. 1-.


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promottees. Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion;2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition


Sl. No. 1. %.

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s)

Recruitment Rule Section 9fficer '- (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion)

'. +. 0. .. 7. 6. 1. 1+.


(r. ),* 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P o! Selection "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 1--I 2y 7?#min#tion. Kimited @ep#rtment#l $ompetiti3e +.--;-

Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition



Chrou5h Kimited @ep#rtment#l $ompetiti3e 7?#min#tion &pen to Assist#nts ; Steno (r. ; =indi Cr#nsl#tor 9ith !ollo9in5 8u#li!ic#tion #nd e?perience< i) (r#du#te ii) + ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice . "&C APPK $A,K7

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 : / 1 1+

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods

Recruitment Rule Pri.ate Secretary -' (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Selection "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 1--I 2y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion. +.--;-


n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

By promotion !rom #mon5st Steno5r#phers (r#de 9ho h#3e rendered #tle#st three ye#rs ser3ice #s Steno5r#pher (r#de in the S#n5#th#n. By Deputation !rom #mon5st Steno5r#phers in the $entr#l;St#te (o3t.; Autonomous 2odies in the $entr#l;St#te (o3t. in the P#y ,#nd Rs. 9'--- '+6-(P,- ) 9ith (r#de P#y o! +.--;- or in the p#y 2#nd o! Rs. 9'---'+6--( P,- ) 9ith 5r#de p#y +%-- 9ith !i3e ye#rs ser3ice #s such.

18 ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

1. %. '.

Addl. $ommissioner (Admn.)- $h#irm#n A$ (Admn.);A$ (Pers.) - :em2er @$(Admn) H :em2er

Sl. No. 1 % ' + 0 .

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Steno#rapher 0rade ; .1 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P o! "on-Selection '- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. i (r#du#te ii. Shorth#nd Speed o! 1-- 9.p.m. in 7n5lish;=indi Shorth#nd #nd Cypin5 Speed o! +0 9.p.m. in 7n5lish;=indi Cypin5. iii. Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions "o C9o ye#rs 1--I 2y promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion !#ilin5 9hich 2y direct recruitment. +%--

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6 9 1-

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods


n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de


! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

,y promotion< Brom #mon5 Steno5r#phers (r#de 9ho h#3e rendered #t le#st three ye#rs ser3ice #s Steno5r#pher (r#de in the S#n5#th#n. ,y @eput#tion < Brom #mon5st the Steno5r#phers in the $entr#l;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous 2odies o! $entr#l ;St#te ( the P#y ,#nd 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +%--;- or in the P,9ith 5r#de p#y o! Rs. %+--;- 9ith !i3e ye#rs ser3ice #s such. 1. Addl. $ommissioner(Admn) H $h#irm#n %. A$ (Admn.) H :em2er '. @y. $ommissioner( Admn) - :em2er

Sl. No. 1 % ' + 0 .

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Steno#rapher 0rade ;; +6 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* 0%---%-,%--;- 9ith (P %+--;-

"on-Selection %7 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le i. 1%C= p#ss or e8ui3#lent !rom # reco5niDed ,o#rd or 4ni3ersity. ii. S>ill test "orms @ict#tion < 1- mts O 6- 9.p.m Cr#nscription< 0- mts (7n5) .0 mts (=indi) (&n computer) ".A. C9o Fe#rs 1--I direct recruitment. @ep#rtment#l K@$s possessin5 educ#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions #s prescri2ed !or direct recruitment m#y 2e eli5i2le. ".A. ".A.

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6 9 1-

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

11 1%

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 :

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Assistant 069 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roupN, N 9'-- -'+6-- 9ith o! (P "on-selection '0 ye#rs. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (& Rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. "o upper #5e limit !or KVS employees. (r#du#te 9ith ' ye#rs e?perience #s 4@$ in $entr#l; St#te (o3t.; Autonomous ,odies;Pu2lic Sector 4ndert#>in5s @esir#2le< Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. "o % ye#rs .. %;'I 2y promotion. '' 1;'I 2y @irect $ompetition. +%--;-

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition




11 18

By promotion Brom #mon5st 4@$s o! KVS 9ho h#3e rendered #t le#st 0 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the #!ores#id 5r#de in the S#n5#th#n. 1. A$(Admn); (Pers.) H $h#irm#n %. @y. $omm.(Admn.) H :em2er '. Asstt. $omm.;Sr. Princip#l - :em2er

Sl. No. 1 % ' + 0 .

