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To Whom It May Concern, It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Kate Knochel.

Kate has worked as my Graduate intern for our Delayed Expulsion School Counseling Center (D.E.S.C.C.) for the 2013-2014 school year with Portland Public Schools. From day one, Kate has demonstrated an exceptional level of competency and efficiency of supporting students by teaching guidance lessons, having an active role in staff meetings, family intake meetings, co-facilitating meetings with families and school meetings with students and their families. Kate has had a rich experience through this placement, meeting with community partners, mental health therapists, youth addictions agencies, administrators, parents, and school staff across the district. She communicates with a high level of integrity, trust, respect and embodies a strength based counselor who is professional and ready to be effective in any school setting. Kates ability to work from a solid understanding of counseling theory and best practices was demonstrated through facilitating morning community meetings with students and staff, teaching regular yoga lessons that were well received by students who are experiencing a high level of distress and anxiety in their lives. Her depth of understanding the complex behavioral issues of students who are experiencing a high degree of social/emotional academic issues is impressive. Kate eagerly participates in all aspects of the DESCC program and conducted a valuable action research project pertaining to career readiness, and our program will continue to use her lesson and curriculum because of its relevance to for our students. Kate demonstrates a high level of cultural competence with students and families and has participated in many trainings including the two day Beyond Diversity training that PPS provides. Kate is a highly ethical, competent and professional counselor, and speaking as a veteran counselor in schools, I would highly recommend Kate to any school counseling position to which she applies. Please feel free to contact me for further information. Lisa Weatheroy, M.S., DESCC Program Coordinator/Counselor (503) 916-5566 ext. 78364, Cell (503) 572-9879

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