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THE PRONOUN Definition: The pronoun is that part of speech which in communication is used

instead of a noun or a noun equivalent called antecedent. Classification of Pronouns According to Content and Functions According to content and functions, pronouns fall into: 1. personal pronouns 2. reflexive pronouns 3. emphatic pronouns 4. demonstrative pronouns 5. possessive pronouns 6. interrogative pronouns . relative pronouns !. con"unctive#relative pronouns $. reciprocal pronouns 1%. numeral pronouns 11. indefinite pronouns 12. negative pronouns &he Agreement of the Pronoun The pronoun agrees in ender! person and num"er with the noun or noun equivalent it represents. &he 'o(s came in. &he( loo)ed exhausted. (masculine, third person, plural) As far as its case is concerned, the pronoun is independent from its antecedent. &he 'o(s (nominative) came in at . &hen * sa+ them (accusative) go out at !.

Form of the Pronouns 1

Personal, possessive, reflexive and emphatic pronouns, with a few exceptions, have different forms for person, num er and gender. The personal pronouns alone have different forms for case, as well. The interrogative!relative pronoun +ho has different forms for case. The demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those as well as the indefinite pronoun other have different plural forms. -(ntactical Functions of the Pronoun "n the sentence the pronouns generall# discharge the same functions as the nouns: su $ect: .e is not a man to 'e trusted. direct o $ect: /hom did (ou meet there0 part of a prepositional o $ect: * +as stopped '( him in the street. 1. Personal pronouns # indicate persons as follows: The first person singular who does the tal%ing: * The second person singular who is tal%ed to: (ou The third person plural who is tal%ed a out: he, she, it. & s1. "n actual usage pronouns have: personal reference such as *, me, (ou, he, she, +e, us' impersonal reference such as it1 'oth personal and impersonal reference such as the(2them. & s(. The same persons have corresponding plural forms: +e, (ou, the(. & s). *speciall# in poetic st#le as well as in old texts, one also comes across the archaic form of (ou, i.e. +. thou (#ou)' ,. thine (#ours)' -. to thee (to #ou)' Acc. thee as well as (e (#ou . second person plural). According to their case declension, personal pronouns have the following forms:
/ingular +. ,. -. Acc. " mine (to) me me #ou #ours (to) #ou #ou he his (to) him him Plural she hers (to) her her it ! (to) it it

+. ,. -. Acc.

we ours (to) us us

#ou #our (to) #ou #ou

the# theirs (to) them them

& s0. The pronoun it is grammaticall# pol#functional, as follows: demonstrative it: /ho is it0 "mpersonal it: *t is raining. "ntroductor#!anticipator# it3 *t is said he is ill. "ntroductor#!emphatic it: *t +as then that * too) a final decision. especiall# that the action of the respective ver is directed towards the su $ect. There are the following reflexive pronouns: m(self (ourself himself (masc.) herself (fem.) itself (neuter) oneself (indefinite) ourselves (ourselves themselves .e considered himself the 'oss. .e +ashed himself carefull(. ). Emphatic pronouns accompan# nouns or personal pronouns in order to emphasi1e their meaning. *mphatic pronouns have the same form with reflexive pronouns. The onl# difference etween them is the fact that emphatic pronouns are stressed in speech. Their position is either immediatel# after the respective noun or pronoun or at the end of the sentence: .e himself +ent there. .e +ent there himself. 0. Demonstrative pronouns replace an expressed or unexpressed noun or noun equivalent and defines it in terms of their time or place coordinates: )

(. Refle$ive pronouns are the pronouns which accompan% a ver" in order to show

a. for nearness (or proximit#): this (sgl.), these (pl.)' . for distance (or remoteness): that (sgl.), those (pl.). & s. 2hen used as pronouns, the following words can also e considered demonstrative pronouns: such, the same, another, the other, the others, others, either, the former, the latter: *f * +ere to meet him again, * +ould do the same. /hich +ould (ou li)e0 4ither +ill do5 3. &nterro ative pronouns are used in direct or indirect interrogative sentences, replacing the nouns or noun equivalents which are expected to answer the respective question. Therefore, the# have an epiphoric function in the sentence. There are three such interrogative pronouns: +ho0 +hat0 +hich 6of70 'HO /ho onl% refers to nouns or pronouns of masculine and feminine ender , with the e$ception of the enitive form whose which also refers to neuter nouns. There are the following case forms of +ho: +. who4 ,. whose4 -.(to) whom4 Acc. whom4 /hose are these gloves0 & s1. 2hen +ho is used as su $ect of the sentence the lin%ing ver is in the singular: 8uess /ho9s Coming to :inner. & s(. 2hen +ho is used as a predicative, the ver agrees in num er with the su $ect: /ho is he0 /ho are the(0 'H(T As an interrogative pronoun, +hat refers to a noun, a noun equivalent or a whole sentence: /hat is it0 /hat did (ou sa(0 & s1. 2hen +hat is a su $ect, the predicate ver is in the singular: /hat comes next0