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule <pper Di.ision Cler= 1'+. (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* P, 0%---%-%-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! "on-Selection %+--

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

6 9 1-

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

'- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le 7duc#tion#l Lu#li!ic#tions< i (r#du#te %(perience Chree ye#rs e?perience #s K@$ in $entr#l (o3t.; St#te (o3t.;Autonomous ,odies;Pu2lic Sector 4ndert#>in5s Desira&le Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. "o C9o Fe#rs i) ii) 0- I 2y promotion 0-I 2y direct recruitment.

11 1%

By promotion Brom #mon5st K@$s o! the KVS 9ho h#3e rendered #tle#st -6 ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s K@$. 1. %. '. A$(Admn); (Pers.) H $h#irm#n @y. $ommissioner( Admn.) H mem2er Asstt. $ommissioner;Sr. Princip#l:em2er

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule -o)er Di.ision Cler= 1+0+ (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (r#de )$* 0%---%-%-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! "on-Selection 16 to %7 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# 9ould 2e #pplic#2le i. $l#ss P p#ss or e8ui3#lent 8u#li!ic#tion !rom reco5niDed 2o#rd or uni3ersity. ii. A typin5 speed o! '0 9.p.m. in 7n5lish or '9.p.m. in =indi on computer. iii. 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! =indi i3. Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. "ote < Che 8u#li!ic#tion o! typin5 mentioned in the Recruitment Rules 9ill not #pply in the c#se o! Physic#lly =#ndic#pped persons 9ho #re certi!ied #s 2ein5 un#2le to type 2y the :edic#l ,o#rd #tt#ched to the Speci#l 7mployment 7?ch#n5e !or the =#ndic#pped (or 2y # $i3il Sur5eon 9here there is no such ,o#rd). i. A5e "o ii. Lu#li!ic#tion Fes, to the e?tent indic#ted in $ol. 11 C9o Fe#rs 1-I 2y promotion 9-I 2y direct recruitment. ,y promotion !rom the e?istin5 Su2-st#!! o! KVS 9ith #tle#st -' ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions o! m#tricul#tion (cl#ss P) p#ss on seniority Hcum- !itness 2#sis 1. @y. $ommissioner(Admn) H $h#irm#n %. Asstt. $ommissioner(Admn.) H :em2er '. Princip#l - :em2er 19--;-

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition



Sl. No. 1 8 2 $l#ssi!ic#tion 4 Sc#le o! P#y *

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s)

Recruitment Rule Assistant Director ( 9-) &ne (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P, % 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P &B Selection ".A. N.A. +.--;-

1hether selection post or non-selection post 7 A5e limit !or direct recruits : / 1 Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny 1+ :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee


".A. 1--I Promotion !#ilin5 9hich 2y deput#tion 2#sis !rom &!!icers o! $entr#l ;St#te (o3t.;Autonomous 2odies o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t.< (#)=oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts on re5ul#r 2#sis in the p#rent c#dre ;dep#rtment. By Promotion Senior =indi Cr#nsl#tor ;=indi Cr#nsl#tor 9ith ';6 ye#rs re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de 9ith >no9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. Che composition o! @P$ is #s under< i. At. $ommissioner (Admn.)-$h#irm#n ii. @y. $ommissioner (Admn) - :em2er iii. Asstt. $ommissioner - :em2er



Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 : / 1 1+

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de

Recruitment Rule Senior >indi Translator &ne (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P, % 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Selection ".A ".A. ".A. ".A. 1--I 2y promotion +%--;-



! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

By promotion on the 2#sis o! seniority-cum-merit !rom #mon5st the =indi Cr#nsl#tors o! KVS 9ho h#3e rendered ' ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice in the 5r#de in the S#n5#th#n possessin5 the !ollo9in5 educ#tion 8u#li!ic#tions <:#ster*s @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in =indi 9ith 7n5lish #s m#in su2Ject #t @e5ree le3el. &R :#ster*s @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in 7n5lish 9ith =indi #s m#in su2Ject #t @e5ree le3el. &R :#ster*s @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in #ny su2Ject 9ith =indi #nd 7n5lish #s m#in su2Jects #t @e5ree le3el. &R :#ster*s @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in #ny su2Ject 9ith =indi;7n5lish medium, #nd 7n5lish;=indi #s m#in su2Jects #t @e5ree le3el. &R :#ster*s @e5ree in =indi ;7n5lish or in #ny other su2Ject 9ith =indi;7n5lish medium, 9ith 7n5lish;=indi #s # m#in su2Ject or #s medium o! e?#min#tion #t @e5ree le3el. &R #. ,#chelor*s @e5ree 9ith =indi #nd 7n5lish #s m#in su2Jects or either o! the t9o #s medium o! e?#min#tion #nd the other #s # m#in su2Ject plus reco5niDed @iplom#; certi!ic#te $ourse in tr#nsl#tion !rom =indi to 7n5lish #nd 3ice-3ers# in $entr#l;St#te (o3t. o!!ices, includin5 (o3t. o! ndi# 4ndert#>in5s.* 2. C9o ye#rs* e?perience #s =indi Cr#nsl#tor (P#y ,#nd % 9ith (P +%--;-) or e8ui3#lent o! tr#nsl#tion 9or> !rom =indi to 7n5lish #nd 3ice-3ers# in $entr#l;St#te (o3t. o!!ices, includin5 (o3t. o! ndi# 4ndert#>in5s;Autonomous ,odies o! (o3t. o! ndi#. 1. Addl. $ommissioner(Admn.) - $h#irm#n %. A$(Admn); (Pers.) H :em2er '. Asstt. $ommissioner- :em2er (9fficial -an#ua#e)

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule >indi Translator %- (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P,-% 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P o! +%--;"on-Selection %6 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. :#ster*s de5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in =indi 9ith 7n5lish #s # compulsory or electi3e su2Ject or #s the medium o! e?#min#tion #t the de5ree le3el. &R :#ster*s de5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in 7n5lish 9ith =indi #s # compulsory or electi3e su2Ject or #s the medium o! e?#min#tion #t the de5ree le3el &R :#sters de5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in #ny su2Ject other th#n =indi or 7n5lish, 9ith =indi medium #nd 7n5lish #s # compulsory or electi3e su2Ject or #s the medium o! # e?#min#tion #t the de5ree le3elE &R :#ster*s de5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in #ny su2Ject other th#n =indi or 7n5lish, 9ith 7n5lish medium #nd =indi #s # compulsory or electi3e su2Ject or #s the medium o! # e?#min#tion #t the de5ree le3elE &R :#ster*s @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in #ny su2Ject other th#n =indi or 7n5lish, 9ith =indi #nd 7n5lish #s compulsory or electi3e su2Jects or either o! the t9o #s # medium o! e?#min#tion #nd the other #s # compulsory or electi3e su2Ject #t de5ree le3elE A"@ Reco5niDed @iplom# or $erti!ic#te course in tr#nsl#tion !rom =indi to 7n5lish G 3ice-3ers# or t9o ye#rs e?perience o! tr#nsl#tion 9or> !rom =indi to 7n5lish #nd 3ice 3ers# in $entr#l or St#te (o3ernment o!!ice, includin5 (o3ernment o! ndi# 4ndert#>in5. ".A. C9o ye#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment "ote MV#c#ncies c#used 2y the incum2ent 2ein5 #9#y on deput#tion or lon5 illness or study le#3e or under other circumst#nces !or dur#tion o! one ye#r or more m#y 2e !illed on deput#tion 2#sis !rom &!!icers o! $entr#l (o3ernment< (#) =oldin5 #n#lo5ous posts on re5ul#r 2#sis in the p#rent c#dre;dep#rtmentE #nd (2) Possessin5 the 8u#li!ic#tions #nd e?perience prescri2ed !or direct recruits under col. 7 ".A. ".A.

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods

11 18

n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

Details Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether Selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Assistant %n#ineer Bour (&ne !or 7lectric#l 7n5ineerin5 #nd three !or $i3il 7n5ineerin5) (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P,% 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P o! Selection +.--;-

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

'0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd &ther c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. %ssential 'ualification (i) (r#du#te in $i3il;7lectric#l 7n5ineerin5 !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. (ii) % ye#rs e?perience in desi5n #nd en5ineerin5 in concerned 2r#nch. 9R ' ye#rs @iplom# in $i3il;7lectric#l 7n5ineerin5 !rom # reco5niDed nstitute #nd 0 ye#rs e?perience in concerned 2r#nch ".A C9o ye#rs ,y direct recruitment.

