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CV Skills - Ideas Listed below is the kind of phrases that are regularly used on CVs with their meanings.

You may find you have developed a number of these skills in some capacity, through previous employment, voluntary work, your course work or just through activities you have undertaken so make sure you incorporate them into your CV. Skills Portfolio - Highlight any word that best describes you People Skills !eam work o "upportive, facilitator, organised, co#ordinator, deliverer, imaginative, delegator, open#minded Leadership o $ynamic, motivator, team#builder, confidence booster, energetic, capable, outward looking, accountable, visionary %nterpersonal "kills o Listener, adviser, counsellor, politically aware, initiator, professional, co# operative, constructive, assertive Customer orientation o &elcoming, friendly, caring, approachable, constructive, o 'ccommodating, tactful, diplomatic, tolerant (ral communication o )ducator, trainer, communicator, presenter, promoter, influencer, humorous, empathetic, telephone skills *oreign Language o "pecific language skills, cultural awareness, international e+perience, written and oral e+pertise, sensitivity Self-Reliance Skills: "elf#awareness,confidence o -urposeful, focused, reflective, perceptive, honest, self#belief, objective, realistic, balanced "elf#promotion skills o -ositive, persuasive, pleasant, proactive, persistent, ambitious, opportunistic, promoter %nitiative and pro#activity

o .esourceful, energetic, drive, fle+ible, self#starter, self#reliant, initiative /etworking skills o %nitiator, trustful, personable, relationship#builder, persistent developer, resourceful, respected &illing to learn o 0otivated, adaptable, enthusiastic, active, keen, learner, in1uisitive, continual improver 'ction planning o $ecision#maker, planner, organised, negotiator, responsive, evaluator, forward thinker, target#driven, able to prioritise Generalist Skills: -roblem#solving o 'chiever, successful, results#orientated, project management, creative, practical, logical, astute, agile mind %!,computer literacy o %! skills, software packages, common sense, task#orientated, progressive, specific, office skills, keyboard skills *le+ibility o 0ulti#disciplinary, fle+ible, versatile, multi#skilled, willing, obliging, mobile, adaptable /umeracy skills o 'ccurate, logical, problem#solver, detailed, methodical, consistent, 1uick thinker, analytical, thorough 2usiness 'cumen o Competitive, entrepreneurial, enterprising, commercial, foresight, budgeter, risk taker, effective written communication Commitment o $edicated, trustworthy, conscientious, reliable, loyal, punctual, knowledgeable, e+perienced

ob Skills 3ere are some job e+amples listing the kind of skills that can be developed from those particular jobs. You may not have done any of these jobs before but realise you have developed some of the skills highlighted through your own employment e+perience, through course work or through a variety of activities you have undertaken and if you have, then make sure you incorporate them into your own CV. Part-ti!e "ar #ork %f you asked most students what skills,e+perience they developed from working in a bar, most would say only the following4 "erved customers, took customer orders, cleared the tables after use, cash handling. &hen in fact this particular job role provides the potential to develop all of the following skills4 !eam work $ecision making &orking on your own initiative &orking and coping under pressure Customer service 5 customer care skills Communication skills both verbal 5 listening &orking to deadlines *inancial awareness,numeracy (rganisation !ime management -ossibly supervision and therefore dealing with staffing issues Cash handling -roduct,market knowledge 3ealth 5 safety knowledge -ossibly creative thinking thinking of new layouts -ossibly promotional promoting a particular brand of drinks therefore brand management Legal elements eg licensing laws

Part-ti!e #aitress$#aiter #,R%I(G #,R%I(G #,R%I(G #I+H #I+H P),P&) #I+HPR'C+I *'+'$I(-,R C'& +HI(GS .'+I,( S)++I(G +'"&)S 3andling items rapidly S)'+I(G )+plaining Customer care, listening, P),P&)/ menu items helping, welcoming +'%I(G &riting clearly ,R*)RS to be understood by others *)&IV)RI(G $etailed, Checking for understanding, ,R*)RS +, consistent, maintaining relationships %I+CH)( organised S%I&&S G'I()* +'S%S S)RVI(G -,,* *)'&I(G #I+H C0S+,.)RS 'bility to memorise /egotiation skills *le+ible, 1uick thinker 2eing persuasive, listening, caring, tact, diplomacy and patience Customer service, approachable, friendly

#,R%I(G #I+H I*)'S !hinking of new table layouts -roviding creative options

!hinking of new systems for dealing with orders 2alancing items Creative thinking Coping with pressure

*)&IV)RI(G *inancial "I&&S/ awareness, +'%I(G numeracy .,()1 (* 'GIVI(G CH'(G) +H'(%I(G C0S+,.)RS

$ealing with people courteously

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