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2. Receiving 3. Storage 4. Production 5. Assembly 6. Packaging and packing 7. aterial !andling

%%. S!ipping %2. &''ices %3. ($ternal 'acilities %4. )uildings %5. *rounds %6. +ocation %7. Sa'ety Scra

". Personnel services #. Au$iliary production activities

,!e -ork o' designing a 'acility usually starts -it! an analysis o' t!e product to be made. or t!e service to be per'ormed. and a consideration o' t!e overall 'lo- o' material or activity. /t progresses. step0by0step. t!roug! t!e detailed planning o' t!e arrangement o' e1uipment 'or eac! individual -ork area. ,!en t!e interrelations!ip bet-een -ork areas is planned2 related areas are coordinated into units. sections. or departments -!ic! t!en are -oven into a 'inal layout. ,!e detailed steps by -!ic! t!is -ork is accomplis!ed are detailed in subse1uent c!apters.

Importance of Facilities Design

,!e importance o' 'acilities design to t!e e''icient operation o' an enterprise cannot be overemp!asi3ed. /t s!ould be recogni3ed t!at t!e 'lo- o' material usually represents t!e backbone o' a productive 'acility. and s!ould be very care'ully planned and not allo-ed to gro- or develop into an un-ieldy octopus o' con'used tra''ic patterns. Per!aps t!e concept can be summari3ed as 'ollo-s4
%. An efficient plan for the flow of material is a primary re1uisite 'or economical production. 2. The material flow pattern becomes t!e basis 'or an e''ective arrangement o' p!ysical 'acilities. 3. Material handling converts t!e static 'lo- pattern into a dynamic reality. providing t!e means by -!ic! material is caused or permitted to 'lo-. 4. Effective arrangement of facilities around t!e material 'lo- pattern s!ould result in e''icient operation o' t!e various related processes. 5. Efficient operation of the processes s!ould result in minimum production cost. 6. Minimum production cost s!ould result in ma$imum pro'it.

,!e material 'lo- pattern. t!en. becomes t!e basis 'or t!e entire plant design as -ell as 'or t!e success o' t!e enterprise. All too 're1uently. insu''icient emp!asis is placed on determining t!e most e''icient plan 'or t!e 'lo- o' material t!roug! production 'acilities. /t s!ould be our conclusion t!at t!e 'acilities design. or plant layout. process comes 'irst. 5ertainly one -ould not build a s!ell 'or a !ouse. and only a'ter-ard attempt to 'it into it all t!e t!ings necessary 'or a complete and com'ortable !ome 6eit!er s!ould one erect any industrial building -it!out 'irst completing a

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