11 18

".A. ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 :

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Statistical 9fficer &ne (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P,--% ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 7ssenti#l Lu#li!ic#tion< (i) =onours @e5ree o! ' ye#rs course &R :#ster*s @e5ree o! reco5niDed 4ni3ersity in one o! the !ollo9in5 Su2Jects< 1. St#tisticsE %. :#them#ticsE '. 7conomics 9ith # p#per on st#tisticsE +. $ommerce 9ith st#tistics #s # P#per. (ii) -' ye#rs e?perience in processin5 3#rious st#tistic#l d#t#. ".A. C9o ye#rs ,y direct recruitment. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P +%--;-

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

11 18

".A. ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 :

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Assistant %ditor &ne (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup ),* P,-% 9'---'+6-- 9ith (P "on-Selection +.--;-

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

'0 ye#rs. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (& Rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. "o upper #5e limit !or KVS employees. %ssential i) @e5ree o! # reco5nised 4ni3ersity or e8ui3#lent ii). ' ye#rs e?perience o! Journ#listic pu2licity or pu2lic rel#tions 9or> in # (o3t. @eptt. &r in # "e9sp#per;"e9s #5ency or # commerci#l concern o! repute. Desira&le @iplom# in Aourn#lism !rom # Reco5nised 4ni3ersity; nstitution "&C APPK $A,K7 C9o Fe#rs ,y direct recruitment

11 18

".A. ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 :

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule Proof Reader &ne (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* P,1 ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 7ssenti#l Lu#li!ic#tion< (i) @e5ree o! # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity 9ith =indi #nd 7n5lish #s su2JectsE (ii) -' ye#rs e?perience in printin5 #nd proo! re#din5. @esir#2le< 1ell #c8u#inted 9ith the m#r>in5s #s #ppro3ed 2y the printin5 process. ".A. C9o Fe#rs ,y direct recruitment 0%---%-%-- 9ith (P o! %+--;-

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

11 18

".A. ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule %lectrician &ne(Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* P,1 0%---%-%-- 9ith (P o! 19--;-

"on -Selection '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the KVS. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 7ssenti#l Lu#li!ic#tion< (i) C $erti!ic#te or e8ui3#lent in the tr#de o! 7lectrici#n or 1irem#n #nd 1irem#n*s Kicence !rom # Reco5niDed nstitute. (ii) At le#st -% ye#rs e?perience in electric#l inst#ll#tion #nd 9irin5. ".A.

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotees;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

1 1+

C9o ye#rs. ,y direct recruitment





Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 : / 1 1+

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition P, ".A.

Recruitment Rule Su&3staff 1-%11 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* 0%---%-%-- 9ith (P o! 16--

16 to %0 ye#rs, A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. :#tricul#tion ($l#ss P) or e8ui3#lent p#ss ".A. % ye#rs 1--I @irect recruitment

11 18

".A. ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y 1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Recruitment Rule >ostel Nurse -. (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (roup )$* P, 0%---%-%-- 9ith (P o! %+--

"on-Selection %7 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. (i) :#tricul#tion (ii) )A* (r#de certi!ic#te !rom # reco5niDed institution. (iii) A2ility to spe#> =indi !luently. ".A. C9o ye#rs 1--I direct recruitment

: / 1 1+

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

11 18

".A. ".A

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4

Details "#me o! the Post "o. o! post(s) $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! P#y

Recruitment Rule St#!! $#r @ri3er 19 (Su2Ject to 3#ri#tion) (r. )$* S. No 1 1. %. (r#de'. (r#de+. Speci#l (r#de 0rade 8 &rdin#ry (r#de Pay Scale 2 0%--%-%-- (P 19-0%--%-%-- 9ith (P Q%+--;Q 9'--'+6-- 9ith (P %6-9'--'+6-- 9ith (P +%-, 4 'No. of Post * -.



'0 -0

-7 -1

* 7

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

"on-Selection '- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le %ssential i. P#ssed 1-th St#nd#rd ii. :ust possess # 8u#li!yin5 license !or dri3in5 c#rs #nd; or 3ehicles 9ith #t le#st three ye#rs* dri3in5 e?perience. Kno9led5e o! the 9or>in5 o! #utomo2ile minor rep#irs ".A. % ye#rs @irect recruitment

7duc#tion#l #nd other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

/ 1 1+

1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply to the promotes;@eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny :ethod o! recruitment, 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er #nd percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion;deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

11 18

".A ".A.

