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lower pair mechanisms

Pantograph is a geometrical instrument used in drawing offices for reproducing given geometrical figures or plane areas of any shape, on an enlarged or reduced scale. It is a four bar linkage used to produce paths exactly similar to the ones traced out by a point on the linkage. It is also used for guiding cutting tools. Its mechanism is utilised as an indicator rig for reproducing the displacement of cross-head of a reciprocating engine which, in effect, gives the position of displacement. There could be a number of forms of a pantograph. One such form is shown in Figure 1.33. It comprises of four links : AB, BC, CD, DA, pin-jointed at A, B, C and D. Link BA is extended to a fixed pin O.

1. It consists of a jointed parallelogram ABCD as shown in the figure. 2. It is made up of bars connected by turning pairs. 3. From similar triangles OAD and OBE, 4. Let O be fixed and the points D and E move to some new positions D and E. Then 5. Therefore the point E traces out the same path as described by point D. 6. A pantograph is mostly used for the reproduction of plane areas and figures such as maps, plans etc. 7. A modified form of pantograph is used to collect electricity at the top of electric trains.

Straight Line Motion Mechanisms

A mechanism built in such a manner that a particular point in it is constrained to trace a straight line path within the possible limits of motion, is known as a straight line motion mechanism.

(OR) Straight line motion mechanisms are mechanisms, having a point that moves along a straight line, or nearly along a straight line, without being guided by a plane surface. Condition for exact straight line motion: If point B (fig.1.40) moves on the circumference of a circle with center O and radius OA, then, point C, which is an extension of AB traces a straight line perpendicular to AO, provided product of AB and AC is constant.


Exact ,approximate and generated types

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