Africa in The Americas Before Columbus

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Africa in the Americas before Columbus

Make a list of ARCHAEOLOGICAL evidence only that Van Sertima uses to rove his theory that Africans came to the Americas !efore Colum!us"

-there were spears found in hispaniola which contained alloys similar to those in Africa -a cotton was found in the cape verde islands which resembled one which was grown in the americas -Ivan Van Sertima identified several sea currents which take you directly to the gulf of mexico -in 18 8! a stone head was discovered weighing 1" tons and showing!vividly! #egroid features$features resembling negroes% -some stone heads were discovered with ethiopian braids sculpted into the stone -they used dyes to make these heads resemble that of African skin -there were skeletons found in the americas showing africoid features -first pyramid found in the Americas! was found in the area where stone heads were scattered! and strikingly resemble those in Africa -&ransport techni'ues used by the indigenous Americas are same to those used in (gypt -Africans provided (uropeans with maps which showed the Americas! which the (uropeans had never seen before nor knew existed) As in their utter I*#+,A#-(! they thought the world was flat)))$i still want to know how they managed to enslave us black folk% -finally! in lake &iticaca in South America! a boat which resembled those used by the (gyptians was found) &his boat was made of reeds)

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