Sl. No. 1 8 2 4 * 7 : / 1 1+ "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y


Recruitment Rule Computer Pro#rammer -0 (roup ),* P,-% Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 0+--;Selection "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 "&C APPK $A,K7 P(C ($omputer Science) on deput#tion !#ilin5 9hich on contr#ct 2#sis. Brom #mon5st P(C($omputer Science) o! Kendriy# Vidy#l#y#s h#3in5 the !ollo9in5 7duc#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions<Atle#st 00I m#r>s in #ny o! the !ollo9in5<(i):#sters @e5ree in $omputer Applic#tion;$omputer Science; n!orm#tion Cechnolo5y !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity &R :. Cech (9ith speci#liD#tion in $omputer Applic#tion;$omputer Science; n!orm#tion Cechnolo5y) !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. &R ,.7.;,.Cech in $omputer Applic#tion;$omputer Science; n!orm#tion Cechnolo5y !rom # reco5nised 4ni3ersity. (ii)-0 ye#rs e?perience in te#chin5 or tr#inin5 in prescri2ed su2Ject includin5 e?perience o! #ctu#l pro5r#mmin5 !rom o!!ices o! $entr#l;St#te (o3t;Autonomous 2odies. ".A

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotes Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de.



! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

Recruitment Rules for the post of Post 0raduate Teacher Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Post (r#du#te Ce#cher 6-7' #s on -1--1-%-1% (roup ),* Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;- (7ntry Sc#le) Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs.0+--;- (Senior Sc#le) Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs...--;- (Selection Sc#le)

0. ..

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

Selection +- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l 1. C9o ye#rs* nte5r#ted Post (r#du#te :.Sc $ourse o! Re5ion#l $olle5e o! 7duc#tion o! "$7RC in the concerned su2JectE &r :#ster @e5ree !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity 9ith #tle#st 0-I m#r>s in #55re5#te in the !ollo9in5 su2Jects< #) P(C (7n5lish)- 7n5lish 2)P(C (=indi) H =indi or S#ns>rit 9ith =indi #s one o! the su2Jects #t (r#du#te le3el. c) P(C (:#ths) :#them#tics; Applied :#them#tics d) P(C (Physics)HPhysics ; 7lectronics;Applied Physics; "ucle#r Physics. e) P(C ($hemistry) $hemistry; ,io. $hem. !)P(C (,iolo5y) - ,ot#ny; Roolo5y; Ki!e Sciences;,io Sciences; (enetics; :icro ,iolo5y;,io Cechnolo5y; :olecul#r ,io;Pl#nt Physiolo5y pro3ided they h#3e studied ,ot#ny #nd Roolo5y #t (r#du#tion le3el. 5) P(C (=istory) H =istory h) P(C (eo5r#phy-(eo5r#phy i) P(C ($ommerce) H :#ster*s @e5ree in $ommerce. =o9e3er, holder o! @e5rees o! :.$om in Applied;,usiness 7conomics sh#ll not 2e eli5i2le. J)P(C (7conomics) H 7conomics; Applied 7conomics; ,usiness 7conomics. %. ,.7d. or e8ui3#lent de5ree !rom reco5niDed uni3ersity '. Pro!iciency in te#chin5 in =indi #nd 7n5lish medi#. Desira&le Kno9led5e o! computer #pplic#tions.


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees

A5e H "o 7duc#tion#l Lu#li!ic#tions HFes, =o9e3er, the condition o! h#3in5 0-I m#r>s #nd #2o3e in the su2Ject concerned in :.A;:.Sc sh#ll not #pply in c#se o! te#chers 9ho h#3e

9. 1-.

Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de.

rendered #t le#st -0 ye#rs o! ser3ice in KVS #s C(C. -% ye#rs 1-- I direct recruitment !or those su2Jects 9hich do not h#3e !eeder c#dre #nd 0-I 2y @irect Recruitment th#t includes c#mpus selection !rom $entr#l 4ni3ersities loc#ted in "7 Re5ion #nd rem#inin5 0-I promotion throu5h limited dep#rtment#l e?#min#tion. ,y Promotion throu5h Kimited @ep#rtment#l 7?#min#tion< !rom #mon5st eli5i2le C(Cs h#3in5 three ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s C(C in KVS 9ith :#ster*s @e5ree in th#t su2Ject;com2in#tion o! su2Jects. Beeder post C(C (S#ns>rit) 9ho h#s post 5r#du#tion in th#t su2Ject C(C (=indi) C(C (7n5lish) C(C (:#ths) C(C (Science) C(C (S.St.) Promotion#l post P(C (=indi) (Pro3ided the c#ndid#te h#s Post 5r#du#tion in =indi) P(C (=indi) P(C (7n5lish) P(C (:#th; Phy.;$hem.) P(C (,iolo5y; $hemistry) P(C (=istory; (eo5r#phy; 7conomics; Pol. Sc.; Sociolo5y


