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Preliminary English Writing for Senior Study

An essay must follow a logical structure and should consist of: Introduction Body Conclusion

What do you think should be in the Introduction? A detailed answer to the essay question also called a THESIS A foreshadowing of the points you intend to make, in the same order in which you intend to make them

The main part of the essay where you write at least one paragraph about each of the points you are making The body should be a logically connected series of statements backed up with evidence that prove that your answer to the question (your THESIS) is correct

The conclusion is where you re-state your THESIS and outline briefly how it has been proved to be correct Marks are lost if there is no conclusion

Introduction: this is what Im going to write Body: Now Im writing it Conclusion: this is what I wrote

Seems pretty simple doesnt it!

Your thesis is the idea or group of ideas that your essay is about. It should be at least 2 or 3 sentences in length. The more COMPLEX or multi-faceted your thesis is, the better. It gives you a lot to write about. Your thesis is the first thing the marker reads, and a strong, complex thesis makes a good impression.

Question: `The Apple Corporation is exploiting Chinese workers to make iproducts for rich westerners. What is your opinion of this?

Apple are bad. I agree that they exploit workers. I can prove it. Whats wrong with this thesis?

As a HSC student, I love my iphone and I dont particularly care about Chinese workers. Whats wrong with this thesis?

Although it is true that the Apple Corporation exploits, to some extent, Chinese workers; it is also true that most western electronics companies use the cheap labour of China to create their products, and that Apple is in fact a more responsible and caring employer than other companies, including Dell, IBM and Microsoft. However, the problem of third world exploitation for the sake of first world pleasure and gain is very real and not only limited to electronics.

Euthanasia should not be illegal. That status of women in Australia is higher now than it has ever been. There is more crime in NSW. Why arent the police and lawmakers doing something about it? Books will cease to exist in our lifetimes. This is a tragedy.

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