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First Aid

Heart Attack
Why heart attack sufferers generally get radiating pain down the arm, abdomen or jaw

The nerves in and around the heart do not accurately pinpoint the exact location of pain , and so the neurotransmitters get confused and tell the brain that different parts of the body hurts this is called referred pain
Clammy Sweaty skin How advanced medical care is used to deal with heart attacks - The paramedics can

give you oxygen and medication, and theyll monitor your blood pressure and heart rhythm to forestall complications as they speed you to the ER. In the hospital, doctors will take EKGs and blood tests to see if you are having a heart attack; if so, they will usually try to open the blocked artery with an angioplasty and stent or, if thats not available, with a clot-busting drug.
How does Aspirin help in a myocardial infarction When a plaque on the surface of a

coronary artery ruptures, it attract platets which trigger blood clotting and and so a clot build up on the ruptured plaque and so as the clot grows it can completely block the artery. Now one of aspirins functions is to help inhibit platelets and because the clot grows minute by minute, time is of the essence.

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