n c#se 3#c#ncies #re not #3#il#2le in # p#rticul#r su2Ject c#dre #t the P(C le3el !or 9hich # senior C(C is eli5i2le, # C(C H 9ho m#y 2e Junior in the s#me !eeder c#dre m#y 2e promoted 9ithout promotion o! the senior i! 3#c#ncies #re #3#il#2le in # di!!erent su2Ject c#dre #t the P(C le3el i! the Junior is eli5i2le !or it. ,y Kimited @ep#rtment#l 7?#min#tion to C(Cs o! KVS possessin5 essenti#l 8u#li!ic#tion prescri2ed #t Sl. "o. 7 G 11 #nd minimum re5ul#r ser3ice o! -' ye#rs #s C(C. 1%. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition ".A.

Recruitment Rules for the post of Post 0raduate Teacher (Computer Science)? Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Post (r#du#te Ce#cher ($omputer Science) 9'- #s on -1--1-%-1% (roup ),* Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;- (7ntry Sc#le) Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs.0+--;- (Senior Sc#le) Rs.10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs...--;- (Selection Sc#le) ". A. +- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$, SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l < At-le#st 0- I m#r>s in #55re5#te in #ny o! the !ollo9in5E 1. ,.7 or ,. Cech. ($omputer Science; C) !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity or e8ui3#lent @e5ree or @iplom# !rom #n institution; uni3ersity reco5niDed 2y the (o3t. o! ndi#. 9R ,.7 or ,. Cech. (#ny stre#m) #nd Post (r#du#te @iplom# in $omputers !rom reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. 9R :.Sc ($omputer Science); :$A or 78ui3#lent !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. 9R ,.Sc ($omputer Science) ; ,$A or 78ui3#lent #nd Post (r#du#te de5ree in su2Ject !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. 9R Post (r#du#te @iplom# in $omputer #nd Post (r#du#te de5ree in #ny su2Ject !rom reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. 9R ),* Ke3el !rom @&7A$$ #nd Post (r#du#te de5ree in #ny su2Ject. 9R )$* Ke3el !rom )@&7A$$* :inistry o! n!orm#tion #nd $ommunic#tion Cechnolo5y #nd (r#du#tion. %. Pro!iciency in te#chin5 in =indi #nd 7n5lish. Note $or su&se@uent promotion the incum&ent )ill ha.e to ac@uire B.%d. or e@ui.alent de#ree ".A

0. ..

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

C9o ye#rs 1--I direct recruitment.

11. 1%.

".A ".A

Recruitment Rules for the post of Post 0raduate Teacher (Bio3Technolo#y)? Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Post (r#du#te Ce#cher (,io-Cechnolo5y) '% #s on -1--1-%-1%) 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-% <Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6--;( 7ntry sc#le) P,-' <Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. 0+--;( senior sc#le) P,-'< Rs. 10.---'91-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. ..--;( selection sc#le) ".A. +- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l < At-le#st 0-I m#r>s in #55re5#te in #ny o! the !ollo9in5E :#ster @e5ree in ,io Cechnolo5y;(enetics;:icro ,iolo5y;Ki!e Science;,io Science;,io $hemistry. %. Pro!iciency in te#chin5 in =indi #nd 7n5lish Note $or su&se@uent promotion the incum&ent )ill ha.e to ac@uire B.%d. or e@ui.alent de#ree. ".A

0. ..

1hether selection post or nonselection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists, 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

C9o ye#rs 1--I direct recruitment





Recruitment Rules for the post of Trained 0raduate Teacher Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Cr#ined (r#du#te Ce#cher 11.+- (#s on -1--1-%-1%) 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* Rs. 9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +.--;- (7ntry Sc#le) Rs.9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs. +6-- - (Senior Sc#le) Rs.9'---'+6-- 9ith (r#de P#y o! Rs.0+--;(Selection Sc#le) Selection '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l 1) Bour ye#rs* nte5r#ted de5ree course o! Re5ion#l $olle5e o! 7duc#tion o! "$7RC in the concerned su2Ject 9ith #t le#st 0-I m#r>s in #55re5#te E &R ,#chelor*s @e5ree 9ith #t le#st 0-I m#r>s in the concerned su2Jects; com2in#tion o! su2Jects #nd in #55re5#te. Che electi3es su2Jects #nd K#n5u#5es in the com2in#tion o! su2Jects #s under < #) Bor C(C ()S#ns>rit)< S#ns>rit #s # su2Ject in #ll the three ye#rs. 2) Bor C(C (=indi)< =indi #s # su2Ject in #ll the three ye#rs. c) d) Bor C(C (7n5lish) < 7n5lish #s # su2Ject in #ll the three ye#rs.

