History of The US From Origin To 1877 Chapter 3 "A Meeting of Cultures"

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Chapter 3.

Settling the Northern Colonies 1)Protestant affirmation produces Puritanism a)How did the Calvinist churches (followers of John Calvin) differ from the Anglican Churches? ID:Martin Luther 2)The Pilgrims end their pilgrimage at Plymouth. a)Did the Pilgrims come to the Americas for religious freedom? ID:Separatists 3)The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth a)How the Massachusetts Bay different from the Plymouth colonists? b)"We shall be as a city upon a hill." Explain. ID:Archbishop William Laud 4)Building the Bay colony a)How did Massachusetts Bay democracy differ from modern day democracy? b)Virginia migrants vs Massachusetts migrants. Explain. (P.36) c)Why did Roger Williams deny the right of the state to control religious behavior? (lecture) ID:theocracy, Anne Hutchinson 5)New England spreads out a)What was the relationship between the Massachusetts Bay colony and the beginning of the other New England colonies? 6)Puritans vs Indians ID:Squanto, Metacom (King Philip) 7)Seeds of colonial unity and revolt ID:Dominion of New England 8)New Netherland becomes New York a)Why was New York (New Amsterdam) more like a southern colony than a middle colony? b)How did New Amsterdam become New York?

ID:Henry Hudson, Dutch West India Company 9)Penn's Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania a)Why were Quakers seen as dangerous to the social order? b)Why was Philadelphia called the City of Brotherly Love? c)Note founding of (p.43): New Jersey, Delaware ID: William Penn 10)The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies a)Why does the author call it the "middle way"?

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