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I was born January 11, 1996 in Lakeland Hospital, at 6:00 a.m. My family says I was a wonderful !ild.

I was full of life. I attended t!e Lafon " !ool for pre#$% it was my first and only &at!oli " !ool. 'n e I (raduated and mo)ed up to $inder(arten, I went to Mildred 'sborne. I was t!ere up until t!e end of my se ond (rade year. I li)ed wit! my (randmot!er due to my mom bein( in t!e military. "!e was in Ira* fi(!tin( in t!e war and I was left !ome wit! my (ram. +!en s!e (ot !ome we mo)ed to ,ort! &arolina. -!is was my t!ird (rade year. .fter only stayin( t!ere for a few mont!s, we mo)ed ba k !ome, my mom ouldn/t take t!e old weat!er and neit!er ould I. +!en I (ot ba k, I went ba k to Mildred 'sborne. "!ortly after my return, my (randmot!er died, and s!ortly after t!at, $atrina stru k. I was like e)eryt!in( was (oin( a(ainst me% I was so youn( and didn/t really understand. -!e years passed and I went from .tlanta, to -e0as, to 1aton 2ou(e, and t!en finally, I ba k !ome. I returned 3ust into to (raduate ei(!t! (rade, and start my life as a teena(er in !i(! s !ool. 2i(!t now, I am (ettin( ready to (raduate !i(! s !ool and I am little bit e0 ited. I !a)e a !ie)ed many t!in(s t!rou(!out t!ese four years of bein( !ere. I !a)e a (ood 45. and I feel t!at I am ready for olle(e t!anks to t!e !elp from my tea !ers at ,'&&. and 6aston. I am workin( at 1askin 2obbins and t!at e0perien e is tea !in( me to be responsible. I also work for a non#profit or(ani7ation and I know t!at t!at will (et me e0tremely far in life. I know t!at it/s all about w!o you know and t!e or(ani7ation t!at I work for is full of people t!at are (ood to know. I feel t!at I am e0tremely ready for life outside of !i(! s !ool. .s for my future, I feel t!at I will be )ery su essful. I plan to attend Howard 8ni)ersity, 8ni)ersity of &in innati, or "amford 8ni)ersity. I will ma3or in musi al t!eatre and minor in medi ine. .fter I (raduate I plan to work on 1roadway and maybe e)en on some tele)ision. I

don/t wis! to !a)e a family until I know t!at I am satisfied wit! my life and my areer. .fter my su ess as an a tress, I want to marry and t!en !a)e two kids. I know t!at I will li)e a !appy life.

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