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Mark : Exercises Pupil : Roberta Date :

1)Find the English correspondants of the following pictures. hen draw the! with the suitable colour

and !ention it in English. " Gaseste corespondentul in lb engleza pentru urmatoarele imagini.Apoi deseneaza-le in
culoarea potrivita si mentioneaz-o in engleza)


$$$.. can$$.. $$.$..can%t$$

&) ranslate the following text in English :

Maria este scolarita.Ea are opt ani.Ea are un frate' (nd) . El nu este scolar ' el are #* de ani " #* +twent)). Maria este o fata desteapta.Ea poate sa scrie si sa citeasca .

,)Find the !istakes and correct the!."gaseste greselile si corectea-a.le) :

/ ha0e 1 )ears . M) !other is at house. 2hildrens are in the classroo!. 3he ha0e a beautiful flower. " flower=floare) / ha0e two dog .
4)2o!plete the sentences with con0enient words :

M) na!e$$$$.and / a! $$$$$ / ha0e$$$$..and )ou ha0e$$$$.. Parrots can$$$$.but"Dar) $$$.can%t.

Homework : -draw the pictures from the 1st exercise and give the name of the colour - Search in the dictionary the following words and give their translation ( cauta in dictionar urmatoarele cuvinte si tradu-le)

"to) eat + "to) drink +

window+ nurse +

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