& s(. 2hen +hat is used as a predicative, the lin% ver agrees in num er with the su $ect: /hat is he0 /hat are the(0 'H&)H *O+, The interrogative pronoun +hich is selective in meaning, impl#ing choice or preference. "t is used oth for animate and inanimate o $ects. "n actual usage, although it ma# have the form +hich, it alwa#s implies the preposition of: /hich 6+hich of them7 is taller, ;ohn or <ar(0 /hich of these people can 'e trusted0 E$ercises:
1. 5ill in the correct pronouns. 1. 6# sister 7ane loves oo%s. This novel is for (she) her. (. 6# children li%e -isne# films. The video is for (the#) 8. ). 6# rother 6att collects picture postcards. These postcards are for (he)8. 0. 6# parents li%e 9atin music. The :- is for (the#) 8. 3. " li%e watches. This nice watch is for (")8. ;. 6# wife and " love sweets. These sweets are for (we)8. <. 6# nephew li%es cars. The to# truc% is for (he)... =. 6# neigh our wants to go to :alifornia next #ear. The guide oo% is for (she)8. >. ?ere is another souvenir. " don@t %now what to do with (it)8. 1A. Bou %now what4 ! "t@s for (#ou)8. -. Possessive (d.ectives / Replace the personal pronouns "% possessive ad.ectives.

1. 2here are (#ou) (our friends now4 (. ?ere is a postcard from (")8friend Pegg#.

0. 3. ;. <.

/he lives in Australia now with (she) 8famil#. (/he) 8hus and wor%s in +ewcastle. (?e)8compan# uilds ships. (The#) 8children go to school in +ewcastle. (") 8 hus and and " want to go to Australia, too. 2e want to see Pegg# and (she)8famil# next winter.

0. Possessive Pronouns/ Replace the personal pronouns "% possessive pronouns.

1. (. ). 0. 3. ;. <.


This oo% is (#ou) (ours. The all is (")8. The lue car is (we)8. The ring is (she)8. 2e met Paul and 7ane last night. This house is (the#)8. The luggage is (he)8. The pictures are (she)8. "n our garden is a ird. The nest is (it)8. This cat is (we)8.

1A. This was not m# fault. "t was (#ou)8.

1. Refle$ive and Reciprocal Pronouns: Decide whether %ou have to use the refle$ive pronoun! the reciprocal pronoun *each other, or nothin . 1. 7ohn hurt 8when clim ing the tree. (. Peter and /ue helped 8.with the homewor%. ). The wild mon%e# loo%ed at 8in the mirror. 0. Crigit and Cill# smiled at 8.. 3. 2e@re meeting 8. at the station. ;. -uring the meeting, 7ane and 6ar# were tal%ing to 8. <. 2e need to concentrate 8. 2. Relative Pronouns *who 3 which 3 whose,/ )hoose the correct relative pronoun *who! which! whose,. 1. This is the an% 8was ro ed #esterda#. (. A o#... sister is in m# class was in the an% at that time. ). The man 8ro ed the an% had two pistols. 0. ?e wore a mas% 8made him loo% li%e 6ic%e# 6ouse. 3. ?e came with a friend 8.waited outside in the car. ;. The woman 8.gave him the mone# was #oung. <. The ag 8.contained the mone# was #ellow. =. The people 8were in the an% were ver# frightened. >. A man 8mo ile was ringing did not %now what to do. 1A. A woman8 daughter was cr#ing tried to calm her. 11. The car 8the an% ro ers escaped in was orange. 1(. The ro er 8mas% was o viousl# too ig didn@t drive. 1). The man 8drove the car was nervous. 10. ?e didn@t wait at the traffic lights 8were red. 13. A police officer8 car was par%ed at the next corner stopped and arrested them.

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