0. ..

1hether selection post or nonselection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

Bor C(C (S.St) Any t9o o! the !ollo9in5< =istory, (eo5r#phy, 7conomics #nd Pol. Science o! 9hich one must 2e either =istory or (eo5r#phy. e) Bor C(C (:#ths) - ,#chelor @e5ree in :#ths 9ith #ny t9o o! the !ollo9in5 su2Jects< Physics, $hemistry, 7lectronics, $omputer Science, St#tistics. !) Bor C(C (Science)- ,ot#ny, Roolo5y #nd $hemistry. %) P#ss in the $entr#l Ce#cher 7li5i2ility Cest ($C7C), conducted 2y $,S7 in #ccord#nce 9ith the (uidelines !r#med 2y the "$C7 !or the purpose. ') Pro!iciency in te#chin5 =indi #nd 7n5lish medium(!or Desira&le Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. 6. 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees; @eptt. 7?#minee Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. A5e- "o 7duc#tion#l Lu#li!ic#tions Fes, =o9e3er, the condition o! h#3in5 0-I m#r>s #nd #2o3e in (r#du#tion or e8ui3#lent sh#ll not #pply in c#se o! te#chers 9ho h#3e rendered #t le#st -0 ye#rs o! ser3ice in KVS #s PRC. C9o ye#rs




:ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

0-I 2y @irect Recruitment th#t includes c#mpus selection !rom R 7s #nd rem#inin5 0-I promotion throu5h limited dep#rtment#l e?#min#tion.

0-I ,y Promotion throu5h Kimited @ept. 7?#m< Brom #mon5st eli5i2le PRCs h#3in5 -0 ye#rs o! re5ul#r ser3ice 9ith ,#chelor*s @e5ree in th#t su2Ject;com2in#tion o! su2Jects #s prescri2ed !or direct recruits,


BA Departmental %(amination) 9pen to PRTs )ith atleast +* years re#ular in B6S. ".A.

Recruitment Rules for the post of >ead Caster Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules =e#d :#ster ..0 #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +.-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < 0+-(Selection Sc#le) Selection ".A ".A. ".A

0. .. 7. 6.

1hether selection post or nonselection post A5e limit !or direct recruits 7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

".A 0-I 2y promotion. 0-I 2y limited dep#rtment#l e?#min#tion !ollo9ed 2y inter3ie9.


By Promotion Brom #mon5st Prim#ry Ce#chers ser3in5 in the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y#s 9ho h#3e rendered #t le#st !i3e ye#rs* re5ul#r ser3ice #s such. ,y Kimited @eptt. 7?#m< &pen to Prim#ry Ce#chers o! KVS 9ho h#3e rendered #t le#st !i3e ye#rs o! re5ul#r ser3ice in KVS. A$ (Admn.); A$(Pers.) @.$. (Admn) Sr. Princip#l; Asstt. $ommissioner $h#irm#n :em2er :em2er


Recruitment Rules for the post of Primary Teacher Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Prim#ry Ce#cher 1'9%- #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +%-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +.-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. %ssential #) Senior Second#ry School $erti!ic#te 9ith 0-I m#r>s or ntermedi#te 9ith 0-I m#r>s or its e8ui3#lent 2) P#ss in the $entr#l Ce#cher 7li5i2ility Cest ($C7C) conducted 2y the $,S7 in #ccord#nce 9ith the (uidelines !r#med 2y the "$C7 !or the purpose. c) $ompetence to te#ch throu5h =indi G 7n5lish medi#. Desira&le Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. 6. 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition ".A

0. ..

1hether selection selection post




A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment includin5 c#mpus inter3ie9 !rom R 7s.





Recruitment Rules for the post of Primary Teacher (Cusic ) Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules PRC (:usic) 11%7 #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +%-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +.-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '- ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le.

0. ..

