Chaos Theory

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Chaos theory Chaos theory as a name comes from the fact that the systems that generate energy

but which are not predictable, describes (non-linear systems) would seem to be disordered or random or at least unpredictable. Chaos theory tries to find some underlying order in what appears to be random events or data. Chaos theory says that small changes in the initial condition can lead to vast differences in the final outcome. More broadly applied, the Butterfly Effect means that what may appear to be insignificant changes to small parts of an organization can have exponentially larger effects when put into place. Butterfly effect

if a butterfly flaps its wing in the Amazon it will lead to a thunderstorm in Kansas 2 years later. Chaotic events are deterministic but inherently unpredictable Chaos Theory is important here for business leaders because it is critical to embrace the idea, sometimes just for the sake of the idea. We would be wise to remember that order is in fact not control, and pulling in fresh ideas is the life blood of innovation and change. Innovation and change are the pillars of developing a high-functioning team. Members of effective teams frequently change and recreate the role that each team member plays depending on the needs. While someone may not be the formal leader, an informal leader may emerge because they know just the right way to address the need of the group. The most successful leaders understand that it is not the organization or the individual who is most important, but the relationship between the two.

In case of this case study Mr. Patel: the Regional Manager CRISCO: The client Ms Mary: Customer liaison Officer

Chaos theory implications: Less than 24 hrs for the meeting, Mr. Patel isnt aware of the meeting till the time his MD informs. Papers needed: correspondences, quotation, price negotiations. Messy cupboard, no proper arrangement of files.

This is what it may look likewhat should be done. Solution from my side : 5-S for the office stores area WHY?? A cleaner & more organized work area results in higher employee morale. Improved output and quality from knowing exactly where to find files, drawings, manuals, supplies, etc. Reduced cost from not having to re-purchase lost or damaged items. Streamlined processes through elimination of waste.

More organized and efficient workplace can lead to potential increase in orders, growing profitability The Visual Workplace affects everyone! How should be done: Sort Remove non-essential items from work area Sort through desk drawers, file cabinets, carts, tables, office supplies, materials, paper work, and discard unneeded items Remove hardcopy items where not needed Sort computer files the same as hardcopy files remove outdated and unused folders Set in Order Replace files and folders in a more organized manner Organize by removing waste in the processes; reduce movement and transportation Label files, drawers, cabinets, shelves, etc. Label office equipment in common areas. When labeling, ask the question Could someone find these items if Im not here? If not, label it. Use color coding to make it easier to locate and store similar information. Shine Clean, dust, and mop to show off your work area Dirt, dust and clutter can have an adverse effect on quality, safety, and morale - clean everything. Clean work environments leave customers with a comfortable feeling about your quality.

Any necessary repairs should be noted and fixed on the spot Standardize Define and document best practices for accomplishing the tasks in the area. Eliminate waste in tasks and processes. Train everyone to the best practices Sustain Make 5S a daily part of standard work Define tasks needed to maintain 5S. Implement daily and weekly assignment sheets to insure tasks are completed. Set up auditing to ensure ongoing use

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