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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template Grade Level/Subject: 4th/Reading Central Focus: Comparing/contrasting traditional literature

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.9 Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., Date submitted: Date taught: opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. Daily Lesson Objective: The students will be guided in comparing and contrasting a version of the story Cinderella to the traditional version using a Venn Diagram. 21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary): *Compare/Contrast: Students will compare/contrast two versions of the story Cinderella using a Venn Diagram. *Summarize: By noting key details of each story in the Venn Diagram, students will essentially have a summary of each version. Prior Knowledge: *know what it means to compare and contrast something *how to use a Venn Diagram *the traditional story of Cinderella

Activity 1. Focus and Review 2. Statement of Objective for Student

Description of Activities and Setting Start off by asking the students about the Cinderella stories theyve read. Call on a few students to help you summarize the story. Today were going to read another version of the Cinderella story called Rough Faced Girl. After we finish reading, were going to compare and contrast this story to the traditional story of Cinderella using a Venn Diagram. Read Rough Faced Girl, and remind the students that while youre reading they should be thinking about how the story is like the traditional version. After reading, draw a Venn Diagram (or pull it up on the smart board), and briefly talk about how to use it with the students. Ask them what they put in each bubble and clear up any confusion about it. Pass out a blank diagram to each student. Begin by asking the students to tell you a key detail from Rough Faced Girl, and then ask them to think about whether or not it is the same or different from the traditional version and write it in the appropriate section. Do this until there are at least two responses in each section, putting in some on your own if necessary. Have the students get into pairs and move around the room to find their own work area. The students will continue to fill in their diagram with their partner.

Time 5 min

1 min

3. Teacher Input

15-20 min

4. Guided Practice

5-10 min

5. Independent Practice

10 min

6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills: 7. Closure 8. Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:

*Informal Assessment: the students will turn in their papers after the lesson Bring the students back together and call on 3-4 groups to add their answers to the diagram on the smart board.

3-5 min

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations:

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations: *struggling learners: teacher will walk around the room during independent practice to assist with any groups that are having trouble *advanced: may be asked to fill out an additional diagram to compare Rough Faced Girl with one of the other nontraditional versions of Cinderella the class has previously read.

(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/SmartBoard slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at the end of the lesson plan.) -smart board slides -copy of Rough Faced Girl -Venn Diagram Worksheets

References: Reflection on lesson:

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