1hether selection post or nonselection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

%ssential 1) Senior Second#ry School $erti!ic#te 9ith 0-I m#r>s or ntermedi#te 9ith 0-I m#r>s or its e8ui3#lent #nd ,#chelor @e5ree in :usic or e8ui3#lent !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. %. $ompetence to te#ch throu5h 7n5lish;=indi medi#. Desira&le < Kno9led5e o! computer #pplic#tion ".A


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment.





Recruitment Rules for the post of Trained 0raduate Teacher(P5>%) Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules C(C (PG=7) 1-%+ #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +.-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < 0+-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$;SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. ,#chelors @e5ree in Physic#l 7duc#tion or e8ui3#lent ".A

0. ..

1hether selection post or nonselection post A5e limit !or direct recruits

7. 6.

7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment.





Recruitment Rules for the post of -i&rarian Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules Ki2r#ri#n 11-. #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +.-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < 0+-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$, SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 7ssenti#l i) ,#chelors @e5ree in Ki2r#ry Science &R (r#du#te 9ith one ye#r @iplom# in Ki2r#ry Science !rom # reco5niDed nstitution. ii) 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! =indi G 7n5lish. @esir#2le H Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. ".A

0. ..

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment.

11. 1%.

".A ".A

Recruitment Rules for the post of Trained 0raduate Teacher (Art %ducation) Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules C(C (A7) 1--+ #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +.-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < 0+-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$, SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 1. Bi3e Fe#rs* reco5niDed @iplom# in dr#9in5 #nd P#intin5;Sculpture; (r#phic Art. &R 78ui3#lent reco5niDed @e5ree %. 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! =indi G 7n5lish

0. ..

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits


1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition

@esir#2le< 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tion ".A

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment.

11. 1%.

".A ".A

Recruitment Rules for the post of Trained 0raduate Teacher(D%) Sl. No 1. %. '. +. Details "#me o! post "o. o! posts $l#ssi!ic#tion Sc#le o! p#y Recruitment Rules C(C (1or> 7?perience) 1-19 #s on -1--1-%-1% 9hich is su2Ject to 3#ri#tion dependin5 on 9or>lo#d. (roup ),* P,-%< 9'---'+6-(r#de P#y < +.-- (7ntry Sc#le) (r#de P#y < +6-- (Senior Sc#le) (r#de P#y < 0+-- (Selection Sc#le) ".A. '0 ye#rs. "o #5e 2#r in the c#se o! employees o! the Kendriy# Vidy#l#y# S#n5#th#n. A5e rel#?#tion !or S$, SC #nd other c#te5ories #s #pplic#2le under the (o3t. o! ndi# rules 9ould 2e #pplic#2le. 1.7lectric#l (#d5ets #nd 7lectronics< (i) Chree ye#rs @iplom# #!ter =i5her Second#ry in 7lectric#l. 7lectronics 7n5ineerin5 !rom #n institution reco5niDed 2y St#te (o3t.;(o3t. o! ndi# (Che minimum 8u#li!ic#tion !or #dmission to the @iplom# $ourse should 2e #t le#st =i5her Second#ry). &R @e5ree in 7lectric#l or 7lectronics 7n5ineerin5 !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. &R (r#du#te in 7lectric#l or 7lectronics 7n5ineerin5 !rom # reco5niDed 4ni3ersity. i) 1or>in5 >no9led5e o! =indi #nd 7n5lish. Desira&le (i) &ne ye#r pr#ctic#l e?perience in # reco5niDed 9or>shop institution;!#ctory. (ii) Kno9led5e o! $omputer Applic#tions. 6. 1hether #5e #nd educ#tion#l 8u#li!ic#tions prescri2ed !or direct recruits 9ill #pply in the c#se o! promotees Period o! pro2#tion, i! #ny. :ethod o! recruitment 9hether 2y direct recruitment or 2y promotion or 2y deput#tion;tr#ns!er G percent#5e o! the 3#c#ncies to 2e !illed 2y 3#rious methods n c#se o! recruitment 2y promotion; 2y deput#tion; tr#ns!er, 5r#des !rom 9hich promotion; deput#tion; tr#ns!er is to 2e m#de. ! # @P$ e?ists 9h#t is the composition ".A

0. ..

1hether selection post or non-selection post A5e limit !or direct recruits


7duc#tion#l G other 8u#li!ic#tions re8uired !or direct recruits

9. 1-.

C9o Fe#rs 1--I 2y direct recruitment.

11. 1%.

".A ".A

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